CrankGameplays One-Shots

Start from the beginning

                                                                             ~Time Skip~

We finally parked near the street at Mark's after Dan pulling over and looking for the directions. The driveway and a row of cars going down the road. We walked to the house. I stood behind the group of giants as Pj rang the doorbell. The door opened. "Hey Dan, Phil, Pj!" Mark's voice said. "There's a short person behind us." Dan said. "Hello, I'm assuming Alice." Mark said. "Yep!" I shouted. He chuckled and we walked in. Music was heard from the backyard. The song currently playing sounded to be "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies" by Panic! At The Disco. Dan and Phil immediately connected with Tyler, one of Mark's roommates. "I sometimes don't know how you're my sister." Pj said. I looked at him. "Why is that?" I asked. "You're so much shorter than me." He said. "I'm about the average height of a normal female!" I shouted. "About." He repeated and rolled his eyes. I smirked at the jerk that I was proud to call my brother. I stuck to Pj for quite a bit since I wasn't very good when it came to social skills. "How's your love life going?" He asked. "Still a single little Pringle." I said with a smile. I didn't mope about being single. "I'm sure you could meet someone here." He joked. I smiled. "I don't think anyone here is my age." I said. "It's not like your 14, I'm sure if someone is a few years older than you it won't hurt." He said. I sighed and looked around. Nothing really caught my eye until I seen blue head. bobbing up and down through the crowd of heads. He ran outside with a few beers in his hand. "There's some colorful people here." Pj said with a laugh. I smiled. "Blue hair, red hair, brown hair, black hair, gr- is that Jackseticeye?" I asked, interrupting myself. Pj nodded. "I have someone to fan girl all over. See ya." I said and left the couch. Pj chuckled as I walked up to Jack. He was just leaning against the wall, sipping a beer and scrolling through something on his phone. I smiled and tapped his shoulder. He looked over and smiled, standing up straight. "Hello there." He said. "Hi, I'm-" "Alice. I love your videos." He said with a smile and sipped his beer. "M-My videos?" I asked. He nodded with a smile. "Wow thanks. I-I love yours too!" I said with a smile. He smiled. "Maybe we should collab sometime." He said. "I'd love that, but I'm not sure how the fan's ears would appreciate both of us together." I said with a chuckle. "Yeah..we tend to me loud." He said with a chuckle. "Tend is an understatement." I said with a laugh. He laughed. "You're Pj's sister right?" He asked. "Somehow." I said with a giggle. "Yeah, you guys look nothing alike." He said with a smile. It was true. I had red hair, brown eyes, my hair was not curly like his, it was wavy though and most of all I was only 5'6. I nodded and smiled back. "Have you met Mark yet?" He asked. "No. I'm kind of nervous, honestly. He's such a big YouTuber and I'm a small YouTuber." I said. "That has nothing to do with it, he's a sweetheart...most of the time." He said with a chuckle. I smiled. "Thanks." He said. "Oh mind if I get a picture?" He asked. "I should be the one asking for a picture." I said with a smile. He chuckled and pulled his phone out. He stuck his tongue out and crossed his eyes. I did the same with my face and he took the picture. I smiled and looked at it. He chuckled and went onto Twitter, posting it. I smiled. "I'm gonna go have a look around, I haven't really left Pj's side." I said with a giggle. He chuckled and nodded. He went back to the position he was in before I went to talk to him. I walked around. The house was pretty big and there were quite a lot of familiar YouTubers there and some others who I felt bad about not knowing. I walked outside and seen Pj applying sunscreen without his shirt on and in his swim trunks. "You best apply a lot of that if you don't want to go back to England the shade of salmon." I said. He chuckled and continued applying the sunscreen. I looked at the pool. I shrugged and walked back into the house. I grabbed my black bag and walked outside. I took my shirt off and unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down my legs. I felt some people looking at me, but I ignored their looks. I bent bent over to put my clothes back and grab my sunscreen. I bent back up and sprayed it on my body. I closed my eyes and held my breathe and sprayed it on my face. I waited a second and then opened my eyes. I took my bun out and sat on one of the open chairs. I guess no one would care if I had a beer. I was almost 21 anyways. I walked over to the cooler and went to grab a beer. I opened popped the cap off and took a sip from the bottle. I sat back down in my chair. Pj sat next to me, a beer in his hand. "Breaking the law now are we?" He asked with a smile. "Oh shut up, you were drinking at the age of 18." I said. He smiled. "I'm not denying it." He chuckled. I laughed.

