LoVe YoU mOsT

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((Warning: Physical & emotional abuse + self-harm. You have been warned))

It was a quiet night for once in Gotham City. That is...except for a clown couple. Better known as Joker and Harley. The young girl managed to yet again, annoy her psychopathic boyfriend.
"Harley!!! Get back here you ungrateful little bitch!!!!" The Joker screamed loud enough that even Metropolis could probably hear it.
Harley shuddered and unwillingly walked to where he was screaming from.
"What's taking so-?!" He looked behind him, at the door, and saw Harley standing in the doorway. "Oh, there you are," he sneered at her. Her head was down as she was nervous to make eye contact unless he said so.
"Come. Here. Now." He gritted his teeth. She grudgingly walked towards him, then stopped a step or two from him. She slowly raised her head up to look at him and she was met with a slap to the face. She staggered back, but caught her balance before she fell over. She stood up straight and looked down, trying to not anger him anymore than he already was now, if that was even possible.
He forcefully grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. Her eyes met his. Hers full of hidden fear and sorrow. His full of rage and hate. Then, he decided to put on an act. It was obvious he was furious, but he acted like he calmed down, in an almost patronizing way.
"Harrllleeyy..." He lulled out. She bite her lip, but managed a reply.
"Y-yes Pu-Puddin'?"
"Do you know why I'm mad at you sweetheart?" He spat out the word 'sweetheart' like it was poison in his mouth.
"U-uh, was I-it because-"
"Because you haven't washed and ironed my suit!!!"
"Your suit?" She asked slightly confused.
"Yes, my suit! The one I'm supposed to wear tomorrow for my big plan against Bats!! THAT! SUIT!!"
"B-but I did wash it P-Puddin'."
"And that is where you are wrong pumpkin pie", he sneered. "You washed the wrong suit. Understand what I'm saying? You washed the WRONG suit."
Before Harley could respond, he continued.
"Of course you wouldn't understand, you stupid whore."
She bit her lip, and held back the tears. Not yet. She wouldn't cry. She could take this.
He leaned close to her face as his expression darkened.
"You can't do anything right. You're a worthless, clingy, brat that I can't stand."
She looked at him with tears forming in her eyes. Unfortunately for Harley, he noticed them.
"Aww, is the little slut gonna cry now?"
She looked down. She thought of the only thing that could save her now.
She looked at him pleadingly, "Please Mistah J, I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me? I'll be better next time, I promise. I love you, ya know. And you love me too, right?"
He laughed loudly at her pitiful response. "Love you?" He chuckled lowly "Oh could I ever love you??"
"B-but don't you? I...I mean-"
"No I don't! And do ya know what I feel about you?" He gritted his teeth once again as a small smile crept on his face. "I hate you." He says simply. "I wish I never met you. I wish you never were my psychiatrist. I wish I never let you live after you helped me escape."
"But P-Puddin'-"
"And don't call me that. Or even 'Mistah J'" he mocked her voice.
"Y-You don't meant it. I....I know you can't mean it. You're just mad....that's...that's all. I'm really sorry about what I did. You know that. Just tell me what I can do to make it better. I can wash the suit now if you want. I'll wash all of them if that'll make you happy. Please, please tell me what you want" she gently held his hands as she begged. He pulled his hands back in disgust.
"You wanna know what I want? I want you dead. Hell, I want it to be painful too. Nothing would make me happier" he said as he glared, then pushed her away. This time when Harley stumbled back, she didn't bother to try and catch herself. She hit the ground with a jolt. All of Jokers words sinking in deeper and deeper. He's said horrible things to her before, but nothing like that. Her chest burned and ached as a single tear streamed down her face.
Joker left the room right after he pushed Harley away. He headed towards his office, grumbling some words before sitting down and going back to work.
An hour went by, and he couldn't concentrate. All he thought was his fight with Harley. Deep down, he didn't mean what he said. It even killed him a little inside, just thinking about some of the things he said. He just couldn't control his anger sometimes....most times. He got up from his desk and walked down the hallway. He stumbled upon shattered glasses and plates. His face turned red in anger, "HARLEY!!!" He stormed around the hideout, looking in each room for her. The last room was the bathroom. The light was on and the door was closed. He tried opening the door, but it was locked.
He angrily knocked on the door
"HARLEY! Open up!!"
He waited and no reply.
"I said open up, you stupid bitch!!"
Still nothing.
"Open the Goddamn door Harley!!!!"
He waited and waited, but it was silent on the other side of the door. He began to worry.
"H-Harls?" He asked nervously
No answer.
"Harley, if you can hear me, stand back"
He broke the door down, then stepped through the doorway. He gasped and his eyes widen at what he say. Harley was unconscious, sprawled out on the floor. Or at least he hoped she was unconscious.
He ran quickly to her side and shook her lightly
"Harls? Wake up?? Can you hear me??"
She didn't budge.
"Shit" he cursed under his breath.
He began performing CPR. It seemed like hours passed by, and still nothing. He looked down at her lifeless body. Her hair in pigtails, and the only thing she wore was her undergarments. He gasped again as he finally noticed. Noticed all the bloody words carved on her body.
'Stupid bitch'
And many more. He looked at her stomach and his heart burned. In a messy, scrambled handwriting, the word 'unloved' was carved. Tears started to fill his eyes. He looked at her hand and saw that she was previously holding a broken piece of glass from the plates. A tear streamed down his cheek as he looked back at her. He held her close as he started crying softly.
"Please wake up.....please"
He started rocking her
"P-Please wake up"
No response.
"Please!" He sobbed.
"Y-you can't leave me. N-not like this. Not like this. This wasn't suppose to happen. I...I"
He smoothed a piece of her hair back
"I'm so sorry. I should have been there. I should have cared more. I should never have hurt you. Oh dear lord, I should have never abused you. You were so kind to me. Too good for me even. No one cared about me like you did. I see that now. Oh God, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve this. You didn't deserve any of this. I take back everything I ever said that hurt you. I didn't mean them, I swear. I never meant any of those awful words. I'm so glad I met you. I wish I could go back and do it all over again, so I could stop t-this from happening. I should have held you, not push you away. I should have listened, not ignored you. I should have done so much. I should have. I should have! But trust and believe me sweet, sweet Harley, that deep down I did and still do love you with all my heart."
He brushed her hair back and caressed her cheek
"So please wake up!" He continued sobbing and shaking her lifeless body
"Please, dammit!"

