Ch. 5: Not All Fun and Games

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I woke up to shattering in the kitchen. I automatically freeze in my bed. It could be an intruder... Then I hear the yelling. "Josh, I'm tired of this! I don't care about hiding this anymore! I want Claudia gone!" I hear Jen yell. I'm confused.. who is Claudia? Why are Jen and Josh hiding their relationship? "Josh, you get rid of her and until then I'm gone." Jen says and then the door opens and shuts. 

I knew it was too good to be true. I had a family and this Claudia person ruins it. It's not fair. 

I try to sleep then realize that it's no use. I play games on my phone until sun rises and I smell bacon in the air. 

I walk downstairs. I'm going to pretend like I know nothing. Should I bring up Jen? Ask where she is? That's what I think I'd normally do. 

I yawn as I sit down in a bar stool. "Good Morning." Josh says. "Good Morning." I smile trying to keep my cool. "So, um, is Jen still sleeping or-" I say before getting cut off. "Well, not exactly. Jen isn't staying with us for a while. We have some things we- uh- need to talk about and what not." He messes with his hair. I just nod and bite my lip. 

"But hey, cheer up! I made bacon and pancakes and we are taking a trip to Spain!" He smiles. Spain? This is awesome! I've never been outside of the country and never thought I'd have a chance to. 

The rest of the day went by slowly and now it's the day of our trip to Spain! Well technically it already began because I got a passport and we are on the plane and almost there. Josh says we've come for business, but nevertheless I'm excited. 

When we land, we get into a car that drives us into a hotel. It's nice, more likely than not five star, and we check in. "We want the penthouse." He says. Soon enough, we get the door keys and head up. The elevators are awesome and made of glass. I wish Jen was here and I haven't heard from her since her and Josh had an argument. 

As soon as the key unlocks the door I run in and find the first bedroom and plop on the bed. We are both jet lagged so we decide to take a nap. "I'll be in the bedroom right across from you, if you need me." Josh says. "Goodnight." he says shutting the door. 

I try to stay up for a while on my phone, but I don't succeed and fall asleep pretty quickly. I wonder what the rest of this trip holds.

A/N Im sorry for the long wait. This summer has gone by too fast. August 1 is soon approaching :/ Anyway what do you think about the book so far? I think this chapter is messy, but I was rushing and the next up coming updates are way better and not as choppy. I love you! Eat some pizza!

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