Chapter 7: Rosie Gettting Into Trouble By Justin Bieber

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  • Dedicated to Austin Russell

Rosie: Hey Jaki

Jaki: Whats up

Rosie: nothing u cant believe we havent had school this whole week hope we dont have school fri and thur (today) no school again cause of the Winter Storm

Jaki: Ikr

Rosie: yea :) plus we still dont have a principle and a teacher for our Jelena class

Jaki: Yea

Rosie: I wonder when we would have to serve the 3 weeks of lunch detention

Jaki: Ikr

Rosie: yea

Jaki: Ya

Rosie: Im loving no school

Jaki: Me too

Rosie: ugg if only we could skip Jaki

Jaki: ikr it would be fun

Rosie: yea but bad news JB is ur uncle and my bro in rp

Jaki: Dang

Rosie: and ur get grounded if u get in trouble bad news 2hr delay tomorrow :'(

Jaki: Nooooo :'( :'(

Rosie: ikr i want no school since we havent had school all week

Jaki: Ikr

Rosie: having one day of school dont make any sense to me

Jaki: Ikr

Justin Bieber: It makes perfect sense to me

Rosie: ill make a deal with u any day i skip ill allow u to skip and if we both get caught and i get grounded at home then mommy would ground u and if we get caught or dont get caught and i dont get grounded at home then u would get grounded

Justin Bieber: who me?

Jaki: Me

Rosie: No silly Jaki

Justin Bieber: Oh

Jaki: Yea

Rosie: U like the deal?

Jaki: Yea

Rosie: :) guys who's with me im skipping tomorrow?

Jaki: :) Who

Rosie: :) who all is with me?

Jaki: Me

Rosie: :)

Jaki: :)

Rosie: Mona message me back in the student chat....good news

Jaki: what

Rosie: message the story and i'll say it i want JB to hear the good news

Jaki: KK

Rosie: Hey Justin :) 

Mona: Hello

Rosie: hey Mona *added Alex back* I missed u 

Alex: Yay I missed it here :)

Rosie: :P bad news our bro is the principle 

Alex: Lol okay

Rosie: good news guys message the story for me to school tomorrow now :)

Justin Bieber: Ikr

Rosie: yea :)

Jaki: Yay

Rosie: Yep I hope we dont have to serve lunch detention and the community work all for going to Veags and missing 9 school days

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