Monsters with Nightmares Pt. 2

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((This is part two of the previous one shot. FYI: there's a lot of cussing hah, because why not....
And a part 3 is in the works as you read this ;)

Enjoy :) )))

Damian stood with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed, as Tim stood there slightly confused.
"Well, look at that," Dick said jokingly.
Damian turned to Dick and glared, causing Dick to raise his hands in defense.
"Oh come on, it's pretty funny if you think about it."
"Should we, uh, leave them alone?", Tim asked.
"Because you trust either of them?", Damian replied.
"Fair point."
A few minutes later, the dark knight himself returned. His eyes met with the sleeping pair that were holding each other rather closely.
"What's the meaning of this?", he spoke with a hint of anger.
"We don't know. They were like this when we got back," Tim said.
Batman turned to Dick, with a look that could kill.
"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on both of them, especially Jason?"
"Yes, but-"
"No excuses Richard. He could have killed her, kidnap her, torture her, sell her for a reward. Do you not realize that??"
"But that didn't happen," Tim intervened.
Batman turned to Tim, "It could have though."
"But it didn't."
"Doesn't mean it still won't."
Everyone went silent, and didn't dare make eye contact with Bruce, or even the sleeping "couple".
"I want you all to keep a close eye on both Jason and Harley, especially Jason. He isn't who he used to be. He's a criminal, and you need to treat him as such. All of you will be taking turns on watching them. When Harley awakes, notify me right away, and I will take full responsibility for watching after her. It was going to be Dick and I who took turns watching after her, but since Dick can't handle 'female attention', then I will handle the task, while all three of you handle Red Hood. Is that understood?"
"If we're suppose to treat Jason like a criminal, then doesn't that mean we treat her like a criminal since she's worse than he is?", Damian snapped back.
Batman glared at him,"Go to bed."
"But I thought we were suppose to take turns watching over the criminals? And we both know I'm more qualified to compared to the others."
"Don't make me say it again Damian."
"As you wish father," he spat back, while walking out of the cave.
Batman sighed, then turned back to Tim and Dick, "Stick with what I told you. Please."
They both nodded, and Batman turned around, and started walking out of the area.
"God, what has his bat panties in a twist?", Dick said jokingly with a hint of sarcasm.
Tim rolled his eyes, "You don't get it, do you? Joker is after Harley, and he will do anything in his power to get her, and until he finds her, he's not going to stop. And when he finds her, he'll either beat her up to the point of her begging him back, or he'll just try to kill her. And adding Jason to the mix of all of's gonna get messy."
"And you thought all of that out already?"
"Well, I am mostly known as the Robin with the most brains," Tim said smugly.
"Oh, I thought you were most known as the forgotten Robin," Dick replied with a smirk.
Tim frowned, "Shut up Grayson."
Dick only replied with a laugh, which unknowingly to both of them, caused a certain clown to awake.
"I said shut up Grayson," Tim said threateningly with a glare.
Dick wiped the tears away from his eyes, as he chuckled softly, "Or what Dim Tim?"
Tim was about to punch Dick straight in the jaw, when the heard the bed creak, and both looked over.
They froze as Harley was starting to wake up.
"Dick.. Get Bruce now," Tim whispered.
Dick nodded slightly, and quietly sprinted out of the cave.
Thinking the being she was snuggling with was Joker, she nuzzled him slightly, before opening her eyes slightly.
Once her eyes became adjusted to her dark surroundings, they widened.
She quickly turned to look at who she originally thought was Joker, and was beyond shocked.
She quickly sat up to get away from him, but ended up just sitting on his lap instead.
Jason grudgingly opened his eyes, and rubbed them, "Wha-What?"
His eyes met Harley's wide ones, "Harls?", he said sleepily.
Harley snapped, and began to choke him, "Don't call me that!"
He struggled against her strong hold, but she suddenly stopped when she caught notice of the bruises and scars on her arms. She pulled away from Jason's throat and looked at her arms more closely and gasped, while Jason gasped for air.
Jason sat up a bit and rested his hands on her waist, to try and calm her down.
"Look Harley, calm-"
Harley smacked both of his hands away from her, "Don't you dare fucking touch me Crowbar!"
Jason growled, "What did you call me?"
"Crowbar! Or do you not remember that little tea party you and J had?", she said teasingly with a evil grin.
"Shit...", Tim mumbled.
"You bitch!", Jason screamed, and jumped on top of her, restraining both of her arms.
"Jason!", Batman snapped at him, causing both Harley and Jason to look.
"Get off of her now before I make you."
Jason slowly removed himself off of Harley.
"There. Happy n-"
Jason was interrupted by Harley kicking him where the sun doesn't shine.
"Motherfu-", he said before collapsing on the side of the bed.
Harley quickly got off the bed, and went into a battle stance.
Tim slowly raised his arms in defense,"Look Harley, we're not here to h-"
"Shut up brat! Why the hell am I here? How did I..." She paused as she looked from Tim to Bats. "W-What happened...?" She got out of her battle stance and just stood there looking down at the floor as everything from the previous night came flooding back.
She looked up with slight tears in her eyes, "I-it happened.....did-didn't it?"
Batman nodded softly, as Jason finally sat up, but still in a great deal of pain.
Harley looked back down at her arms, "It happened," she said softly.
"Harley...", Batman spoke calmly.
She looked back up, and ran over to him, hugging him tightly.
"It happened," she said heartbreakingly as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
What surprised everyone must was the fact that the dark knight actually hugged her back.
"I know Harley," he spoke.
She quickly wiped away her tears, then pulled away from him.
"Why am I here though?"
"For protection."
"I can't stay here forever though."
"I know that."
"How long am I going to stay here?"
"We don't know yet."
"I'm not an animal though. You can't just keep me caged up, and-"
"Harley," he said sternly, "Calm down."
"Fine," she spat back, then turned away to see Dick walking in.
Her eyes lit up slightly, as she skipped over to him, "Boy blunder!"
"It's, uh, Nightwing now, remember?"
"Aw, I know, but you'll always be boy blunder to me," she said while ruffling his hair.
Jason glared slightly, but quickly brushed it off with an eye roll.
"Can't wait to tell Babs this!", Jason shouted over to Dick.
Dick rolled his eyes, "You're just jealous Hood."
Harley looked over at Jason, and smirked slightly.
"Oh right, I mean Babs is a real woman so..." Jason replied smugly, with some sarcasm.
"Agree to disagree," Harley snapped back.
Jason smirked, "Jealous Harley?"
She scoffed, "Well I give her some credit. I mean she does have more of a manly figure than you."
Jason growled back, as Harley laughed.
Jason turned to Batman, and put on a playful smirk, "So....what are we gonna do with Mrs. Clown?"
Harley interjected, "Excuse me, that's Dr. Clown to you."
"Wasn't your license suspended Mrs. Clown?" He replied smugly.
"Well at I least I earned the title, unlike you who still hasn't earned the title of Red Hood. And FYI, it's still not Mrs. because I've never been married."
Jason narrowed his eyes, "Yea, who in their right mind would marry you? Or I guess even if they weren't in their right mind, they still had the decency to not marry you."
"Drop dead," she spat back.
"You first sweetie."
Harley gave Jason a death glare, as he smiled happily.
"Ha! Like you could actually take me down," she fired back, her hands in fists at her sides.
Dick glanced down and noticed that her knuckles were already turning white.
'Shit...' He thought.
Jason laughed, "Anyone can take you down pumpkin, trust me."
Her eyes widened when he called her 'pumpkin'. Jason continued to laugh as her anger grew.
"You bastard! I hate you I hate you!!", she screamed as Dick grabbed her from behind, and tried to restrain her as she heavily struggled against him.
Jason laughed even more, "See! What I tell ya!? Anyone can take you down pumpkin."
She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, "Sorry birdie."
Harley quickly elbowed Dick right in the nose, causing him to stumble back from pain, and shock. She took the advantage, and kneed him in the gut, making him fall to his knees. Before he could get up, she kicked his head, just with enough force for him to pass out. Let's just say, Jason wasn't laughing anymore. Harley turned around, and started making her way towards him. Tim rushed over to attack Harley, but Harley beat him to it. He was midway in a roundhouse kick, when she caught his foot, and flew him across the room, hitting one of the walls, causing a loud boom to echo through the cave. Batman quickly blocked Harley's path.
"Don't do this Harley," he warned.
She ignored him, and walked past him. He stopped her again, by putting a hand on her shoulder, and turning her around to face him.
"Look at me. Don't start a fight, it's not worth it Harley."
"I don't start fights, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to end them."
She grabbed the hand that was resting on her shoulder, and flipped him over, his back hitting the hard floor. He groaned slightly, as she turned to walk away, but he grabbed her ankle.
She glanced back, "Sorry bats. Oh, and sweet dreams."
He raised his eyebrow in confusion, then quickly looked down when one of his temporary sleeping gas bombs went off.
Harley made it over to where Jason was, and he was still a bit speechless over what happened. It all just happened so fast, and it wasn't the easy to process if he was being honest.
She leaned down over him to the point where their noses were almost touching. He wanted to move, to fight, but he was frozen.
She smiled patronizingly, "Ya know, you're all talk, but when it comes down to it, you have no idea what you're doing. You hate when people underestimate you, and yet, you underestimate everyone around you. You think you're this big, tough guy that's had a rough past, but that's a façade. You're still that little, insecure boy trying to find out who he really is, but doesn't know how to cope and deal with emotions, so he acts like he doesn't have them, when in fact, he feels like crying, maybe even dying. You say you're doing good by killing criminals, but you even doubt that. Deep down, you're unsure of what you're doing is the right thing to do, and it kills you, but you act like you couldn't give a shit. You want to prove to everyone that you're your own person, but you don't even know who the hell you are. You have so much rage towards B-man, but you're not angry about him not saving you, or not killing you know who. You're disappointed in him, in yourself. You looked up to him like an angel, a God. He was your hero, and you idolized him, and it killed you when you, nor him could save you. The crowbar didn't kill you, the truth did. So call me stupid, call me a bitch, a slut..... Call me a monster, but at the end of the day, you're no better than me, or anyone else. I know you've been through a lot, but wake up, so has everyone else."
Harley stepped back, and finally broke eye contact. Everyone slowly started to get up, right as Harley ran away to hide who knows where in the cave.
Jason sat there silent, unable to speak, but his mind was on fire.

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