Chapter 8 - "Good Riddance"

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I reluctantly stepped aside and allowed this strange woman to enter my house with her small suitcase. She glanced around, taking the place in before she gave me a small smile.

“Sacha? What’s taking so long, we’re not even close to being finished with this discuss—“ Emma paused, her eyes wide and I could literally hear her heart thumping from where I stood. What the hell is going on here?

“Wh—what are you doing here?” she asked the woman.

Francesca gave her a look and motioned for them to go somewhere private. Oh? In my house? I rolled my eyes and headed back up the stairs, completely ignoring both of them.

“I could have heard you two arguing from up here.” Hannah rolled over in the bed as I plopped myself beside her.

“Yeah well…” I didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t feel like discussing it anyways.

“Did you guys resolve everything?”

“I guess not, some woman came looking for her.” I sighed and checked my messages, none from Tiffany—still. “I’m really just over her bullshit to be honest.” I thought I didn’t want to talk about this. “She’s been sleeping with my dad, and me for weeks now. I mean she’s not the only one to blame because I was so fucking stupid.” I chuckled without humor and continued my rant. “I knew she wasn’t going to leave him, even though he’s probably already cheating on her ass.”

“Hey,” she squeezed my arm. “Calm down alright; at least now you know how to deal with the situation.”

“Tiffany won’t even speak to me!” my voice rose a few octaves and I couldn’t believe all this pent up anger I had. All these weeks I thought I was happy, I thought Emma was making me happy. “It’s just so frustrating! She has this hold on me—on everyone.”

“I—“ Hannah was staring at me, wide eyed. “Sacha  you’re crying.” She said as if she didn’t believe she was capable of saying that sentence.

I roughly wiped my eyes and took deep breaths. Hannah looked as if she didn’t even know how to comfort me, considering the last time I actually cried was when we were really young. She pulled me into her chest, and we laid there for the rest of the night. I could tell she wanted to say something, but she knew well enough that it wouldn’t change a thing.

When I woke up the next morning, Hannah was dressed and ready for college. I felt drowsy, kind of like a wet dog and there was no way in hell I’d drag myself out of bed to go to school today.

“I guess you’re staying home then?” Hannah stared back at me from in front of the mirror as she curled her hair.

“You’re damn right.” She bursts out laughing.

“You really are obsessed with Orphan Black Sacha.”

This new show that I started watching, is just perfection. I swear it, I’ve never been this intrigued by a show yet. The actress Tatiana Maslany, plays 8 characters—clones to be exact and each clone is completely different. I just—let’s not get into it.

“Are you at least giving me a ride to school?”

I was about to toss her my keys, but I remembered there’s something that I need to do today. “Yeah, I’ll give you a ride.”

I got up and put basketball shorts and a small t-shirt on, then grabbed my car keys.

When we got down the stairs, Emma was having breakfast with that woman. So I guess she slept here last night? Okay. I don’t even know who she is, and Emma didn’t have the decency to introduce her but it’s alright for her to sleep here right?

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