Chapter 4

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I couldn't even begin to fathom what the fuck was going on right now.

"Pass the ketchup please," Dylan said, trying to break the silence.

"Sure," I passed the ketchup across the table to my brother.

"So..." my grandmother breathed.

We were currently sat at my grandparent's dinner table having our thanksgiving dinner with Emma...and my mother. They've been shading each other all night. My mother would be acting polite but I could taste the sarcasm as it rolls off her tongue. Dylan and I have tried our best to be as decent as possible around our father's mother because she would legit smack us for talking shit at the dinner table.

My grandfather was sitting at the head of the table stroking his stubble while striking up small conversations amongst everyone. I just couldn't wait to get the hell out of there, and I'm pretty sure Dylan was feeling the same way.

"So Emma, what exactly do you do?" My mother asked her.

"Oh God," I whispered, leaning back in my chair.

"I'm an accountant," she said, "In my father's office."

"Mhm, so shouldn't you be getting back to your job?"

"Actually I have someone filling in for me." She said calmly, "However I will be going home for Christmas, just to check things out."

She's leaving for Christmas? Thank you Lord. I didn't know how much longer I could take being around her. For one, my father is hardly home and when he does decide to stay home, I'm pretty sure all they do is fuck.

My iPhone chirped in my pocket and I basically shoved my hands into my jeans to get it out as my grandmother glared at me.

"Um..." I began before answering, "May I be excused?"

"Sure dear," the old woman smiled at me.

I ran out of there and answered the phone.


"Hey baby, aren't you coming over tonight?"

I sighed, "Tiffany I told you I had a family dinner to go to remember?"

"I know but you said that you'd try to come over..." she sounded disappointed.

"I'll see what I can do okay?"

"Okay Sacha," she hung up.

I know what you're thinking. Why the hell am I still hanging out with Tiffany? I have no idea to be honest. That day I went over to her house was about three weeks ago, and we haven't even had sex yet but I wasn't bothered by it. We aren't dating or anything but Tiffany is different-fragile. And when I went over that day, some part of my conscience-however deep it might have been-told me that I probably shouldn't fuck and duck this one.

I went back to the table, and as soon as I did my brother excused himself. I snickered under my breath. Dylan probably couldn't wait for me to get back to he could run off. I sat there listening to my parents, grandparents and Emma talk about unnecessary shit for about another hour when I finally thought enough was enough. I wasn't about to spend my entire Saturday night, sat here with old people joking about the fucking weather.

"Mom, something's come up and I have to leave." I said loud enough for the entire table to hear. My grandmother frowned but I didn't car, what the hell did she expect?

"Can't you stay for another half hour darling?" Gran asked me.

I shook my head, "No I'm sorry," I told her pushing away from the table and standing to my feet. Dylan stared at me with pleading eyes but I pretended not to see and left the house.

About half an hour later I was parked up outside of Tiffany's house. Why was I here though? Why was I making such an effort to be there when she wanted me? I never really clicked with female before, apart from Hannah so this was news to me. I sighed and dragged myself out of the car and pressed the doorbell.

A minute later and the front door swung open with Tiffany's dark hair pinned up in a messy bun with pajama shorts and a tank top on. She blushed deeply when she saw me and I smirked.

"I didn't think you were coming." She said finally, making room for me to step inside.

"I told you that I'd try."

"Like I said...I didn't expect to see you." She repeated. "Besides I didn't take you for the type to keep their word."

I frowned, "I'm here aren't I? And I've been here for a while now."

"Anyways how was your family dinner?" she changed the subject as we headed up the stairs to her room.

I tossed myself onto her huge bed kicked my sneakers off before rolling under the covers. Then, I began to tell her the terrible tale of my family's definition of a thanksgiving dinner. I smiled every time she laughed at the impersonation I did of my grandmother whenever she scolded someone.

"Does she really stick her lips out like that?" she said between giggles.

"You mean like this?" I poked my lips out and she was full on cackling on the bed.

"You know...That's pretty cute." She leaned down and pecked my puckered lips. She leaned over, planting her hands at either side of me in order to deepen the kiss. I could feel her teeth tugging at my lip, making me feel all tingly but I couldn't let it get any further than this-kissing.

"Why are you holding back?" she asked finally.


"You don't find me attractive?" she asked in a soft voice.

"It's not that at all, you're beautiful Tiff but I'm not the type of person you should be involved with."

"Right. Wonderful way to let someone down." She rolled her eyes.

"It isn't about that. You're different okay? Not like those other girls and I really want to try being friends with you. I mean you've been hanging around me for about three weeks, right?" she nodded. "And how many females have you seen me with in that period of time?"

"Too many,"

I lowered my eyes. "Right."

She leaned back on the headboard before sighing. "Maybe you should go Sacha. I can't deal with this right now."

"I'm not leaving. I refuse to leave you home alone on thanksgiving."

