Ch.12: Death and All His Friends

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~ Christina's PoV~ (tw//gore)

My friends were pretty stoked when they found out who my parents were. The initial shock ended in a huge fangirl attack. We had so much fun and ate so much pizza that I thought my stomach was going to pop. 

Josh made me my lunch and breakfast to go, so I can just eat at school. Another Monday, but hey at least it's not a Tuesday. I decide on a pink fuzzy long sleeved shirt and black leggings and black and white Nike's. I grab my jansport bag and lunch box and lock the door. 

The bus ride was pretty boring but I listened to the Hamilton mixtape, which is amazing. I get to school a little bit earlier than normal, so I decide to eat my breakfast on the front of the campus. I eat a bag of strawberries and some cut up waffles. It was a pretty good beginning to the day. 

Eventually I go to class and I try not to fall asleep during the boring power point. I decide to ask to go to the bathroom just to wake myself up. I grab the lanyard and head for the hallway. I see a girl and she's holding a schedule. She must be new. I remember being like that.. so lost. 

"Hey, um do you know where the gym is?" She asks. "Yeah, it's the other way though." I laugh. "Oh.. thanks." She says with a voice as high as a mouse. "No problem, I'm Christina by the way." I say with a smile. "Millie." She says before turning the other way. 

I reach the entrance of the bathroom when I hear a loud boom and the familiar voice of Millie scream. My heart freezes and my eyes go wide. I run into the bathroom and dare to look out of the side. Millie's lifeless body lies on the cold ground and a gunman looks down at her shot body. 

Tears form in my eyes as I realize I have to get out of here. I run to the other exit of the bathroom in the other hallway and run for the nearest classroom. More screams and gunshots follow. I try the nob on the door but it's locked. We are in a lockdown. "Please let me in... Please he's going to kill me." I scream knowing that the gunman shouldn't be far away and can hear me. 

The door opens quickly and I'm pulled in and ordered to get in the corner by a teacher. There are different types of people. There are people who are crying, ones who are texting loved ones, and some who are praying, but it doesn't matter. We are all scared. I put myself between a wall and another person before the door starts jiggling. I close my eyes. The silence is deafening. 

"Damnit!" A voice yells. It sends a shiver down my spine. The door lock is shot and the door is kicked open by a bloody black boot. A trench coat leaves a trail of blood. The man laughs then The teacher jumps in front of us. 

"These are kids!" He says his voice cracking. Those are his last words before his head is blown off by the gun. He turns the gun towards the person in front of me. In some sort of story I would have insane heroism and try to take the bullet for them, but I'm not in those and I am no hero. The guy sitting in front of me in this tiny corner gets shot and I act as if the bullet went through his back and into me and I lie on the ground like I am dead. 

I feel the still warm blood of the guy who might've just saved my life start to sink into my shirt. People scream and more gunshots are heard until the man walks out of the room. I'm too scared to move and no one knows what to do. I decide to stay like this until the police come but it feels like it's been hours. 

Tears fill the room and multiple people call the police. I hear a final  gunshot and then more footsteps enter the room. I keep myself from crying to make me appear dead. "It's the police you're okay now." He says to the few surviving kids in the room. 

I take a huge gulp of air and the tears start burning my cheeks. I'm covered in blood and the white part of my nike shoes are now bright red. "Close your eyes. We will lead you out. You do not need to see this." They say. We begin to be lead out of the room. I wonder about my friends. I hope there okay. I need to see Josh and Jen. 

As we are walking out, I didn't listen. I opened my eyes and started shaking violently. Students lined the floor in trails of red. There were so many of them. I couldn't even recognize half of them. As we are leaving. I see Millie her eyes still open and filled with terror, but also lifeless. 

We get out and see the bright of day and sobbing parents. Most of the kids who got out didn't see anything and came out looking the same, but a few of us, including me, came out with bloodstained clothes and blood drenched hair. Only when we get outside I faint from everything that has gone on. 

A/N: I put Tw so don't get angry. This was inspired by a few things. The main one being a tumblr post about geodes that said characters are like geodes, to see what they really look like you must break them and also a Grey's Anatomy episode (This chapter and that episode have the same title) that is a mass shooting. This gave me anxiety while writing it, but I had to break my character so y'all can see who she is. COMMENT how this made you feel and be honest.

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