16. I will seek you out

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Caroline bumped in to Ava when she was leaving the Grill. Caroline saw that Ava was crying. 

"What's wrong?" Caroline asked and grabbed Ava by the arm and stopped her. Ava didn't want to show that she had cried so she covered her eyes in her arms. 

"You can have Klaus all to yourself," Ava said and ripped her arm out of Caroline's grip. She ran outside and felt like her heart was crushing. She squeezed her shirt and tried to make it better. Everything started to get blurry, she didn't see anything. Breathing started to become heavier. 

"Ava?" someone shouted at the distance. She walked forward and felt something cold and heavy hit her back. She felt an aching pain in her spine. She never was unconscious she felt every bone in her body break, but then she felt the healing ease her pain. Someone lifted her and carried her away from the thing that had hit her. She was carried to something soft and cold. She opened her eyes and felt a crazy amount of power rush over her body. She bent her back when the pain went through her.

There was no exit on it, no relief. Her hands cramped and her vision started to clear. She saw Damon looking at her, going through the pain with tears in his eyes, looking helpless. Then the pain just cracked open like a bottle off cola and all the pain escaped from her body.

"Damon what is happening to me?" she asked with her suffering voice, her body aching from the pain. She noticed that almost every vampire in town had gathered over her. She took her necklace on her hand (it was still on the neck) and felt relief and secure feeling rush through her body. She was able to breathe properly. She saw Elena and Stefan on her right side and Bonnie and Caroline on the left. She was still gasping for air when she realized that Damon was holding her hand. He was down on the ground with her. Ava smiled and chuckled with a dry voice.

"Why is everyone around me?" she asked and Damon sighed from relief. Ava saw Klaus standing in the distance. He was walking quickly towards them. 

"I'm always the problem aren't I?" she asked and got up. She made them chuckle from relief and they helped as she tried to get on her knees. Her eyes flashed a hint of gold when she saw Klaus who looked very angry. 

"You look royally pissed off," she commented. Klaus lifted her chin up and examined her eyes. 

"What happened?" he asked.

"Nothing," Ava said and shrugged. She was not going to tell him that she had a some kind of seizure. 

"I saw you lay on the ground in pain. What. Happened." he said with a demanding voice. 

"Nothing happened what you should be worried of Klaus," she said with an angry tone. 

"But Ava surely something happened," he said. "Why else would your friends be here?"

"Maybe because I know them? How could you not understand that?" she shouted and the wind started to blow harder. She heard whispers she felt a huge power going through her body. She could hear Bonnie gasp. Damon took a step forward. Stefan and Elena were studying the situation further behind.

"Ava what is going on?" Caroline asked with slightly panicking voice. Damon placed his hand on Ava's shoulder. Ava just started to get more and more angry. 

"I am done answering to you. I don't owe you anything!" Ava shouted and walked to his personal space, owning it.

"I don't even know you anymore. I don't know who you are," she whispered and left him standing. She turned her back to all of her friends, she regret it for a while but knew it was better to leave them there. It was no time for explaining her behaviour. There was no time to explain her feelings for Klaus. Even when she thinked of him it made her spine shiver. Her seizure; she didn't know what was it, but she could feel it wasn't anything good. 


She had the white oak stake in her left hand as she was running away from the white mansion. She was lifting her dress from the skirt with her right hand. She was using her vampire speed to get away. She had never ran so fast, she was smiling. She had got away, she had stabbed Klaus. She was so proud of herself getting through her plan. 

She had arrived to the town and she saw a vagon with a driver. She walked to him.

"Hello, could you get me out of here?" she asked.

"Sure miss, where you headin'?" he asked with a southern accent. 

"Virginia," she said and smiled widely.

"It's a bit far..." he said with uncertain tone. 

"You will take me to Virginia," she compelled. "No matter how long it takes."


She stormed in to the Salvatore house and got straight to her room. She started to pack her things in her bag. She was not staying here anymore, she didn't want to. She wanted to leave as soon as possible. Ava let herself feel human again, it was bad. She started to have feelings towards these people. They had gotten under her skin, especially Damon...,t startled and saw Damon leaning to the doorframe. He smirked and Ava burried her face in to her hands. 

"I'm leaving," she said quietly. Damon frowned his eyebrows and walked to her. 

"Why?" he asked.

"I need a break on everything. I'm too human, I feel, Damon."

"It's normal, you have your humanity on," he said and hugged her. He pet her hair and she stood in his hug. She started slowly hugging him back. 

"I don't know what's happening to me," she said and was breaking down. 

"Don't leave, you're just getting to know everyone. It's too late to erase everything," he said and Ava chuckled. 

"We are looking for the cure. Do you want to come with me to train Jeremy?" he asked. Ava frowned her eyebrows.

"To where?" she asked with confusion.

"To the Gilbert's lake cottage. We are about to make Jeremy a hunter. And he is dealing with some control issues. He has an urge to kill vampires," he said with a crooked smile. 

"Oh, I don't know," she said and backed to her bed. 

"Who will be there?" 

"Me, Jeremy maybe Matt," she had a feeling of relief not to hear Elena's name. She had been getting on Ava's nerve the last few weeks. 

"You seem relief that Elena isn't coming," he said surprised. He looked offended and Ava shook her head quickly.

"No, it's not that I don't like her. It's just that, she has been getting on my last nerve," she said carefully watching Damon's face. He chuckled and Ava could sense him tense up. She grinned and patted Damon's back.

"Sure, I will come if you still take me," she smiled and kissed him quickly on the lips. 

"Great that you packed, because we are leaving tomorrow." 

"Why haven't I heard about this earlier?" she asked. 

"So what are you going to take with you?" he was deflecting and Ava sighed. She pointed to her bag.

"That," she left his deflect there, she didn't want to argue. She knew just the one who didn't want to tell her.

The Lost One (The Vampire Diaries fanfiction) [will not continue]Where stories live. Discover now