The Happy Couple

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Now Kimiko and Ares were married, and Zeus had removed the limitation of Ares time on earth as well as the necessity for Kimiko to summon him as a gift to him. So now the loving couple lived together at all times and Ares would shower Kimiko in gifts of exotic flowers, perfumes, candies and spices as well as the picture from where he went on his travels. Their home was a home filled with little trinkets of the world, it was a home of travelers and kimiko loved it. She loved to smell the strange fragrances of the flowers of distant lands, to taste the spices of different cuisines as well as the sweets of foreign nations. The pictures adorned the ceiling of their bedroom amongst painted stars and they would lie in bed staring at the pictures imagining journey after journey to the distant lands. How ares longed to take Kimiko with him to see a distant land. Perhaps the sophisticated streets of london, or maybe the winter wonderland of Russia. What about the floral paradise of India, or the great warriors den of Greece. Country after country entered his mind as possible places to take her.. but he couldn't decide which one she would adore more.. when he was busy answering prayers he would take a tour of the city afterwards to collect the token of his travels. This time he was in the sand haven of Persia, a land with almost as many legends and stories as India and Greece combined. Ares told me he was walking through the local bazaar when he saw a book called 1000 and 1 nights by a woman named Scheherazade. It was 1000 different stories told to keep a king entertained which delayed the execution of his new bride. It was the perfect gift Ares thought to himself.. the only problem was it was in sanscript and not japanese.. Ares bought the book anyway and decided that since Kimiko read him stories or told him fairy tales in japanese perhaps she would enjoy hearing him tell her a story. I asked him if it was difficult to read in sanscript but recite it in japanese. He told me he had read some of the stories over and over in order to write down notes of what to say in japanese so that it was a smooth process instead of choppy while reading from the actual text itself. I thought it was the sweetest thing i had ever heard and was definitely not something i'd expect from the god of war... The more i listened to him talk about what all he did for Kimiko, the more i saw how sweet and devoted he was to his beloved.. A classic romantic was an alternate persona for our god of war. Ares continued with his story and I couldn't help but smile as he told me of the nights he would read to Kimiko from the Arabian Nights book. Kimiko was also gifted when it came to nature according to Ares. She could make the flowers bloom by gently running her fingers over their petals. He also told me that his sister Demeter the goddess of spring and harvest smiled down at her garden greatly. Kimiko dedicated a small portion of her garden to Demeter by placing some flowers from Greece near the top of where the small creek entered through her garden. The love in Ares's eyes shone through like a bright lantern in a night sky as he talked about the way Kimiko would sing to some of her flowers while he sat by sharpening his weapons. Perfect harmony was achieved at this home, and love was abundant throughout every corner, every room and in every glance the lovers showed and shared together. I asked Ares if he ever did take Kimiko over to a distant land and he chuckled as he told me she panicked at the thought of going to another place and somehow shaming her family by upsetting the locals. I smiled softly at this, i suppose not everyone is meant for adventure. Ares probably could have gone on for days if not months talking about the little things Kimiko did that made him smile or laugh. I asked if they ever fought and he told me that from time to time over the years they were together they only had four fights. I found this to be amazing considering he was suppose to be short tempered and easily annoyed. He told me that it was never Kimiko's fault when they fought and that he was the one who mainly started the fights. Turns out that Ares is just like every other man with a stressful job. Once you have a bad day you go home and complain to your wife. Each time Ares and Kimiko fought he would leave for a few hours and what made him smile and apologize each time was the fact she had prepared dinner like usual but would wait for him outside the house and walk him inside by the hand with all the love in the world filling her eyes. It wasnt long until Kimiko started seeing some of her other married friends walking around with children of their own. Ares told me about the night Kimiko asked for a baby, he said he had never felt so scared in all his life. He had no idea on what to do for being a father, and with him being gone constantly how would he be able to raise the child as a father should. I laughed and told him he sounded just like every other man with a busy job. Ares nodded and then continued on saying that for weeks after she asked him she kept trying to do everything in her power to persuade Ares into giving her a child. However what kimiko didnt know is that a big war had broken out overseas and he was having to focus on making sure his patron family was surviving. One night he couldnt take it anymore and he gripped her by the arms and said to her. "Kimiko my darling.. my love.. I understand how badly you want a child.. but can't we try and have a child once i return home from the war.. Its almost over and i promise you and i will have a child." Kimiko nodded and they went to bed and enjoyed each others 'presence' for one last night before he left for his journey. Ares told me that Kimiko smiled brighter than usual the day he left and soon he was off overseas to the land of persia where his patron family was busy trying to conquer a new city. He said it was the longest week of his life and that watching Kimiko from afar, the way she seemed a little more tired and lonely from his absence almost made him leave his duty to return to her. However he knew that his obligation rested in his godly duty to his patrons and to watch over the soldiers and make sure that the laws of battle are respected.

Ares Long Lost LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin