Boy With The Tribal Tattoo

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"Nevaeh!" Satana, my mother, yelled. My eyes shot open. I was unfamiliar with my surroundings. We'd moved this summer and I still wasn't familiar with this place. I was beginning to believe I'd never get use to it. I threw my covers off of me and got out of bed. I all but ran down the stairs, nearly falling on the last one. When Satana saw me, she smiled a cold smile.

"Where are my babies? And where is my food? God, you look absolutely wretched." She was filing her nails, glasses on the tip of her nose. She had her long, black hair in a ponytail. She was in a red bath robe and black slippers with an 'S' scrawled on the top. I peeked past her at the clock. 7:15. I nodded to her and sprinted back up the steps, I stopped sprinting when I got to Lucy's room. I opened the door slowly.

"No, my mother won't bother us. Swear it. If anyone does it'll be my stupid sis-. Oh Nevaeh, I was just talking about you." Lucy smiled a sinister smile. I signed to her mother wanted to see her. She nodded and waved me away. She'd seen those same signs so many times, that she knew, roughly, what they meant. I took a few steps back across the hall, after closing my sister's door. No doubt she was 'hanging out' with some guy tonight. My parents would over look it. I was at my brother's door now. I drew in a breath. I knocked lightly. He swung the door open.

"What?" He asked. He stood there in all his glory, yawning and shirtless. His hair was in a bun and he was wearing black and red 'Darth Vader' pajamas. I signed the same thing I had previously signed to Lucy and he waved me away. I ran back to my room and took a five minute shower. I pulled on a pair of floral jeans, a powder pink flowy top with a hot pink cardigan. In case you couldn't tell, pink is my favorite color. I walked over to my small bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair was black and blue. I had no idea why. I didn't dye it. I had always assumed it was my siblings way of 'punishing' me. My hair was always different colors. Mostly blue, though. Dark blue. It was also really long. It went down to my butt and I really didn't want to cut it.

I grabbed my lavender brush and hastily brushed through my hair. Just cause it was the first day, I put on a bit of pastel pink lip gloss. Grabbing my sky themed book bag, I ran downstairs. I put down my bag and opened the fridge. I grabbed the eggs and the milk, then closed the fridge. I quickly cracked the eggs and added in the salt, pepper, milk. The milk made the eggs fluffier. I poured them in the pan that was heating up and stirred them around. About seven minutes later, the eggs were finished. Convieniently, Lucy and Cypher trotted down the stairs, chatting about something party related. They were throwing a huge back-2-school bash thing. I really didn't wanna go, but, unfortunately, I live here. I handed each of them a plate of eggs. Seconds later, Satana walked downstairs. She was now wearing a black, halter jumpsuit with a pair of red pumps and a black and gold necklace. She looked at me expectantly. I handed her a plate of eggs with sauteed vegetables from last night's dinner.

"Where's my smoothie? I have one every morning, Nevaeh. This isn't something new." She told me. Her voice was stern. Cold and full of venom. We were all from New Jersey, so it was difficult for her to sound serious. I remember once, when I was about five, I laughed as Satana yelled at me for something. I remember something black and soft. Nothing else. I never laughed again. Satana always meant business.

"Mother, we should cut Nevaeh some slack. I imagine it's quite hard to store information in that small brain of hers." Lucy said. Cypher smirked and Satana cackled. Her cat-winged eyeliner was black and complemented her gray eyes. She wore red lip gloss and black eyeshadow. Lucy had on a red lace mid-thigh dress with black pumps. If you ask me, she over did it with the eyeshadow.

"Luce, we've still got stuff to buy for the party." Cypher said. Lucy rolled her eyes.

"No. Nevaeh still has stuff to buy for our party." Lucy smirked. Cypher nodded putting his plate in the sink. I grabbed a pack of Oreos and grabbed my stuff, attempting to leave. Keyword; attempting.

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