Merida: a month already

Elsa: so are you two together again

Hiccup: yeah

Merida: Let's not talk about how relationship

Elsa: aw why not Merida. I mean I'm getting a good look at you two and you guys look so cute together

Hiccup: see Merida it's fine she's happy

Elsa: oh is Merida still worried about me and hiccup relationship

Merida: I just want to make sure your perfectly fine with me and hiccup

Elsa: Merida listen I'm fine and I'm happy for both of you! Remember we already apologized. Let's forget all these and just be us.

Merida: fine and now tell me missy why aren't you around the campus anymore?

Elsa: oh I was so busy with this arrange marriage thing I completely forgot about college.

Merida: your fine, your parents came by this morning.

Elsa: looks like I might be coming back

Merida: the campus was different without you. Now I need a favor.

Elsa: anything

Merida: I need 20 bucks


Merida: because I won our little bet

Elsa: bet??

Merida: we made a bet long ago about who gonna get married first

Elsa: ohhhhhh.....

Merida: pay up sister

Elsa took out 20 dollars and gave it to Merida. Merida did a victory dance.

Jack: ehem

Elsa: oh um Merida hiccup I like you to meet husband

Merida: Mr.Jack hey I got some things to say to you. Since y'all are married that's means she chose you. You better treat her right. Treat her like a queen. Break her heart I break your neck. Don't think I won't

Jack: this is a psycho

Merida: and your a grandpa

Jack: hey my hair isn't actually white, it's brown

Elsa: No fighting please. Jack this is my best friend Merida and her boyfriend hiccup

Jack: hiccup...

Jack punch hiccup, creating a bloody nose. People heads turn to look. Some took out there phones.


Jack kept quiet and look hiccup dead in the eye. Then he spoke in a low, scary voice.

Jack: don't ever come near Elsa and you can't have two girlfriends dumbass.

Merida punch Jack leaving a bruise on his pretty face.



Merida help hiccup up. Elsa went through her purse for tissues.

Elsa: Jack I want you to apologize to my friend right now

Elsa gave Merida the tissues. Everyone phones were out recording. Jack kept quiet. He stood there for a few minutes. Everything was quiet. Jack looked at everyone. Then walked out of the crowd.

Elsa: I'm sorry for his actions Merida.

Merida: it's fine but if he does it again I'll break him.

Elsa: I better go find him


Everyone got scared and ran back to where they were. Elsa waved the couple a goodbye and looked for Jack.

Merida POV

Why the hell would grandpa do that. Does he have a thing against Hiccup. Hiccup's nose is bleeding. Wait grandpa is that strong. At least he didn't break it. I wonder about Elsa and grandpa relationship. I actually wanted to hang out but I guess things don't always go your way. At least I saw my bestfriend happy with someone.

Hiccup POV

What the hell was wrong with him. Like I understand that your meeting your wife ex but he doesn't have to punch me that hard. I thought he might be pretty cool and we would be friends but no. I'm glad I found someone like Merida. I should thank her for punching him.Why would Elsa marry someone like him. Wait it's an arrange marriage. So she really don't like him. I'll help her find someone.

Elsa POV

Why would he punch hiccup. I mean he just met the guy. Does he even know who Hiccup is. I'm glad I got to see Merida and Hiccup. Maybe it's a way of how guys greet. Clearly not Elsa. Where is Jack. Wait there were people around us. THEY WILL FIND OUT JACK PUNCH AN INNOCENT HUMAN!! This will ruin Jack career. Think Elsa gotta fix all this! WHY DID YOU PUNCH HICCUP!!

Jack POV

Ok ok I know everyone is wondering why I punch that kid. Well why can't I. It's a dude greeting




Alright fine I'll tell the truth. Why am I fighting with myself. Well you see I punch "Hiccup" what a strange name. Isn't Hiccup like the hiccups you get. Why do you get hiccups. What if someone never had hiccups. *gasp*. Looks like I gotta research.







STOP GIVING ME THAT GLARE!!!!!! Fine I'll tell you. I punch "Hiccup" because he broke Elsa heart. I remember that time when I went over to Elsa house the first time. She got a text from Hiccup. He wanted her back. She cried and it really broke my heart. I didn't know what to do so I kissed her. Ahh memories.....I promise myself that I will give that kid hell. Well step one make bloody nose. Hiccup be prepare about what's coming because I'm not done giving you hell yet.

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