Chapter 6

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*Two Month Later*

It's been two months since I got here, and honestly I couldn't be happier. So what'd you miss? Let's see. Jerica and I patched things up, Magnus became my best friend, Alex and I only interact when we have to, and Rafe, well actually I don't know what to say about him. He's asked me out three times over a week and twice I gave him the same answer: "Ask me again tomorrow.". But I said yes the third time. We were happy. Anyway besides that really nothing has happened. Right now Jerica and I are headed to meet the boys.
"So you ready for tonight?" The ginger asked curiously. She was, of course, riding her skateboard.
"I think so." I nodded. "It's not like we're knocking off a bank." I laughed.
"Says the lady who knocked off a gas station and one in the morning." She laughed.
I rolled my eyes. "It was midnight, and we didn't knock it off." I said.
"Not what I heard." She replied.
"Whatever." I shrugged. "It's not a big deal."
"It may not be a big deal to you, Bonnie, but to all of us who aren't Clyde it kinda is."
She said. "I mean look at you! You've broke out of your shell, you're dating our fearless leader. You have become one of us in just a month." She paused. "It took two months for Magnus to adjust, but not you." 
I laughed. "Wow. You think a lot." I stepped on the back of the skateboard causing her to almost fall.
"Not cool, El." She pouted. 
"Neither is calling me Bonnie, Jer." I responded sarcastically. 
"But you totally are his Bonnie. Like he'd die for you in a second flat."
"Not true." I knew it was, but I didn't want her to know I knew. 
"Anyway you know you let me down." She said, changing the subject. 
"How?" I asked.
"We all had a bet on how long it'd take before you and Rafe were together. Magnus said a week, Alex said two,  and I said a month. You let me down. If you'd just turned him down one more time I'd have won." 
I gasped. "You guys made a bet about my love life?!"

She nodded. "It was clear from the moment you bumped into him. Then when he was adamant about going back for you we all knew it had to happen sooner then later."
"I can't believe this!" I threw a hand up. "Did he know about this?"
"Yeppie, he sure did." She said with a slight laugh.
"I'm gunna kill him later."
We turned heading into the woods. "Don't kill him. He freak when he found out what we'd done."
"I'm sure he did." I sighed. They had a bet, a stupid bet! Rafe is dead!

"I know that look." Magnus said joining us. "What'd you do, Jer?" He asked wrapping an arm around both of us. 

It was funny to be best friends with your "sisters" boyfriend. "I told her." Jerica sighed. 
'You told her about..." Magnus trailed off thinking. "How could you tell her about the bet! No one was supposed to find out especially her." He shook his head. "The only reason Rafe didn't murder us all was because we agreed not to tell her."
Jerica glared at him. "I didn't tell her about him making us promise, Mag!" 
His eyes widened as he turned to me. "I.. I mean... Rafe didn't-"
"Save it, Mag, he's already dead meat." I laughed. 
"Oh goodness." He muttered. "We've made the queen mad at the king."
I slapped his chest. "Watch it, O'Malley."
I reached up to grab the rungs of the old ladder. I had done this so many times that it didn't seem dangerous anymore. 
Jerica and Magnus entered first, seeing as they rushed past me. I walked through the already open door to see Rafe and Magnus talking furiously. walked up to them and cleared my throat. Magnus sent a thumbs up then scurried off to find Jer, who'd just walked outside. She'd made some excuse to leave which left us alone in the station, just like the first time we talked.
"Hey, El, what's up?" Rafe asked casually. I don't know what they told him, but he's looking everywhere, but at me.
"Rafe." I said trying to get him to look at me. "Rafe, look at me." I tried again. "Please?" I kissed his cheek.  
"Wait, you kissed me!" He exclaimed. 
"Yeah so that's not the first time I've done that?" I replied.
"I know" He sighed finally looking at me. "It's just they said you were mad, and when you're mad at me it's never fun."
I laughed. "You look so pitiful." I observed. "I'll let this one slide, but we should let them think we're fighting for a little longer..." I said trailing off as I spoke. 
He smiled. "I like that idea quite a bit." He leaned down and kissed me, before pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm glad you aren't mad at me."
"Me too." I laid my head on his chest. "Me too."

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