I pulled her down under the covers and draped my arm around her. Her parents were hardly ever around. They each had their own lives and it was as if they forgot about the one they brought into this world. Those bastards left her home alone, on thanksgiving and maybe who knows; she'll probably be alone on Christmas.

She's been alone for half her life, and from what I've seen it's taken a serious toll on her. She was used to people leaving her, and I was used to leaving people.

Not this time.


Wincing, I forced my legs into the low-riding sweatpants and put on a t-shirt that was way too small but I couldn't be bothered to search for anything better. My hair was in a messy bun and I was walking around with a cup of coffee and dark shades on.

After dinner on Saturday, I went over to Tiff's house and stayed the night. Sunday however was a mess. Later Sunday night, Tiffany and I met up with Hannah at this annual college party that completely ruined my health. I didn't plan to drink as much as I did because I had school the next morning-today-but as you figured, I was sick, hung over and downright miserable.

I sipped my coffee and made my way back to the foot of the stairs. After a few minutes of contemplation, I decided that the trip up the stairs to my bedroom wasn't worth it. I dragged my feet slowly and sat on the couch in the living room, placing the mug on the small table before laying my body fully in the comfort of the soft cushions.

"Still feeling ill?" I heard an angelic voice speak.

"I never said I was," cringing at the sound of my own voice.

I peeked an eye open only to realize she was standing right over me with a sundress on. Holy shit Emma. I sat up too quickly and my head throbbed.

"Don't play coy, I heard you throwing up this morning. After effects of the exciting rave I suppose." I almost laughed at her for saying 'rave'.

"No one really says rave anymore Emma. You really are older than you look." Then a thought popped into my head. "How old are you?"

"Twenty four."

My father was marrying a woman six years older than me. Old enough to be my big sister and he was about to marry her. What the fuck? Was this his definition of mid-life crisis?

"You aren't going to say anything?"

"I can't even-" I cut myself off, "Nah." I said instead.

She handed me a bottle of pills, "These should help." When she saw that I wasn't responding, she sighed and turned off. "Right then, I'll be out grocery shopping.

Emma made it her duty to walk as slowly as possible, swaying her hips in the process. I swear when I die, my gravestone will say "Died staring at Emma's ass". I could feel myself drifting asleep-well that was before I heard a tumbling sound in the backyard. Groaning, I stood to my feet slipping the dark shades back on. Forcing the door opened, I squinted and looked around for anything out of place.

A few seconds later, I saw Hannah's blonde hair. One of her legs was hooked over the fence and it looked like she was hanging on for dear life.

"Hannah? What the hell?" I started laughing at the picture before me-Hard.

"Shut the hell up Sacha and come help me down." I tried stifling my laughter as I walked around the pool to the fence and helped her down.

"What the hell were you doing?"

"Your step-mother refused to let me in." I felt a sly smile play on my lips.

"Did she?"

"Yeah, she said that you were resting and didn't need any distractions."

I chuckled as Hannah rolled her eyes and headed inside.

"How's the hangover treating you?" she asked while sifting through the fridge.

"Like a bitch,"

"Hmmm.." she grabbed a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs and put it in the microwave. "And how's that thing with Tiffany going?"

I knew it. "What thing? We're just friends."

"She's a good kid Sacha, don't hurt her and I mean it."

"Yes mother," I replied sarcastically.

Hannah wasn't the first person to ask me about my strange relationship with Tiffany. It wasn't every day that the great Sacha Parker is seen with the same female for more than a week tops-minus Hannah.

Hannah dropped herself beside me with the bowl of now heated spaghetti and meatballs and cocked her legs up on the coffee table.

"What're we doing today?"

I raised a brow at her, "You know Hannah... you've been real chipper these last few days. Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Nope, at least not now. I don't wanna jinx it."

I tossed my hands up in surrender and took a bite of her meatball before she could, earning myself a smack.

"Damn Hannah, what's with all the violence?" I pouted. "Besides, if I'm feeling better I gotta go into work. Christmas is coming soon and I need all the hours I can get." She frowned at me and I sighed in response. "We could watch Netflix till later if you want."

A huge grin was plastered on her face as she grabbed the remote and switched the tv on. After not much deliberation, we settled on watching Arrow. It didn't take much for Hannah to get me to sit through the show. It was our favorite show to watch together; mainly because Hannah was in love with Oliver Queen and I wanted to dry hump Felicity Smoak's leg.

I laid my head on Han's lap and tried my best to stay awake and keep her company.

"Sach?" I felt someone nudging me. "Sacha, wake up." I peered an eye opened to see my blonde haired goddess in her sundress. "Hannah left about an hour ago, said something came up. She told me to wake you up at 2:45pm for work."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Did Dylan get home?"

Emma sighed, "He's at his mother's for the week."

I frowned. Why the hell didn't he tell me that he was planning to stay at mom's house?

I stood from the couch and ran a hand through my tangled hair. "Um-thanks...for waking me up."

Deciding to take a quick shower to wash the remainder of the hangover off of me, I headed up to my room and stripped down. After a thorough washing, I got out the shower and dried off before putting my underwear on. I searched around in the closet for my Footlocker uniform but I couldn't find any.

"Fuck," I said when I glanced over at the hamper. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," two of my uniforms were in the hamper. I had three-where the hell is the third one? I glanced at the wristwatch on my hand and let out a string of curse words. It was after 3pm which meant that I had less than fifteen minutes to make a half hour drive to work. I jogged down the hallway to the laundry room and ran smack into Emma, again. This poor woman... I hope she doesn't think I'm doing it on purpose.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry but have you seen-"

She cut my rambling short by tossing me the freshly washed footlocker uniform. I was in such a rush that I didn't realize I was standing in front of Emma half naked until I followed her line of sight.

"Sorry about this," I motioned to my body, "And thanks," I ran back to my room and finished dressing.


So I actually made it to work ten minutes late. But, because of my hard work and dedication to the establishment-the manager has a huge crush on me-I was let off the hook. I was checking inventory when Michelle sneaked up behind me, half scaring me to death.

"I'm going to grab takeout from that Chinese place on the second floor. Want something?"

I nodded and fished some money from my pocket then gave her my order. Since she was leaving the store, it meant that I'd have to pause inventory and work the floor outside. A young woman came in looking quite lost, so I decided to go over and offer my assistance.

"Hey, you need any help?" she spun around and I couldn't help but admire her creamy caramel skin.

"Um yes actually, I'm looking for Jordans but... I'm not sure-"

I smiled, "Right, I know how confusing it must be to find the right one. Come with me." I led her to the other side of the shoe wall which had the Jordan's.

"Anyone in particular you're looking for?"

She mumbled something more to herself than to me. "Can you repeat that?"

"He told me he wants the ones with the straps across the ankle but..." she trailed off glancing at the shoes.

I sighed and was about to call Becky but a little boy ran into the store with a box of pastries.

"Mom, did you get it?"

The young woman who had once looked lost and confused had completely disappeared. She was now grinning and lively as she spoke to her son, asking him to point out which one of the sneakers he wanted for Christmas. After they found the perfect one, I led them to the cashiers desk as I scanned the item.

As I checked them out, I couldn't help but be envious of their relationship. I never had this; my parents were always too busy. But when Dylan was born they decided to do things differently, spending more time with him. I gave the young boy a toothy smile as I handed him the shopping bag and they left the store.

A few minutes later Michelle was back. We sat in the back room to have lunch while Becky and another employee handled the store. We made small talk while we ate, nothing too serious. I didn't really want to have an indulging conversation anyways, considering the fact that I fucked her just a few weeks ago and she has a boyfriend. Not that it's ever stopped me before but, I didn't want it happening again.

By the time I left work, I was tired and feeling a type of way as I thought about the young boy and his mother. I didn't like feeling this way; in fact, I never feel this way because before I could let myself get to this point, I'm usually neck deep between someone's legs.

I ran a hand through my hair as I parked in the driveway and made my way inside. Before I could make my way up the stairs, I was scared half to death by the clanging in the kitchen.

"Hello?" I walked around the corner to the kitchen. "Emma?" it was after 10pm, I hadn't expected to see her awake. Emma's back was turned to me and she seemed uneasy.

"Emma..." I repeated, holding her shoulder and turning her to face me. Her eyes were red as if she'd been crying for a while now and her once flushed face was pale. "Are you okay? Have you been crying?" I asked the obvious. "What's going on?" I was worried. This wasn't the same amused, coy Emma that has been living with me for the last two months.

"My mum..she's-"

"Oh God, did she die? I'm sorry Emma."

She cut me off with something between a sniffle and a giggle and put her hand on my chest, giving us some much needed space before folding her arms. "No, she's just ill. I promised my dad I'd come home soon to see her."

'What happened?"

"She had a minor heart attack earlier, nothing serious but the idea of something worse happening to her with me being so far away gives me the chills."

"I understand... if anything was to happen to my mother and I couldn't be there for her, I don't know what I'd do."

She nodded, sniffling softly. I could see new tears forming in her eyes and I was completely lost. I'd never seen her vulnerable before-I didn't even know Emma had feelings, as strange as that might sound. I awkwardly ran a hand over her shoulder, squeezing it softly. Using my other hand, I wiped a few stray tears.

"Don't cry,"

I didn't know.

"Everything will be okay."

That with every word, I was leaning closer until our lips touched. She stiffened and was still sniffling in the most adorable way. Finally she relaxed and her mouth moved against mine; her lips were soft and enticing. I don't know how the hell I can go back to kissing normally after experiencing something like this.

After a minute Emma gasped and pushed me away, throwing a hand over her mouth.

"No... this can't be happening. Not again," she ran off at the speed of light up the stairs.

Not again? What the hell did that mean? Did she make out with her fiancé's daughter before, because if this is a regular thing, amma need a memo or something.


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