part 003

13 3 1

Aurelia's POV;

That ride to the restaurant was the most nerve racking times of my life and before i left I had changed into a matching off the shoulder floral crop top and the shorts, with white heels. i was so nervous, I literally couldn't contain myself. Maybe I was just nervous or maybe I was excited.

We pulled up in the car park and i was helped out by my dad. "thanks." i replied softly and shut the door behind me. we stood in a family unit and waited by the restaurant for the rest of the siblings to show up. one by one, they showed us. chris came first, then taylor and then arriving ten minutes after taylor was lauren.

they seemed pretty pumped to see me and i felt today was gonna be good. when lauren came, momma started introducing my family.
"chris, lauren and taylor meet aurelia, your little sister." she said with excitement. this followed by loud squeaks and giggles from the girls and a chuckle from chris and we embarked in a group hug.

after a while, we entered the restaurant and i ordered a salad with spinach since that was my favourite vegetable ever. the evening consisted of good food, amazing company and plenty of giggles.

an hour after we had ate, we were back at the house and they showed me up to my room, it was white and had a large bed in the middle with rose gold pillows and white sheets. it was only recently decorated and i loved it so much. i thanked them several times.

i was sat in my room, playing on my phone when lauren comes into the room, holding face masks, food, a movie and a box of makeup. "this is long overdue, let's have a girly night together!" she said and threw herself on my bed. i nodded with a happy smile. i looked at the film lauren had chose and giggled. "this is a good one!" i said with a laugh. we watched the film and had face masks.

by the end of the night, we fell asleep snuggled up to each other and tomorrow meant my first day at my new school, which fortunately was specialised in performing arts. i had heard about the elite company, a singing and dancing group, where we would get to tour around states and performed.

big shot right? agreed.

{ AN; LONG TIME NO SEE,, lol who am I kidding hardly any one reads this story but I'm still putting effort in. I really hope you liked this chapter whoever you are,, comment suggestions on story lines and characters to bring in!! love as always - lucy xo }

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