The Pact

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Katarah's POV:

Seeing her hurt makes me hurt or something like that.

Its the fifth time I'm actually watching Stuck in Love yet my favourite words mentioned in the movie can't be stored in the back of my mind, only to jump forth when summoned upon for recital....psh typical brain of mine. I remember each artery in the human body and it's purpose but a simple line of a movie I forget.

"Hey Kami do you think we'll ever fall in love like that one day?" I ask already knowing exactly what she will say.

"Of course we will, one day Klaus will be yours just like your dreams always suggest and Kade will be mine just like Kaleb will be for Kait." said Kami in her dreamy voice that signals to me she is already thinking of Kade.

"Fuck yeah, like we will ever catch the triple K and have them profess their love to us psh, its time us geeks get a grip on reality and start preparing ourselves for our final semester in Casper High." said Kait in her normal dream crusher tone of voice.

"You know the fact that we are smarter than the rest of our classmates don't make us geeks right?" I said which indeed this was a fact especially at Casper High.

You see all the students are actually smart no one in our class fails, its just that some girls instead of trying to excel to the best of their abilities, they decide to be average smart and focus part time on hair, make-up etc,etc.

That particular group also happens to be the popular girls Jessie, Alice and Daisey.

Jessie was the queen of her clique the total alpha male Klaus was her boyfriend, heaven knows what a brilliant guy like him sees in her.

He is the head of the football team which means as a rule of our school you had to be in the top five students that made the highest scores each semester.

Principles rules go figure.

The girls and I always made the top three and then the triple K always falls in line with Klaus in fourth and either his brothers Kade or Kaleb close behind one after the other.

He was amazing in math, damn he calculated his way into my heart since we were thirteen and he corrected me on an arithmetic equation.

One of the only times he ever spoke to me.

Alice liked Kaleb but he never seems to be interested in her which was sorta good for Kait but he always hung out with her anyways along with which ever girl cared to join the many who surrounded him during one of his songs.

He is a guitarist.

Daisey is with Kade which drives Kami up a wall everytime she sees her kissing him.

I couldn't blame her.

The triple K are like the descendants of Greek gods or something with their mass of dark brown hair that went perfectly with their forest green eyes and soft pink lips, the boys were triplets but not identical in looks or personality.

Kade was also the greatest swimmer in our entire community.

Enough said the Mitchel boys or has the girls an I like to call them the triple K were the hottest things in Casper High.

Kami's POV:

Kait never seems to believe she can have Kaleb even if she tried but hey who am I to judge. I couldn't even find the courage to say hi to Kade when he walked by right in front of me ahh pathetic.

"I'm going to get something to drink you guys want anything?" I asked the girls looking at Kait who was currently stretched out by the picture window looking over at the triple K's house no doubt.

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