January 27, 2017: Nancy

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Today, I drove to the nursing home to visit Jidd. Just as I was walking into the building, my phone dinged. I'd received an e-mail:

To: Nancy Rachid

From: Delagenix Solutions

Dear Ms. Rachid,

Thank you very much for your application to the position of business analyst. Unfortunately, we do not feel that you are the best fit for the position. Please feel free to apply again in the future.

Eric Raymond

Head of Human Resources, Delagenix Solutions

Crap! I thought, putting the phone back into my pocket. I really wanted that one. But I needed to put on a smile.

"Nancy!" said the receptionist, Lana, when I walked in. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks. How are you? And how's Nelson?"

"Oh, he's just growing up too fast. He and the other first graders did a little talent show right before Christmas. He sang 'Jingle Bells'."

"Really? Aw, that is too cute!"

"Yeah," she said. "Does Kamal know you're coming?"

"I told him yesterday on the phone."

"Oh, he must be thrilled!"

I waved at her as I went to the elevator.

"Salaam, Laila!" Jidd called as soon as I went into his room. "How's my favorite granddaughter?"

Jidd and his family moved to the US when my mom was a little girl. When I'm with him, sometimes we speak Arabic, and other times we speak English.

I hesitated for a moment.

"Jidd, I'm Nancy." I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, Nancy, of course. You look different with your hair down."

I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"So, Laila's your favorite?" I teased.

"You're all my favorite. What have you been up to? You still getting straight A's?"

"I'm trying."

"That's good."

"I've been applying for jobs, too."

"Have you heard back from any?"

"Yes. Just a minute ago. I didn't get it."

"Is that your first rejection?"


"Nancy, that's great news!"

I frowned.

"Great news. Why?"

"A rejection makes you official. All the greats got rejected at some point."

"Oh...okay. Thanks."

"You're welcome. So are you still playing volleyball?"

"No, Jidd. That's Laila!"

"Oh, of course."

You've gotta love grandfathers. He's right, I guess. Not about volleyball, but about the job. I'm official now, and I've still got three-and-a-half more months to figure out what the heck to do next.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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