Peeta pov ( the baby)

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Peeta POV

"Surprise!!" they all yell. I mean I know that they were doing this but it still scared. I just looked at Katniss and she was smiling. Now everybody was talking to us and talking to each other. When I reached Katniss she said "is this what you did this morning?" I just smiled and nodded my head. God she was happy. Finnick comes to me and said "when is he due?"

"Friday the 21" I'm actually really scared. I really think that Katniss will be a good mom but me I feel like I will be terrible. Finnick had a son too so Maybe he could help me out. "Finnick what's it like having a son?" I ask. "Well there's many good and bad things about having a son. Like you can teach them sports and al your favorite activities,but when they grow up it will probably be hard."

"Well what do you mean hard?" Now I was getting nervous because I don't know what he means by hard. "I mean with like woman and school" he says. Oh ok well I don't need to know abut that yet.

"Thanks man" I say and then go back to Katniss and Annie.

"Peeta, how are you, you look great." Annie chirps.

"Good and thank you, you look good to" I say. She was really nice and I was always happy to see her.

The girls start talking about pregnancy and I find that my que to leave so I do and sense I really don't feel like talking to people I go to my room. I turn on the hollowgram tv and then there's a knock. I open it and it's Gale. Why is he here nobody invited him. "What" I ask. Then he says that everyone is leaving. "Bye" I say closing the door. After about 20 minutes I hear Katniss scream my name.

I go down stairs and see Gale holding on to Katniss. I step forward and only Katniss notices me. I signal her to be quiet and then I sneak up behind Gale and punch him in the cheek. He falls with Katniss but I catch her. She was crying and that broke my heart so I toke her upstairs. "What happened?" I ask.

"He kissed me and said that he was in love with me, then he started taking me to the door so we could leave." She says crying in my arms. My poor baby. She tightens her grip on me and it starts to hurt. I look down and she looks terrified.

"Katniss?" I ask

"Peeta, my water just broke" she says wincing at her own words. Oh my gosh I start hypervinalating and then i take her down stairs out the door and to the hospital.

"Yeah my girlfriend is about to have a baby!" I say ( it's Thursday by the way ) the lady was taking her time and I was getting frustrated then they came out but said I couldn't go in. Now I was pasting around and ripping out my hair. They said I could go in and I was relived for two reasons, I could still have some hair left, and I could see her.

She was jus sitting there looking at her fingers and when I came in she started crying. I ran to her and she hugged my and sobbed into my shirt. Soon it was soaked and the doctors came in. I had to hold her hand while they told her to push. "Your going to be ok" the doctor said.

"REALLY BECAUSE I BEG THE DIFFER AND THIS HURTS!!" Katniss yells. Wow. She never yelled like that be fore. Finally we hear a baby cry. I was so relieved and I saw something black cross my face and then I faint.

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