Chapter 2

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Kami's POV

Its Monday the most dreaded day of the week but something tells me thats not what Kait thinks today.

"Ok guys we need to make some changes if we are going to not only confess but actually make the triple K fall for us." said Kait 

"What do you mean? There is no way I'm dumbing down myself to get a guy's attention even if its for a demi god like Klaus" Kat said throwing her clothes out one by one trying to find something besides what she chose to wear as usual..... everyday.

"No not like that; I mean we need to make them notice us. That is why we need to enter the talent competition for the school concert this weekend." Kait said smiling that genius smile of hers when she is unto something good.

"What? Are you kidding; what will we do and please don't say sing." I said obviously not in the mood this early.

"Of course! We have great voices and you know it, last summer we rocked that karaoke session in Maui; everyone asked if we were like a band or something."

"Kait that was good but this is different we'd be in front of the entire school body and you're talking about this weekend that means we have until Saturday to get signed up, choose a song, practice, get a track downloaded and most importantly NOT SUCK!!!" Kat yelled loud enough to wake the dreamers in the neighborhood.

"Thats easy the song we'll sing is 'This is how to be a heartbreaker' by Marina and the Diamonds" Kait said confidently.

"Thats an awesome song, we could all sing it. I'll download the instrumental during lunch while Kat you'll sneak into the drama room and sign us up." I said excited so much it rang clear in my voice.

"OMG you guys have lost it!"Kat said falling into her clothes pile now surrounding her feet on the floor.

"Its about time we started acting a bit crazy this is exactly what we need to give us the exposure, then phase two will be so much easier." Kait said.

"Wait phase two whats that, we haven't even begun phase one." I said curiously.

"Come on we'll talk about it on our way to school or we'll be late."Kait said smiling as Kat scrambled on a blue jeans and white tee to match her converse.

"Wow that's a great freaking plan I must admit" Kat said as she climbed out of Kait's blue convertible.

We all had cars but Kait loved driving.

"So this afternoon after school would be perfect. The stores won't be crawling with kids from our school until atleast Wednesday when they start shopping for something to wear for the concert." I suggested keeping in tune with our plan.

"We'll get a total advantage to shop for the most awesome outfits not only for the concert but for our phase two."Kat said.

Katarah was a total fashionista but always kept her wardrobe simple due to her always wanting to stay out of the eyes of the bitch squad or any other mean teen.

"Come on girls today phase one takes motion" said Kait.

Kait's POV:

I was planning all these ideas in my mind and putting on the brave face for the girls but inside I was terrified.

What if I saw Kaleb today and he just totally ignored me like last night never happened. That would totally crush me. Yet as I made my way to my locker with the girls, I acted as if nothing about today was different. When the first bell sounded I all but ran to class ditching the girls giving a lame excuse of needing to find a good seat, but really I just wanted to considerably reduce my chances of running into Kaleb in the hallway.

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