And then, he had reached another hand up to my other cheek and pulled my face towards his. I'm done fighting this mess of emotions. I may hurt Sirius in the future, but when I get back to 1997, I'm sure as hell going to make up for it.

Our lips met a bit harshly at first, not gentle but not wild either. But after a couple seconds, we both seemed to relax and take it slow. I reached both hands up, placing them on his neck with my thumbs rubbing against his jawline. Our tongues didn't meet, though there was a moment when we both parted our lips open.

The cliché sparks exploded from both my lips and stomach. My heart fluttered excitedly, still pounding wildly, but in a good way this time. My stomach turned, which is normally something that makes me feel bad, but this time, it's because of something other than anxiety.

We pulled away, gasping for air but meet each other's eyes evenly. A smile graced Sirius' face as he pecked my lips one last time, pulling away as quickly as it began.

"I guess now it'd be a good thing to ask again," Sirius muttered. "Renley, would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?"

A real smile spread across my face as I nodded and answered, "Yes."




Harry Potter hesitated slightly as he approached the hidden chambers nearby the kitchens. Classes had just ended for that day, and he was desperate for some answers. Remus was away doing God knows what, and Harry knew if he asked Dumbledore, the man would just speak in riddles. And so, that left Sirius.

Sirius was currently residing at Hogwarts until Henrietta returned. The boy noticed something... off about Sirius when the topic of Henrietta came up. Remus reacted differently than others too, but Sirius' reactions is what intrigued Harry the most.

The Gryffindor quickened his pace as he ambled towards Sirius' concealed quarters. The poor guy had been cooped up for a while, since he hadn't had his innocence proven yet. Dumbledore insisted he would schedule a meeting with the Minister of Magic as soon as possible.

Once Harry reached a small engraving in the wall, he knew he had made it to his Godfather's chambers. Clearing his throat nervously, he reached for his wand and tapped the wall. He then quietly whispered the password, which was, "Ice mice."

And yes, Dumbledore is the one who came up with that password.

A small crack formed in the wall, edging up and up, then turning abruptly to the left. Eventually it formed a rectangle, which Harry knew as a door. A little golden doorknob appeared on one side of the door, to which the boy grasped onto and twisted to open the entrance.

Harry shut the door behind him as he trekked into Sirius' chambers. "Sirius?" he called.

A muffled grunt came from a second room. Harry jogged towards it, cautiously opening the door to spot a bedroom. A limp form was tucked under the bed covers, and Harry could see strands of black hair.

"Sirius?" Harry asked again.

"Whaaat?" the man grumbled tiredly, pulling the sheets up to shield his face.

The Gryffindor hesitated slightly. What was he supposed to say?

"Um, I was wondering if... if you could tell me about how Henrietta was in your time?" he asked nervously.

Silence reigned over the room as Sirius tired form went rigid. A quiet, nearly inaudible sigh came from the man as he reluctantly sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Okay, sure," he muttered, giving a large yawn.

"Why are you sleeping? It's not even five yet," Harry queried.

Padfoot's Weakness - HP / Marauders time travelWhere stories live. Discover now