Chapter 7

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"We are the new Americana, high on legal marijuana, raised on Biggie and Nirvana, We are the New Americana!" Jerica sings loudly, finishing the song. I laughed. Her parents had taken the twins to their dance recital and wouldn't be back for hours.  
"We are absolutely crazy." I laughed flopping down on the couch. 
"I know." She sat down beside me. 
"What's next?" We'd put her phone on shuffle and were singing along to whatever came on.
"Um," She turned her phone on. "Let's see the next song is.... Wannabe by Spice Girls." 
"Oh my goodness." We'd been doing this for thirty minutes and we'd gone from Marina and The Diamonds to Victorious and everything in between. Now we were going 90's but hey who doesn't like 90's music. 
We started singing along and dancing around when there was a knock at the door. Jerica turned off the music as I went to the door. 
I opened it. "Can I help you?" I asked the man standing there. I glanced back at Jer who already had her phone out encase this went south.

"Yes, I'm looking for a Lucas Sinclair?" He said, reading the name off a paper.
"Oh you have the wrong house he lives two doors down." I said, pointing down the street.
"Thank you, Miss, sorry for interrupting you." The man said. I noticed a badge clipped to his shirt.

I nodded. "No problem." I shut the door and walked into the kitchen.
"Who was that?" The ginger questioned from the fridge.
"Some guy, probably a policemen, looking for that kid Lucas Sinclair." I sighed, hopping up onto the counter top beside her. 
She pulled out two sodas. "You mean the weird kid who claims a monster carried off one of his friends?" She asked.
"That would be him."
"He's strange."
"The whole bunch are strange." I agreed. 
She handed me a soda. "What do you want for dinner?" 
"I don't know." I shrugged. 
"How about pizza? Mom left us money to order something if we wanted."
She went to call the pizza man. 
"I've been thinking," She stated coming back in.
"The girl Alex brought with him."
"Because she upset you and no one upsets my sister but me." She stated hopping up next to me. "No one. Especially not Rafe." She wrapped an arm around me pulling me into a side hug.
I laid my head on her shoulder. "Is that so?"
"That's so." She nodded. "I actually told my older sister she's been replaced."
"Seriously?" I laughed. "What'd she say?"
"She hung up on me." She said with a giggle.
A knock on the door interrupted us again. "Your turn I did it last time." I said, jumping off the counter.
I followed her to the door and watched as she opened it. A guy in a pizza delivery uniform stood there. Medical payed the man and started to shut the door, but turned to me. "El, come here you gotta see this!" She eagerly motioned me to her.
"What is it?" I asked, leaning out the door.
"It's that freaky kid." I followed her gaze to a cop car just in time to see the cop-who showed up here earlier-open the back door to let Lucas in. They were arresting him?
"I bet they finally pegged Midnight for the murder of his friend." A new familiar voice said from behind us, making us both jump.
"They jumped!" Another voice exclaimed happily.
Turning to find Magnus and Rafe, we both sighed.
"Or to the crazy bin." Jerica commented. "I mean it was a matter of time before something happened to Midnight and his friends. Claiming a monster stole his friend." She laughed bitterly. "He was begging for it."
I rolled my eyes. "Yes let's talk about him, instead of asking the obvious question." I said. They looked at me confused.
"How the heck did you guys get in?" I asked.
Rafe pointed behind him toward the kitchen. "Kitchen door was unlocked."
"You sure you didn't climb in our bedroom window again?" I asked sarcastically, tilting my head to the side. He gave me a dull look.
A couple weeks ago, you see, the boys here thought it'd be funny to scare the living heck out of us. So they climbed in through the window beside the bunks.
"Okay next question, why are you here?" I asked. "Because as far as I know you weren't invited."
"Jer texted us about the cops, and we had to come see it for ourselves." Magnus started. "But then it donned on us that the copper might take us in if we looked suspicious so we came here."
"Ah, I see."
"New question." Jerica said. "Why are you being cold to him?" She turned to me. "Seriously all you've been is sarcastic and for the first time since you met him, you don't look happy to see him."
"She's not looking to friendly at me either." Magnus observed.
"I don't like that nickname." I muttered, trying to come up with a reason. "It's offense and not very nice."
"Since when are we the nicest kids in town?" Rafe defended himself.
"Since never."
"Exactly. So see no need to be unkind." Jerica laughed.
I shrugged, taking a seat on the couch. "You know if Jack and Jane find you here they'll kill you."
"Oh well." Rafe flopped down next to me. Magnus and Jerica followed in suite.
Jerica lifted the pizza box lid and grabbed a slice. We all did the same.


"So what'd you think of Alex's new friend?"Magnus asked.
They'd been here about a hour now.
"I'm not sure yet." Jerica said, readjusting her head on his chest. He looked at us.
"I don't like her." I said plainly.
"You don't like anyone." Rafe kissed my head. "I thought she was okay." He shrugged. I slapped his shoulder lightly. "Traitor." He smirked at me in response.
"I that she was okay, too." Magnus agreed.
"You're not going to call him a traitor?" Rafe questioned.
I shook my head. "He's not my boyfriend, so there for he's not a traitor."
"She has a point there." Magnus took a drink of his soda. "She can't get mad at me like she can you."
My phone became to buzz and I groaned. That would be Jasper and I didn't like when he was upset. I glaced at the caller ID Jasper Calling.
"Jer, I will love you forever if you answer this for me and tell him I'm not here." She nodded and I tossed her the phone.
She put a finger to her lips, answered it, and put it on speaker.
"If you talk I will kill you." I whispered in Rafe's ear. He nodded.
"Hello." Jerica answered the phone.
"Who is this?" Jasper sounded confused. "I thought I called Ellie's phone."
"You did. I'm Jerica, her sister, and you see she's not here right now."
"Where is she?"
"She took my sisters to the park and forgot her phone."
"Oh, I see." Jasper said. "Would you have her call me when she gets back."
"Yeah I will. Bye." She hung up the phone, and tossed it back to me.
"Who was that your boyfriend in America?" Magnus teased.
"No it was my over protective brother." I replied.
"Oh." They all echoed each other.
"One question I took the twins to the park at eight o'clock?"
"Yes because where he is it's only three o'clock." Jerica answered.

Hey guys this is a filler. A cute filler, but never-the-less a filler.
Anyway it's short because I'm going to my friend's house today-which I'm totally stocked about. Otherwise this chapter would have been longer. Bye - Izzy

Break the Rules {Book 1}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang