Chapter Eighteen: The Master Schemer

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Scott rose wearily from his place on the ground the pain barely subsiding from his chest. Leaning on the door frame he saw the impala pull up and three figures climb out of it.
"He's gone," Scott informed them sadly, " You left an electric rod in his possession."

Sam eyes widened as he looked around. Cas sighed and fell against the impala.
A door opened and a sloppily dressed Allison made her way towards the door a note in her hand.

"Scott call the pack," she ordered," I know where he is going."
"Where?" Sam asked urgently.
"The Nematon."
"But that's only found when it wants to be? Remember," Scott informed her.
"Exactly, so that means we still have a chance to find him before he does something incredibly stupid!" She exclaimed.

"Malia's at her dads, she can get there fast!" Scott exclaimed pulling out his cell phone.
Chris walked up to the door frame his eyes met his daughters.

Stiles stopped at the gate telling him not to enter after dark. Ignoring the sign and jumping over it, he walked into darkness of night. Only the moonlight flashed through the creases of the tree branches.

He forgot how dark it had been when he dragged Scott out into the woods in the middle of the night, even when he rushed to the nematon in a foggy lunar eclipse he could see better. It was as if the forest channeled his emotions.

This was the last straw from Stiles and there was no turning back at this moment. From the moment he saw Dean get captured he knew what his fait was.

Suddenly the boy was grabbed and thrown to the ground a blue eyed girl standing in front of him angrily.

Stiles scrambled up looking at his ex girlfriend with surprise.
"What do you even think you're doing? If you turn yourself in, he will kill you," she cried out.
Stiles turned away from the werecoyote and started to walk away silently pulling a pistol from his jeans.

"Stiles are you even listening! I'm not letting you go!" She cried out.
"I HAVE TO!" He roared turning around," He's the only family I have left ok! I would think you out of all people would understand that Malia! I'm not going to sit around and let my dad die! Not when I can do something about it!"
"Stiles," Malia warned, " Don't make me hurt you."

It was silent and Stiles closed his eyes trying to steady his breathing.
"Funny I was going to say the same thing," he mumbled. Then he raised his gun and shot a bullet into her thigh. She fell to the ground as a blue steam rose from the wound.

Stiles fumbled with his bullets and tossed one into the forest.
"Either find that bullet and save your life, or chase me and die," Stiles said turning his back and walking away forcing him self not to turn back.

"STILES!" She cried out, " Stiles come back!"


It was silent in the woods as Crowley sat on the Nematon staring out into the night.

The crunching of leaves suddenly filled the air as the young Winchester made his way into view.

"How kind of you to join us," Crowley said smugly standing from the Nematon, " Here we are like I predicted."

Stiles didn't answer but he kept walking forward.

"Now get on your knees and beg," Crowley spat.

Stiles stoped and lighting filled the woods with light for a quick moment.
"There's that temper," Crowley said smiling.

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