Suddenly, The Joker woke up with a jolt. He looked around his surroundings. He was still in his office. 'I guess I must have fallen asleep', he thought. Then, the fight and dream came slowly back to him. He sprang from his chair, "HARLEY"
He ran towards the bedroom. She wasn't there.
"No, no, no, no, no"
He scurried to the bathroom and knocked loudly on the door before breaking it down. There, he saw Harley with tears streaming down her face as she used the broken glass to carve the word 'Useless' on her arm. She gasped as she saw Joker standing in the doorway. Quickly, she hid her arm behind her back and scooted away towards the wall. He ran to her and looked at her. She was scared. Scared of what he might do. Then unexpectedly, he gently grabbed her arm from behind her back and looked at it closely.
His chest started to hurt again. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Harley was shocked at first, but then returned his embrace. Joker started crying as he felt her wrap her arms around him. Harley pulled back for a second and looked at him. Tears were streaming down his face. She gasped softly and gently wiped away his tears with her thumb. He chuckled softly in pain, in irony, and in complete joy. Joker picked her up and put her gently on his lap. He started rocking her back and forth.
"I didn't mean anything I said. You're intelligent, caring, loving, brave, loyal, beautiful, and all around amazing. You're too good for me. I don't deserve you. I don't know what I'd do if I never met you. You're my world. And Harley...."
He looked at her, "I love you"
Harley started crying again, but this time, with tears of joy. She smiled and kissed him softly. He returned the softness of the kiss.
When their lips parted, he glanced down at her arm again.
"Let's fix that up"
He stood up and helped her up. He went over to the closet and grabbed the first aid kit. He picked her up and set her on the counter as he attended to her wound.
After he put the bandaid on, he kissed it gently before picking Harley up and carrying her to their room.
He set her down on the bed as he began  searching for some of her clothes. He put her shorts and t-shirt on. Harley said she could do it herself, but Joker insisted.
He finally changed into his pajamas, and pulled back the blankets. He laid Harley down, then crawled into bed himself.
He instantly snuggled with her as she rested her head on his chest.
Harley closed her eyes, "I love you"
He smiled and kissed her forehead.
"I love you too"
"Love you more" she teased
He sighed happily and closed his eyes, "Love you most"

((Authors note: I wrote this story on my notes, then copied and pasted, but apparently, the whole story didn't save on my notes, so I had to rewrite it. Trust me, I'm still pissed about that, but oh well. I hope you enjoyed this one shot. Comment please :P and thanks for reading))

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