Monsters With Nightmares Pt. 3

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((Warning: Some language here and there.))

~A few hours later~
Everyone, well, except for Harley, is in one of the living rooms of Wayne manor. Dick was sitting in one of the chairs, holding an ice bag on his stomach, and another small ice bag to his nose, that just stopped bleeding. Tim was sitting on the couch with an ice bag against the back of his head, while he carefully massaged his foot. Bruce stood next to Damian, who had his arms crossed, while Jason stood against the doorway, staying very silent.
Bruce sighed, "Any sign of her?"
"If I was there, none of this would have happened," Damian snapped.
"Damian", Bruce raised his voice ever so slightly.
"What? It's true. If I was there, I would have-"
"Oh just shut up already Damian," Tim interrupted.
Damian narrowed his eyes, but didn't bother fighting back.
"Well, none of this would have happened if Jason didn't piss her off," Dick spat.
"Dick. Don't," Bruce said warningly.
"I'm not starting anything, I'm just saying the facts."
"Yea, well the fact is, you don't know shit Grayson," Jason fought back.
"Oh, shut the fuck up Todd. This is all your fault, and you know it. Right Bruce?"
Bruce stayed silent.
Jason turned to look at Bruce, "Bruce....tell him it's not my fault," he said softly.
Bruce remained silent.
"Bruce? Answer me!"
Bruce looked away, "Anger."
"What?," Jason asked confused.
"Anger. Your anger towards me, and your anger towards Joker caused this. Your hatred and anger for both of us, collided, and went to Harley. Your anger started this. You started this. Maybe you didn't exactly mean to, but your anger took control over you. And unfortunately, this is your fault Red Hood."
Jason's eyes were wide, "You mean Jason, right?"
"No, I don't. You are nothing more than a criminal. You are not who you used to be. You are not the Jason I met, and knew. Your anger issues are the only thing you both have in common, but I would like to believe that it wasn't Jason's fault for what happened, but Red Hood. But that doesn't matter now. What matters now is finding where Harley is. Because of your actions, she probably left the only place she was safe at, and is now on the streets. We need to ban out and find her, before someone else does."
"I'll help too," Jason spoke, a little shaky.
"I think you've helped enough, but thanks anyways Red Hood," Bruce said as he left the room, followed by Damian, Tim, and Dick.
Jason sighed in frustration, as he trailed off towards the window to look out of. He felt broken, but would never admit it. His eyes caught the batmobile speeding off, and his sadness turned into anger.
"I do not idolize him!", he said to himself, as he walked away from the window.
"She doesn't know what she's talking about. She just wanted to get on your nerve, to mess with your head. She's just like the clown, nothing more! She doesn't know anything!", he punched the wall, leaving a pretty sizable hole in the wall.
He took a few deep breaths, as he stared at the hole.
"Okay, maybe I do have anger issues...", he mumbled softly.
He brushed off his hand, and started walking down the long hallway. His thoughts turned to Harley.
"Fucking bitch", he mumbled, but deep down, he knew he didn't mean it.
His thoughts turned into wondering where she could be, and what her plan was, assuming she had one. She had to have a plan though, right? His thoughts turned more sinister when he started thinking about if Joker found her before the others. He tried to shake the thoughts out of his head, but they kept getting worse.
"Harley...", he said softly.
He didn't realize he walked halfway down the stairs to the batcave. He sighed, and turned to leave, when he could hear a motorcycle start.
He sprinted down the stairs, and there she was. Harley managed to start one of Dick's motorcycle, and she was getting ready to drive off.
"Harley! Wait!"
She bit her lip, and looked away. Before she could drive off, Jason pushed her off, and landed on top of her.
"For Christ's sake", she said with a hint of annoyance and pain.
"Harley, you need to stay here."
"Fuck off," she said as she pushed him off of her, and stood up, brushing herself off.
He quickly got up, and stood in front of her, "It's not safe for you there."
She rolled her eyes, "It's fine. I've been in dangerous situations before."
She started to walk back to the motorcycle, but Jason pinned her against a wall.
"Get. Off. Now!"
She struggled against his grip, but he wasn't budging.
"Harley listen to me", he tried to say calmly.
"No! Get the hell away from me!"
"Harley", he said sternly as his grip tightened.
She bit her lip and looked away. The glare still remained on her face however.
"Harley... You need to stay here", he said softly as he sorta loosened his grip.
She didn't respond.
He sighed,"I...I don't want you getting hurt.."
"Ha!", she spat at him. "Like you honestly care about me. I'm not that easy to fool Birdie", she says as she pushes him away from her.
She starts walking away, but he quickly grabs her wrist and turns her around to face him again.
"I don't care if you believe me or not! I'm not letting you get yourself fucking killed!"
"Fuck off", she snapped back as she yanked her wrist away from him.
Jason growls in frustration,"I mean it Harley."
Harley rolls her eyes,"Oh no, I'm sooo scared."
Harley starts walking back to the motorcycle, but unfortunately for Harley, he pins her down against the ground.
She groans and frustration and tries kicking him off to no avail.
"Don't even think about it Harls."
She starts kicking and screaming, trying her best to fight back,"I hate you, I hate you!! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!!!!!"
Jason slaps her and she goes silent.
The two stay silent for what seems like an eternity. Jason's eyes never leave Harley's face as she does everything she can to not look at him. He notices tears forming in her eyes and how she refuses to let them out.
She looks at him as more tears swell.
"Please....just let me die", she pleads softly as the first few tears stream down her face.
Jason doesn't respond.
"Just let me go already", she pleads again.
Jason slowly lets one of his hands leave Harley's wrists as he gently wipes the tears on her face away.
She interrupts him,"D-Don't call me that", causing her to cry even more."
He quickly sits up and gently brings Harley up and lifts her on his lap. She hides her face in the crook of his neck as more and more tears spill. He carefully rests his arms around her waist as he lightly caresses her back, trying to comfort her.
"Umm, well, hey, I mean, he's sorta ya know...umm killed me too", Jason said trying his best to lighten the mood.
Harley pulls away from his neck and looks up at him.
"T-that's different", she sniffles.
Jason doesn't reply as Harley lays her head on his shoulder.
"Y-you h-hated him before t-that a-anyways. I-It's dif-different when you l-love him."
Jason's anger started to rise again, but he did his best to maintain a calm stance. Unfortunately, Harley noticed.
"W-why do you c-care if I l-love him or n-not?"
"He's a monster. He doesn't deserve love and he couldn't love even if he tried."
Harley looked up at him again,"Y-You've called me a monster before..."
"T-That's different", Jason stuttered.
"How is that d-different?"
Jason sighed,"Because I didn't mean it."
"I-If you didn't mean it, then w-why did you s-say it?"
"Well you're the Doctor here", he said with a small smile.
She giggled softly and rolled her eyes,"You're stupid."
He chuckled,"So I've heard."
Harley smiled and laid her head back down on his shoulder. The two sat there for awhile. Jason gently moved a piece of hair away  from her face as she looked up at him.
"Bipolar much?"
Jason laughed and rolled his eyes,"Could say the same thing about you Dr. Clown."
She smiled and nuzzled into his shoulder more.
"Why do you hate me?"
"I never said I hated you", Jason replied.
"I'm pretty sure you have before."
"Why do you hate me", Jason asked?
"Well.....I don't hate you exactly. Annoying? Yes. Pain in the ass? Oh definitely."
Jason chuckled,"Oh thanks. Feelings are mutual."
She playfully nudged him,"Oh shush."
"Make me."
She giggled,"Nah....ya wouldn't want me to."
"Hmm, how do you know?"
She blushed slightly and looked away.
After a few minutes, she spoke again.
"Did it hurt", she asked softly?"
She looked back at him,"Did it hurt?"
"Did what hurt?"
She looked away, partly ashamed that she was asking,"You know....that...."
Jason understood what she meant,"Oh....yea...that. Umm, yea, did."
She nodded and looked away.
"What...what does it feel like", Jason asked softly?
"Hmm?" She looked back at him.
"Umm...what does...what does it feel like?"
Jason was referring to the beatings Harley has received from Joker.
"Oh", she paused, then continued,"It wasn', but umm", she looked down,"It was mostly the emotional stuff that I couldn't take.....I could take the physical stuff....for the most part anyways."
Jason nodded.
Harley started twirling a small piece of Jason's hair, like she was lost in her own little world.
"What was it like?"
She stopped twirling his hair,"What was what like?"
"Living with him?"
"What do you mean?"
"What was it like to live with...him?"
"You'll need to be more specific."
"Well, uh, you know, the good, the bad, that stuff..?"
"It's kind of a long story I guess..."
"Well, what were some good things about it then?" He continued and mumbled,"If any.."
She looked down and started playing with one of Jason's hands,"Well....sometimes in his sleep, he would hold me. When he was happy or proud of me umm, he would gently kiss my forehead and pull me into a hug. The times that he told me that he loved me were probably my favorite."
"And the bad..?"
Harley intertwined her fingers with his,"The things he would say to me.....things about me. Whether it was my appearance or lack of intellect or whatever. How he locked himself away in his study for days on end, sometimes longer. When he'd ignore me....or how he constantly pushed me to the I wasn't I was nothing."
Then she pulled her hand away from his and looked a bit uneasy. He took notice and gently picked up her hand and held it with his again. She looked back at him and he looked back at her.
"Why do you love him?", he asked gently.
"Monsters can only love monsters, right?"
"But he doesn't love you."
"You don't know him like I do."
She interrupted him,"It doesn't matter if he does or not! I love him! A-And that's enough! I-I know h-he loves me! I-I know it."
"Harley, he tried to kill you.....he's still trying to kill you."
She shook her head.
She kept shaking her head as tears filled up her eyes again,"No no's not true!"
"It's not true! It's not true!"
"For God's sake, look at your arms, your body! He tried to fucking kill you! He doesn't care about you Harley!! Wake up!"
Harley bit her lip as she trembled slightly.
Jason sighed,"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you Harls."
"For the last time, don't call me that. O-Only he gets to c-call me that. N-not you."
Tears poured down her face as he pulled her closer. She hid her face again in the crook of his neck as he held her tightly.
"You deserve better", he said quietly.
"Uh huh sure. Like who?", she replied sarcastically.
"Maybe a different monster, but one that treats you well."
She looked at him and he wiped away her tears again. He leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead.
"W-why did you do that?"
"Because I care about you Harley. And I'm going to protect you. No matter what happens, I'm with you."
She smiled softly and he smiled back. Jason carefully helps her back up to her feet, but quickly picks her up bridal style and carries her back to her temporary bed. He lays her down and tucks her in. Jason starts walking away, but Harley suddenly speaks,"Wait."
He turns around.
"Will you....will you stay with me?"
He smiled softly,"Nothing's gonna happen Harley. You'll be fine."
"No I know, but what if I have any nightmares?"
He smiled and walked back over to Harley and laid down next to her. Harley laid her head on his chest as they held each other close. Both soon drifted off to sleep.
//2 hours later//
Batman, Dick, Tim, and Damian are standing in the bat cave. All of them are looking at the sleeping couple yet again.
"You gotta be freaking kidding me", Damian says.

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