Katniss pov

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Katniss POV

What is Gale doing here. I don't understand like why didn't Peeta tell me. "Peeta why didn't you tell me, are you jealous of Gale being here?" I asked him.

"No and I just didn't tell you, Do I have to tell you everything." Peeta shot back not looking at me. he never spoke to me like that. it hit me hard and I felt a tear come down and wiped it away but more came then the hiccuping and then Peeta looked up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset. Peeta said. He reached out and touched my arm but I yanked it away and ran upstairs. Forget Gale I don't care if he's here. Banging and banging is all I hear and then whimpering and then a moan. the fuck is going on. After the moan I hear stay down and it was Gale who was he- PEETA. I opened the door so fast I almost hit myself.

Peeta was on the ground and Gale was on top of him. Peeta was knocked out, had a bloody nose, and a black eye. No why did Gale do this. "Gale why would you do this.... Get out Gale. "

"What, Katniss don't do this-" Gale said

"GALE GET OUT NOW!! DONT COME BACK!!" I yelled he hurt my boyfriend, baby's dad and partner, he just hurt Peeta and that's when people draw the line. "Goodbye Katniss I'm so sorry I hope you know that and I've always loved you." he said and he left.

What is up with everybody liking me,but Gale he's my best friend and I love him like a brother more then a boyfriend. I love Peeta and we will probably get married, like I love him that much. Gale and I, no I can't even imagine us as a 'couple', no.

After a couple of hours Peeta woke up, thank goodness. "Peeta!! your up thank goodness!" I went to give him a hug and he returned it awkwardly..why. Peeta looked at me and smiled then he said " I think I have a concision." I looked at him and told him to lay down upstairs. He did as told and was upstairs in seconds. I ordered some medicine for him and headed upstairs.

"Here Peeta open your mouth" I said calmly.

"No it's ok I don't even like medicine Katniss thank you though." Peeta said. yeah and I'm stubborn.

"Peeta don't fight with me and you need this,open your mouth please for me." I said.

"Fine only for you" he yawned. He toke the

Medicine and almost gagged when he swallowed. He was so dramatic sometimes😒.

Thank goodness he was ok. he needed band-aids, ice packs, and medicine my poor baby.

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