I nodded again. "True. Very true."

"How close?"

I bit my lip and considered. "Everything you said is true, some you didn't say, but you have to know me very well to get the rest in which I tell nobody."

"I have another to add." He commented after taking a second to look me up and down.

"Shoot." I leaned back into the tree and made a careless hand gesture, then pulling both of my arms across my chest. My knees were up near my chest and I was glad I was no longer having that blushing problem.

"Conservative. You wear layers on layers and you - no offense - have kind of a sharp attitude."

"Nice try. I'm a bitch and I know it, you're just a prince who's too noble to call me one."

He laughed. "Probably right."

He looked at me closer. "Why the mask?"

"Why the guard patrol if you're not qualified?"

"I'm more qualified than you."

"Wanna bet?"

He laughed and I tried not to smile, but it escaped anyway. "Well? I answer, then you answer?"

I shrugged. "Sure. I wear this mask because I don't like people seeing features I hate. You go."

"Okay. My parents ignore me so I get the chance to do whatever whenever. I've trained myself, and technically I am qualified. But because I'm royalty they won't let me do anything but be king one day." He put his arms out a bit to emphasize and I saw the frustration in his eyes. . . Understood the frustration in his eyes I should say.

"I get that." I hesitated. No harm in telling something if they don't know anything about me and if they won't. "Never had a father, my mother only liked one of my sisters - and I have 5, I'm the youngest." I shook my head. "They did things I didn't like. I left. Done."

He could tell I wasn't giving any more so he didn't ask or comment. "But really. Why are you out here and not in the walls?"

I shrugged. "Eh. Don't like people. If you hadn't figured it out yet, I am a complete introvert.

He smiled at me and I was glad I had my mask on to hide mine as well.

We heard a shout and I pulled my hood farther over my face, sinking into the shadows of my temporary bed. Aaron stood up and looked over to it, looked back at me, and hesitated.

"Will you be here tomorrow?"

"If I am, I'll be right here. If not, I've moved on, or I'm in the city." I said as I laid down near the lit fire.

"Well, I better get going. That was probably the other guards. Hope I see you soon."

I nodded as my eyes closed and I kept them like that until I heard him leave. Once he did, I opened my eyes and my thoughts swirled.

This place won't be any different. Nothing will happen. Nothing will change.

He is hot, though.

With that, I fell asleep.

In the morning, I put all of my stuff hidden high up in a tree and decided to go sightseeing around the city. They're foreign to me and I might as well enjoy what I can while I'm here, even if I don't normally do sightseeing.

I walked up the stairs and to the higher street level where the prince had left after being called by a palace maid. I saw the actual village to the right, behind the market and on the other side was an Academy of sorts. It looked like it was training younger people, about teenagers or my age and even some a bit older.

Should Have Walked Away | Aarmau Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now