So Close

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Kumari hadn't shown back up after making her presence known, but Kimiko left treats as tribute to her everytime she went out to water her garden and plants. Her stomach grew beautifully and Ares never left her side. The wartime had subsided since the Minamoto had claimed power, soldiers would bring tribute to thank Ares for aiding them in the war. Kimiko and Ares would enjoy picnics under the cherry blossom tree and wonder through the grassy meadows beyond their home. Ares would pretend to take her through cities of foreign places when in fact they just travelled across the wide field opposite the river. Kimiko adored every minute of it, closing her eyes and pretending to see the stone buildings rising high into the sky like trees. The streets lined with cobblestone or smooth stones in the shape of bricks. Ares would hold up some of the trinkets he brought to her and pretend to sell them to her as if she were buying from a merchant. Every day was spent in laughter, love and joy for the couple as they eagerly waited for their precious child to arrive. Ares smiled pushing his drink away leaning forward in the chair. "There is one day in particular i adored...."-"Really? From what you've been telling me life so far is absolutely blissful."-"Granted this modern day technology is pretty nice and makes things much easier. War is more complicated though i will admit, but that is just coming from an old geezer."-"I wouldn't call you old... just experienced." I wanted to at least keep the smile he had on his face. Kimiko was right, he really did have a wonderful smile. "Why don't you describe to me the day...." Ares nodded and held his chin in thought.

The day was warm and the sun shone bright upon our home. The new addition to our house was complete and my sweet Kimiko was waddling around the house whining about sore ankles and aching back but that she wouldnt trade it for anything. I was helping her pin up pictures of the foreign places up on the ceiling as she continued painting little stars on the ceiling. I moved some of the tiny toys we had purchased and placed them in the toybox and helped arrange the furniture of the room for her. A small rocking chair sat in the corner that he brought back from England along with a crib. Bookshelves from the local market filled with children's story from all over the world. Kimiko hummed happily as she stepped down from her box and placed the paint down. She rested her hand upon her belly and let out a big sigh. I couldn't resist myself and i knelt at her feet kissing her belly lovingly and pressed my ear to listen to my little one move and wiggle. she pet my head gently smiling at me no doubt. "Can you hear them?"-"Yes, they are quite active right now... I think that they want to come out just as much as we do."-"It is a shame that you can not tell if it is a boy or girl."-"Yes, but i think we will love them no matter what they are."-"Your absolutely right my darling... come on lets go have a picnic." I nodded my head standing up and going to the kitchen to try and help prepare a lunch. I sliced apples and oranges and tucked them into the small wicker basket. She prepared sushi rolls and rice cakes and placed them into the basket as well. She grabbed the goblets from persia and placed them in the basket and waddled to the cabinet reaching up groaning. I blinked seeing her reach for a bottle of champagne that was given to us on our wedding day. I smiled walking up behind her and lowered it down to her placing a gentle kiss upon her brow. "Its good that your tall, i can't reach very well with this big baby."-"You are just short dear, its cute." She shoved me teasingly and then held the basket out to me. I took it gladly and followed her cute waddling self out the door towards our beautiful cherry tree. Her feet were leaving small footprints in the grass and she giggled when she crossed the small river stones and tiny fish nibbled at her toes. I spread the blanket out and pulled the food from the basket, sure we didnt travel far but when we had a beautiful garden like this we had no need to. I helped ease her onto the blanket and smiled resting my head upon her lap. She giggled munching on pieces of fruit as the soothing rush of water and chirps of birds nestled in the tree created a perfect paradise. Kimiko would drop pieces of rice into his mouth along with fruit and meats. She would sing soft songs and feed me as we enjoyed our oasis, her eyes lifted up as a man came close to us. She smiled bowing her head and I lifted myself upright wondering what this person could want. "Can we help you?"-"Sorry... I um, i was wondering is this the house of Hachiman?"-"It is... what do you need?"-"We just wanted to thank you for all you've done... and give you this jar of honey as thanks for protecting us." Kimiko had squealed for joy at the word honey, if there was one thing she loved it was fresh honey. I chuckled lifting myself up taking the jar bowing in thanks for the gift. He quickly ran off which i found rather strange but the sound of cute whines and the scene of arms reaching for the honey made me forget the man. I set the jar down and chuckled cupping her cheek lovingly. "Let me go fetch some fresh bread from the kitchen." Kimiko nodded and tapped me in urgency to get in quickly. She was already dipping some apple into the honey and let out soft moans of delight from the sweetness of the honey. When i had returned with the bread she wasted no time in spreading it heavily on the bread and savored every bite. Once our food was finished She rested her head against my chest as we laid on the ground looking up at the blossoms. She gently traced her fingers across my chest as i felt the warmth of the sun start lulling me to sleep. "Ares.."-"Yes my blossom?"-"I've heard stories... rumors going around that another war could break out... do you think that is possible?" I held my chin in thought and then smiled kissing her head rubbing her arm. "It is always possible... but i think we do not have to worry about that for a long time."-"But we would be so close to the battlefield... what if our home gets destroyed in the crossfire?"-"then why dont we think about leaving japan?" Her eyes widened and she had sat up looking down at me in wonder. "l... leave japan?"-"Yes... we could go to that city on the water."-"But... but what about the garden?"-"My dear sweet kimiko... we can create a new garden, this time we can have our child help us grow it. We can plant a new cherry tree."-"Do you mean it?" I sat up holding her close to me my hand gently caressing her cheek. "There is nothing in this world i wouldn't do for you... you are my heart and my reason for living. I love you with all my heart Kimiko."-"I love you too Ares..." Ares had been holding his hands in front of him clasping on to the other like he was holding someones hand. I was so moved by the scene played before me. So simple and quiet in its nature but the depth of meaning it held to him showed. I could only wish i could go back in time and view the happy couple as they were. Loving and doting on each other endlessly. This relationship.... this immortal love was what all romance stories were based off. Romeo and Juliet had nothing on the love story of Kimiko and Ares. Torn lovers are indeed a tragedy especially since they were both so young only to die to be together... but to live a life alone knowing that your one true love is gone from this world... must be an unending source of sadness that could harden any heart.
"And it did..." I blinked i forgot that he could hear thoughts. "Do you think the reason you became more bloodthirsty in the legends is because of grief?"-"I know it is.... all i felt was rage for having her taken away from me. The grief of losing the only woman i ever loved along with my child killed me. Like i've said to you before miss angel, i am a broken man. All the money in this world, the tributes, the glory, the luxury... i would trade it all just to have her back. I would give away my immortality just to spend my life with her."-"Ares... I have to ask you. With Kimiko so close to her due date... um..." I flipped through my notes and then looked back at him. "During this picnic... you said that she was either going to give birth in one month or have an early delivery within the week.... with her due date so close what caused you to leave?" Ares twirled his glass sipping the scotch once more and sighed holding it against his head. "I have asked myself that question every day.... If i hadn't answered that prayer i would have been home to prevent the assassin from killing her... from...." He shook slightly and lowered his eyes to the ground. I reached my hand out placing it gently upon his knee and his eyes seemed to widen. He lifted them looking into my own eyes and i felt a little confused from his expression. He shook his head and sighed leaning back. "Sorry... um... i must have drunk more than i realize."-"Your fine, um would you like to tell me about what happened next?" He nodded his head and cleared his throat adjusting himself in the chair.

Ares Long Lost LoveWhere stories live. Discover now