❝oh my disney❞ » chapter one

Start from the beginning

        (If there was one thing that Rachel and I didn't have in common, it was our taste in movies. While she preferred the sappy, unrealistic romances and fairytales, I turned away from all of the above. For as long as I could remember I'd hated movies, especially the Disney ones - I'd rather curl up with a good book than suffer through The Lion King.)

        I groaned, interrupting her Disney monologue. "Do you remember my combination? I can't get this lock open," I asked through gritted teeth, still tugging away at it after my sixth attempt at the thing. I had nothing all that valuable inside besides my phone - did I even really need a lock? If someone wanted to come along and take my textbooks, I'd leave the door wide open, for all I cared - but right now, all I wanted was to get to class in record time so that I wouldn't feel like Patrick was still staring daggers at my back. 

        (He was a pretty sweet guy. And Rachel was right - I did like him. Sort of. But I didn't know him. I wasn't about to open up my history of Disney with a guy who I'd never talked to in my life. If he knew the real me, he'd be running in the other direction faster than I could say "let it go".

        "Don't try and change the subject!" Rachel scolded me. "I know you're never going to warm up to Disney again, and after what you told me about what you went through, I wouldn't expect you to right away. I just wish you would've at least tried Frozen with me - it was really good. You would've liked it."

        "I doubt it," I muttered under my breath, brushing off the subject. "Do you have a crowbar or something? I still can't get this stupid thing open, and we're going to be late for class-"

        "Alice, just-"

        "-or do you think a jackhammer would work better?"

        "Earth to Alice? The world is waiting over here-"

        "Maybe I should just get the janitor to cut the stupid thing off so that I can get my stupid phone already-"

        "Alice! Come up from Wonderland and pay attention," Rachel raised her voice sternly. "You're not the White Rabbit - don't go worrying that we're going to be late," she joked, and I mock laughed at her. "I think you should tell Patrick that you'll go out with him - you can't let your fear of Disney movies stop you from going out with such a cute guy!" 

        I sighed again, still fumbling aimlessly with my lock. "I am not afraid of Disney movies, Rach. I just don't like them - and I don't want to spend my first date suffering through one. Falling asleep in a theatre doesn't really strike me as the best way to start off a relationship," I pointed out, trying my combination for a sixth time. "Besides, dating is the last thing I should be wasting my time with - I'm going to need to balance two or three jobs at the least if I'm ever going to pay for college next year, and so far, I've been on almost a dozen interviews and auditions for anything and everything, and nothing's panned out." I banged my fist against my locker angrily as my lock jammed once again, cutting my reasoning off. "Why won't this stupid thing open?"

        "Here," Rachel offered, taking a go at it. I'd told her my locker combination years ago - I knew there would be many times where I wouldn't be able to get the damn thing to open, and on days like these, Rachel was a life saver. "You know, you've really got to work on your temper, or you'll wind up just like the Beast, pre-Belle."

         I blinked at her. "Huh?"

        "Never mind." She brushed it off and my locker door swung open in a matter of seconds. I reached for my phone right away (last time I leave that in there) and noticed immediately that there was a notification hovering above my mailbox. "You're welcome," Rachel joked, and I pushed her shoulder playfully as I opened my mailbox with slightly bored eyes, leaving her in her thoughts for a moment (I knew my best friend, and I knew that I hadn't heard the last of her on this subject just yet). Still, I was completely unprepared for what I was about to discover as I tapped on the unread letter with the subject line RE: MAGIC KINGDOM CASTING CALL, and the words unfurled before me. 

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