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A/N Satana & Lucifer Silas de Vil


What? I'm human. I am.

Now, now, my dear. You are shocked, I understand. You must realize that these are serious matters that must be taken seriously.

Um, could you...could you explain please, Mr. Aro? I'm not exactly positive what's real anymore.

Of course, darling. And, please, just Aro is fine. Well, I'll start with the hard part. The young boy, Seth, he and his friends are shapeshifters, werewolves, if you will. The Cullens, the family of Seth's alpha and best friend, Jacob's girlfriend Renesme. They are vampires like my coven. But they're different. They drink from animals, while my coven drinks from those pitiful human creatures. We aren't the only supernatural creatures in existence, just the most prominent.

Seth is...he's a were..wolf? And there...there's vamp..ires? I can't....I don't. Really?

Oh yes, my dear. You and your family are apart of the chain of supernatural beings, also. Very powerful creatures, indeed.


Oh most definitely. Extraordinary powers.

What...are they...we?

Are you sure you'd like to know? You sound a bit...conflicted.

Yes. I think I'm ready.

Well, if you insist. Your father, Silas, is also known as Lucifer. Silas is his middle name. Your father is Satan. Your mother, she's the most powerful female demon in existence today. Rivaled only by her female ancestors till that tragic incident in 1935. Shame. Your brother and sister, Lucy and Cypher, named after your father, are fallen angels. And you, my dear?

Yes? What am I?

You're something we've never even seen before.


"Emmet, we could be doing so many other things right now." I groaned. This is ridiculous. I should browsing the web for some new accessories. Not here trying to save a mutt's girlfriend.

"Yeah, Rose, I know. In a way, we kind of owe them. They helped save Nessie." Emmet sighed as we walked through the brush of the African pride. 

"Whatever. There should be a gold mine up here. Smash the gold, I've got the container. I want to get home.

"Yeah, babe." We hopped down into the mine and began searching for the gold. I thought we'd have to find another mine before Emmet called to me. "Babe! You might wanna look at this." I sped over to Emmet, not caring if anyone was around and gasped when I saw what he was looking at. Some hieroglyphics were written on the wall of a mine shaft. Bones were scattered all around. Skulls, hands, and feet. 

"We've gotta find that gold right now." I stated upon seeing a picture of fire. Emmet nodded slightly and sped us out. 

"I'll be back, there was gold in there." He said. I shook my head but, he was gone before I could protest. I growled. Damn mutts ruin everything! Emmet was beside me in a second. I smiled when I saw he was fine and had gold. I held open the metal container and Emmet crushed the gold in his hand, the dust falling into the container, filling it all the way up. I placed it in the bag on my back.

"Let's get out of here. I don't want to find out what those hieroglyphs mean." I said. We walked out of them mine. For a good hour, we were fine. Then, we were encased in a cell of fire.

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