(Ethan's POV)

I looked around outside before my eyes stopped on a beautiful girl. She had red hair, she was short and I seen her with...I think it was KickthePj. I then easily recognized her as KicktheAlice. She was a gaming YouTuber, she drew and she was a pretty good singer. I smiled and walked over to her. I was curious to get to know her. I tapped her on the shoulder. She looked over and smiled. "Hi." She said. "Hello, I'm Ethan." I said. "Alice." She said with a smile. "I uh...think I hear Dan calling my name." Pj said and left. I watched as he left and I sat down. "How are you today?" I asked. She smiled. "I'm alright, how about you?" She asked. "I'm good, been a bit busy. Since we had the party I woke up at like 4 to record a video and edit it." I said and chuckled. "So did I." She said and smiled. I smiled back. "Pj is your brother right?" I asked. "Yep." She said and took a sip of her beer. "That's co-" "Ethan!" Mark called. "What?" I called back. "Where are you?!" Mark yelled. "Outside!" I yelled. Mark walked outside of the house and looked around before walking up to me. "Hey did you order some p- Oh hello Alice." He said with a smile. "H-Hi." She said nervously. I smiled. "Anything you need?" He asked. "Oh, no, thank you though." She said. He nodded and looked over at me. "Did you order pizza?" He asked. "Tyler did." I said. He nodded and walked away. I smiled. "Wanna take a dip in the pool?" I asked. "Sure." She said. She took another sip of her beer and took some steps back. "Look out below!" She shouted and ran, jumping into the pool. People laughed and others shouted funny things. I decided to be a show off, I know how to do a backflip so why not show it off? I stepped backwards and ran, backflipping into the pool.

(Alice's POV)

Perhaps he was a gymnast too. "People don't need to be a gymnast to do a backflip Alice..." I thought. I watched as his head popped up above from the water. I smiled. He smiled back. "Anyone up for playing Chicken?" Dan asked. A bunch of people said yes and we organized who would go first. Phil and Dan went up. "Pick me!" A bunch of people shouted. Dan picked Pj, which was a hilarious sight to see. Phil looked around and stopped on me. His eyes narrowed and smirk formed on his lips. I nodded and smirked back. Me and Phil are champions when it comes to chicken. We nearly never lost a round. I got on his shoulder. "You goin' down Peej!" I shouted with a giggle. "Bring it on redhead." He said and chuckled. "Go!" Tyler yelled. Me and Pj immediately grabbed hands, pushing each other while Phil walked forward. "D-Dan!" Pj yelled. Pj lost his balance and fell backwards, taking Dan with him. "Yeah!" I shouted. I reached my hand down and Phil reached his hand up. we high-fived. "Next?" Tyler asked. Ian and Anthony came over. Anthony got on Ian's shoulder. I smirked at Ethan. "Anthony we're so screwed." Ian said. I giggled. "Go!" Tyler shouted. I grabbed Ian's hands and pushed him, he immediately fell. "Good job Alice!" Phil said. I smiled. After going against Felix and Marzia, Emma Blackberry and Tyler last finalists were Mark and Ethan. "Don't let me down blue boy." Mark said as Ethan climbed his shoulders. "You alright Phil?" I asked. "Of course, you're as light as a feather in general and you're even lighter in water!" He said. I smiled. "Ready....Go!" Tyler shouted. I grabbed Ethan's hands and we pushed each other. We were there for at least 5 minutes before we both began loosing our balance. I pushed him one last time and he fell. After that I fell and took poor Phil with me. Me and Phil high-fived each other and hugged. Tyler came over and held our arms up. "The undefeated champions!" He shouted. We smiled as people clapped and cheered. We all got out and ate pizza afterward and then everyone was just relaxing, and watching the sunset. Some people were floating around on rafts in the water. Me and Ethan were laying down together on a towel we layed in the grass, just talking and laughing. "You're not from here are you?" I asked. "No, I'm from Maine." He said. I smiled. "I'm assuming you're from England." He said. I nodded. ''Yep." I said. "Not to be weird, but I love British accents." He said. I smiled and giggled. "I've been told that a lot. I guess people like British accents a lot." I said. "Well yeah, it's interesting to listen to an accent that isn't an American accent." He said. I smiled. "I love listening to Irish accents." I said. "Go talk to Jack then." He said with a chuckle. I smiled and watched as the sun went down. It was a beautiful sight. I sighed and layed my head on Ethan's shoulder. He smiled and layed his arm across my back. I turned my head to him. He did the same and our noses touched. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. I swore that they were green earlier. I guess they were hazel. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. No let me rephrase that. There were fucking gorillas in my stomach beating on their chests. I sat up and sat criss-cross and so did he. I looked down at his lips then back up at his eyes. He nodded as if giving me permission. I smiled and leaned in. He did the same and our lips pressed together. Our lips fit together perfectly. It was like they were meant to fit together like puzzle pieces. As our lips moved in synchronization, his hands made their way to my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we continued our kiss. I pulled back first, gasping for air. He breathed in. I smiled and rested my neck in the crook of his neck. Pj was not going to drop this...ever. 

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