Chapter 6

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Hannah groaned and smacked my arm, “Pay attention!” She whispered harshly.

“I am,” I said turning my eyes back to the presentation in the front of the class. Truthfully I had no idea what was going on in the class. I didn’t need to anyways; class had already stopped for the winter break so we were just reviewing all the shit we did in the past semester.

As soon as class let out. I dashed out of the classroom and speed-walked to the parking lot, where I ended up waiting on Hannah.

“What’s been going on with you lately Sacha?” She asked me. “Is it Tiffany? Or is it because I won’t be here for the wedding?”

I rolled my eyes at the mention of that horrific wedding before getting into the car. “Nah, I won’t be attending that sham of a marriage either.” I said, pulling out of the school.

“What the hell?” She laughed, “You have to! How would it look if the daughter of the groom didn’t attend?”

“It would look like I was the only one with common sense in this family.” I pointed out.

“Don’t start,” she rolled her eyes.

After taking Hannah home, I took my sweet time getting to my own house. I even stopped at Subway for lunch trying to prolong it. After that weekend, I haven’t uttered a word to anyone except Dylan. Seeing Emma, hearing Emma, talking about Emma pissed me off to no end. I haven’t even glanced in her direction since they came back.

Now, the wedding’s coming up on Thursday, my mother is already talking about buying dresses for it. I barged through the front door and as I walked up the stairs I could see Emma in my peripheral vision so I quickly turned away and carried on down the hall to my bedroom.

I emptied the books from my bag pack and began replacing them with bits of clothing. I wasn’t going to college tomorrow since it was the last day of class before Christmas vacation anyways.

“Well this is ironic.” I spun on my heel to face British Annoyance/Goddess/Wet dream.


“Weren’t you the one who said we shouldn’t run from our problems?”

“Says the person who ran off to Seattle with my father, after almost fucking me.” I sneered. She sighed and sat on the bed as I continued to organize my room. I was planning to stay with Tiffanyy for Christmas because I’m pretty sure her parents would find some excuse not to be here. My mother had even invited her over for Christmas dinner. A small smile crept onto my lips as I thought about it.

“So when will you be back?”

“New Years I guess,” I told her.

“The wedding is day after tomorrow.” She deadpanned.

“Right.” I slung the bag over my shoulder. “I won’t take part in whatever performance my father is putting on. You might think it’s all as real as ever, but I’m not as naive.”

“Damn it Sacha, do you have to be so strong-headed? Can’t we just have a peaceful conversation about this?” She asked.

“About what? The only thing happening here is that you’re getting married to my father in two days.”

She held my arm and spun me to face her, kissing me and it was as if time froze instantaneously. I was really getting into the kiss; that is until I remembered what the hell was happening and pulled away.

“You can’t keep doing this Emma. It isn’t fair; make your fucking mind up.” With that I left the room and without another glance, walked out the house and got into my car.

The Stepmom (GirlxGirl) [Short]Where stories live. Discover now