Part Six:

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We had just finished filming the move from Higgins, to looking at the firehouse, to moving to the restaurant, and we were all pretty tired but we still had to film when Holtzmann dances for Erin and to say Kate felt uneasy about it was an understatement, especially since what happened before made things slightly awkward.

While they set up all the cameras, Kate sat down at the little area they had set up for the actors, and thought about what she was going to say to Kristen, obviously having to talk to her about what happened.

She thought that Kristen had been leaning in too, but now she wasn't sure, and she felt really bad if she put Kristen in an uncomfortable situation because that's the last thing she'd want to do.

As she went to think about it further, Kristen walked into the room, halting when seeing Kate, and as she went to turn around she was stopped when Kate spoke her name.

"Kristen, can we talk?"

Slowly turning around, Kristen nodded her head and walked over to Kate, sitting on the chair next to her.

"What's up Kate?"

"I just wanted to say sorry about what happened in the car.. I would never mean to make you uncomfortable."

Kristen felt her heart beat fast, not believing Kate thought she made her feel uncomfortable, she was leaning in too..

Kristen wanted to tell her that, wanted to lean in again and kiss her properly but.. she couldn't.

"It's fine Kate, it was a mistake."


Kate feels that word hit straight through her, and she swallows a lump she feels in her throat, "Of course she doesn't like me back, how could I think that?" Kate thinks to herself.

"Yeah, I.. I'm glad you understand."

"Is that all you wanted to speak about?" Kristen adds, trying to mask the emotion in her voice.

Kate almost blurts out her feelings in a desperate attempt to bring some emotion out in Kristen, but instead just nods, looking over the script to distract herself even though she only had one line.

"Okay great! I'll see you later then!" Kristen says before rushing out of the room.

Feeling quite upset, Kate shakes her head and puts on her most convincing smile, before also exiting the room, though she didn't get far before running into Paul.

"Ah Kate, we were just about to come get you, we're going to start shooting now so if you could just follow me." Paul says, gesturing as he turns.

"Yeah let's go."

It was more of a silent journey to set as Kate wasn't really up for talking at the moment. To just anyone it would seem she were being over dramatic but this is definitely not the first time she had been shut down, even if Kristen didn't know of her feelings.

Ever since Kate became famous, it had been hard to find a girlfriend that wasn't using her for her fame or money, and it hurt, a lot. She had spent a lot of time trying to figure out who liked her for her or who liked her for her fame but she still got it wrong half the time.

As she came into the room she was amazed at how cool the set looked, and then she saw Melissa with Kristen and didn't know wether to go over there or not but she couldn't think it over for long because Melissa looked up and saw her there.

"Kate!" Melissa yells before gesturing her over.

Kate let out a breath before walking over, with a big grin on her face despite the pain in her heart.

Love on set.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang