Dearest Kimiko

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Obviously war is not only going to happen in japan, so Ares reluctantly left his watching post over Kimiko to attend to his other followers and worshippers. Ares told me that he would walk amongst the mortals in the regions that called upon him to see if his assistance was truly necessary for there was no rule that stated a God MUST help. His main source of worship as he told me though came from Japan at this time, and i didn't doubt it. From my own research, and a negligence to finish counting, I found that over three dozen battles occurred during the time of feudal japan! That's a lot of people to visit and attend to if your the God of War, but he did his duty and helped his followers with each call they asked of him. He also kept his word to Kimiko, he never went a day without seeing her. Whether it was from afar or holding her in his arms as she played music for him, that was what he enjoyed most. To hold Kimiko, or lay his head in her lap while they sat in the garden of her cottage along the Saru river as she played beautiful music. With each passing day the young couple fell more and more in love with each other, their hearts ached when they were apart and they enjoyed every second they spent together no matter how short. She would prepare traditional meals for him, and scold him when he forgot to take his shoes off before entering the house. Ares told me how one day she stole his shoes and hid them in the garden after the twentieth time he waltzed in with muddy battle shoes. It wasn't his fault that he got mud on his shoes, Ares defended to me but i had to take Kimiko's side on this one. I would be angry to if after a long day of cleaning my boyfriend just dragged mud all over the floor without checking to make sure his shoes were clean. They shared the small cottage Kimiko lived in when he was on earth, but they both knew that he couldn't spend too many days on the earth or else he could get in trouble with the king which was Zeus. The walls of the cottage on one end would be covered in pictures Ares would take with the 'magical picture device', now we call it a camera, that Hephaestus had made for him. Kimiko had longed to travel around the world to see the beautiful places that adorned her wall, but she was poor and the closest she came was with the foreign spices, clothes and pictures Ares brought back for her. She didn't want any horses, no servants or jewels. In fact Ares told me that when he brought home a beautiful necklace that belonged to a fallen queen, she told him to return it to the people. 'Return it to the people?' Ares had said back to her quizzically as he held the necklace in her hands. 'But kimiko my darling, this was a well earned trophy. It will look perfect on you, see how beautifully it accents your neck?" Ares had slipped the necklace around her while turning her to face the mirror and fastened the clasp to hold it up. Her eyes went wide with awe as she looked at the rubies, sapphires and gems shining on the gold chain and bases. Ares had his arms around her waist hugging her to him as he smiled in the mirror at her with his chin resting upon her head. She looked like a queen, and if society were smart enough she would have been a queen. Ares had paused, and i lifted my eyes from the notebook i had been writing his story down on to see him twirling the small glass in his hands just staring at the ice and liquid within. This wasn't when she died was it? Was i going to hear how someone just randomly shot an arrow in and killed her? No.. he just smiled more and chuckled rubbing his temple and then looked at me smiling. He asked me if I thought Gods and Goddesses knew everything. I was honestly stumped, I mean I was having a hard enough time believing that I was interviewing the God of War... no that the God of War existed!! But i guess it would be a little too demanding to claim that they should know everything so i told him no. He said that I was right, that he learned a lesson from one simple question that day. He said she had fiddled with the clasp trying to take it off while shaking her head and moving away from him saying. "A treasure such as this belongs with its people, how would you feel Hachiman if someone stole a treasure of yours?" She handed the necklace to him and folded his hand over it gently while smiling at him. "The gesture is very kind and gracious.. but i simply can't accept something so valuable to a people.. please my darling won't you take it back to them?" Ares told me he never could fight Kimiko, for anytime she looked at him with those soft brown eyes he already lost. He sighed and told her he would and within the instant he had bestowed the necklace to the queen again and returned to Kimiko with a small rose from the royal garden. This present she accepted and placed it within a vase with a wide smile, she loved flowers and Ares kicked himself for not thinking of getting flowers for her the first time. Kimiko was a woman of simplicity, she liked her garden, her music and pictures. The small trinkets of foreign things he brought for her, flashy gold and jewels never suited her. Gowns with embroidered gems were looked at with shyness and timidity, animals were asked to be sent back but what she always loved most Ares told me.. Was his smile. The smile he showed her when he walked through the door, the smile he showed before kissing her, the smile he showed when laying on her lap. That was what Kimiko loved most. I was bold in asking what Zeus had to say about the current living arrangement he had, and Ares said that Zeus didn't mind his little infatuation but that she was not allowed to be brought to Olympus, and that he must return back to his home for one day after spending three or four on earth. I thought this was rather generous of the God King, and Ares said he was relieved he was allowed to stay for so long. As time went by for the couple Kimiko expressed how she wished for a different item to call upon Ares with for she was afraid of dropping it and cutting herself. This horror was immediately fixed by Ares shifting the small dagger in his hand into a rather delicate and dainty locket that she could wear around her neck. It was silver like the dagger and had a black leather cord upon which it hung. Small cherry blossoms were etched and engraved into the metal and inside.. was a picture of him and Kimiko sitting by the river. 'What about yours?' Kimiko asked Ares as they laid by the river under the night sky staring into the stars. "What about mine? And what is it i'm without?" Ares asked her back smiling as she sat up and propped herself up on her elbow, the starlight framing her features perfectly. "What about a picture of me for you? Where is your picture holder?" Ares smiled and kissed her head while holding her close saying. "As long as i return home to you i won't need a picture, but if you wish me to have one I will have Hephaestus create a similar locket for me." Kimiko shook her head with a smile, it was clear to Ares she had gotten some sort of idea. "No.. I will go into town and buy one for you, that way I have something you made, and you'll have something I gave you." This idea was perfect and with a kiss upon her brow, and the gentle resting of her head upon his chest they spent the rest of that night under the stars in each other's embrace.

Ares Long Lost LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora