Chapter 5

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I actually couldn’t believe that I let that happen. I tried so hard the past two months to stay away from Sacha. There was something that drew me to her though. Something that I’ve only ever felt with one other person—Francesca. This woman meant the world to me and more and because of circumstances, we couldn’t be together.

It was my fault though. Poor fucking Emma; so afraid of disappointing her parents that she’d rather pretend to be straight than be with the woman she loves. After my blabbermouth maid told my parents about Francesca and I, they were so disappointed. I just knew that something had to be done.

This might not be the ideal situation but it’ll have to do. Now they think I’m a straight woman, about to marry into a loving family and take on motherly responsibilities. Yay.

I grabbed a handful of my blonde hair and pinned it up into a ponytail before splashing my face with some water. The reflection in the mirror didn’t look anything like me. It looked healthy, rejuvenated, lively. That reflection looked like everything I wasn’t.

The fact that I was just sucking face with my fiancé’s daughter hasn’t even properly hit yet. How was I supposed to face her now?

“Emma,” I heard a knock at the door. “I know you’re in there.”

I sighed and unlocked the bathroom door.  Sacha glanced up at me with a unreadable expression.

“I’m sorry about before.” She finally spoke up. “I didn’t mean for it to happen and now, you’re in an awkward position because of it.”

I raised a brow, “So this situation isn’t at all awkward to you?”


Young Sacha Parker never ceases to amaze me. “I simply kissed someone who I felt attracted to at the time.”

“Someone who’s marrying your father.” I added quickly.

“Details, details.” She used a hand to wave me off, causing me to stifle a giggle. I don’t know how it’s possible for her to be this laid back. It was refreshing.

“Well I’m happy that you’re feeling all fine and dandy about this but—“

“It wasn’t planned Emilia, it just happened.”

“And it can’t happen again.” I told her a bit too harshly. Sacha opened her mouth to say something, but instead walked off and disappeared down the hall.


That did not go how I wanted it to. I sighed and went to my own room, and got into bed beside Tom, feeling like shit. I still can’t believe I let this happen.

The next morning, I woke up to an empty house. Tom was home, but he didn’t really count because believe it or not, he wasn’t the one I expected to see sitting at the breakfast table with me. Tom hardly had time to have breakfast as a family so most of the times; it would be Sacha, Dylan and I. Sometimes Hannah was also present—when she manages to force herself inside.

I groaned and sat up in bed, running a hand through my disheveled hair before heading to the bathroom to shower. After, I towel dried my hair and pinned it up in a messy bun then put on shorts and a t-shirt. The house was literally bare. No Tom, No Dylan, No Sacha.

Why the hell didn’t he wake me this morning? I was surprised to see that Sacha was out the house so early, considering that it was Tuesday—her day off from college and she’s usually still in bed after 11am. It wasn’t as if I was watching her or anything, but I’ve learned her routine. Well whatever. If she wanted to be a brat about this and avoid me then fine. I’m not even upset about it.

The Stepmom (GirlxGirl) [Short]Where stories live. Discover now