Chapter 5

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Kat's POV:

Practice ended early since Klaus and I had scheduled to take our run at 6 pm sharp, so there I was in front of my house stretching in a pair of hardly used gym wear. 

"Hey you look good." Klaus said bracing at my gate's entrance staring at me bent forward touching my toes.

"Why Klaus if I didn't know better I'd say you were checking me out, but I know you're not with Jessie being so pretty and all." I said as I sauntered pass him to starting our jog to the park and back.

"Yeah, well a guy doesn't need to be single in order to compliment a beautiful girl when he sees her either." and with that he left me flabbergasted staring at his jogging form. "He called me beautiful".

"Are you coming?" he asked glancing back over his shoulder.

"Sure thing, handsome" I said jogging pass him, making him laugh.

We jogged to the park whilst talking about different things like school and our families; opening up on a deeper level. The sun was down as we jogged pass the lights pouring out from the little shops along side the park on our way back. 

"Hey how about we take a quick break here?" Klaus said sitting on the outside patio of a little diner named 'Betty Blue'.

"Sure thing, hungry?" I asked hoping he would say yes.

"Yeah you know what I am, how about a snack?" he said already signalling a waitress over.

This definitely felt like a date.

"Welcome to Betty Blue here are your menu's I'll give you a few and be back in a moment to take your order" the waitress said politely handing us our menu's before attending to other customers.

"Have you ever eaten here before?" Klaus asked me after lightly scanning the menu.

"I haven't to be honest but I've seen it and thought of coming in sometime".

"So have I actually but when I brought the idea up to Jessie she just looked at me as though I asked her to eat salmonella." he said laughing and I couldn't help but laugh too.

I loved the sound he made while laughing. It was so warm and inviting that you couldn't help but to laugh along. The crinkles by his eyes made him look so much wiser too.

"You look cute when you laugh." Klaus said looking into my eyes with such intensity that I felt my heart beat faster and drummed in my ears.

"Thank you, so do you." I said watching him burst into laughter all over again.

"Why if I didn't know better I'd say you were flirting with me Ms. Miller" he said teasingly.

"Would that be such a bad thing?" I said before I could stop myself. "I'm sssorry I shouldn't have said that" I said looking down at the table twiddling with my fingers beneath for comfort.

"Don't be Katarah" he said lifting my chin to look him in the eyes. "Never be afraid to let me in."

"I won't" I said looking deep into his forest greens staring back at my baby blues.

"Um are you guys ready to order or should I come back?" the waitress asked and I mentally slapped her for interrupting this moment.

"Um yes, I'll have your cheese burger and fries with a strawberry milkshake please." Klaus said handing back the menu.

"I'll have a slice of your blueberry pie please and a coffee with cream please" I said handing back my menu.

"I see you're a desert first kind of girl." Klaus said smirking.

"Actually I just always like to try the pie first whenever I visit somewhere new." I said smiling back.

"Well its good to stick to your traditions and its better than having to watch you eat a lean salad." he said laughing.

"Lean salad? Wow I thought they were already healthy just as a salad." 

"My thoughts exactly, its something Jessie always has whenever we eat out." he says shaking his head.

We eat our meal and walk back side by side talking about ourselves some more and I find that Klaus is really interested in Biology more so than he lets on. He is a real nerd to be honest when it comes to science and I can't help but feel even more attracted to him for it.

"I had an amazing time tonight Katarah, you don't know how much this meant to me. I've been thinking a lot lately about changes I need to make in my life and I think you helped me finalize one tonight." he said looking at me once again with that intensity in his eyes.

"I'm happy I could help. I should head in now, have a great night Klaus." I said running to my doorstep.

Slipping into my snug, fluffy pink robe after a shower and washing my hair; I daydream about Klaus' eyes and the soft curve of his pink lips and my new favorite the crinkle when he laughs by his eyes.

Drying my hair I hear a pebble tap my window, climbing on to my balcony I look down below to meet those treasured features looking back at me.

"Meet me downstairs in a few." he says then slips back inside of his room without so much as a glance back.

Pulling on a pair of satin pajama shorts and top I got a year ago as a birthday present from my aunt I rushed downstairs pulling open my door. Standing in a batman tee and black bottoms Klaus held out his hand to reveal a Harry Potter Trilogy and a bucket of popcorn.

"Movie night?" he asked smiling.

"Its H.P how can I say no to that." I let him in smiling to myself. He was definitely my definition of a paradise, a beautiful dream.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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