Chapter 3: Homecoming Week and Homecoming Game

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  • Dedicated to Ajai Allen

*Rosie, Justin M., Alex, Miley, Mona, Austin, Carter, Jaki, and Jolt goes to school Mon and no one gets in trouble for ditching school the last 9 days*

Rosie: *at school surprised I haven't gotten in trouble for skipping for 9 days*

Justin M: Hey Girls :3

Rosie: Hey cant wait to get out school was early today cause of Selena has a concert tonight

Justin M: Tonight?

Rosie: Yes tonight

Justin M: I should go to it are the tickets sold out?

Rosie: No we know her personality

Justin M: yea I know so we can all go as a group? :)

Rosie: yep Jaki got backstage passes and me and Jaki are going on stage

Justin M: dayum! :) good for you i'm going to try to call her now

Rosie: kk

Justin M: *Calls Selena*

Mona: Yea Rosie

Rosie: *gets out of school* guys meet me at my house

Mona: Okay

Jaki: Okay

Carter: ?

*Me, Justin M, Jaki, and Jolt all had a blast at the concert and we all got back home around 1 something and had to go to sleep and get up for school the next day. We all stayed one hr after the show to have a party with Selena and a few other fans. We all rode in Selena's tour bus going to and from the concert! :)*

Justin M: Hey

Jaki: Hi

Carter: yo :P

Justin M: what's going on girls?

Mona: *goes to Rosie's house after school*

Carter: *goes to Rosie's house after school*

Rosie: hey guys

Mona: Hey Rosie

Rosie: Hey Mona

Carter: Hey Rosie

Rosie: Hey Carter

Carter: what's up?

Rosie: Nothing much u?

Carter: Nothing

Rosie: :) concert was awesome yesterday

Carter: ?

Rosie: *took some classes online today but I still have to go back to school today at 7pm for the rest of my classes* Carter the concert was yesterday 10/22

Carter: wait what

Rosie: The concert in the story and in real life was all yesterday *in school and I'm using my phone*

Cody: Rosie when does class end

Rosie: Idk good question Cody since I took some online classes today idk what period we r in

Cody: Ok

Rosie: *surprised no one got called to the office for skipping and for me and Cody not getting in trouble for getting written up before we ditched school*

Mona: *Calls Rosie and gets no answer*

Justin: Hey ladies

Rosie: :) *is being very bad and gets phone out in class and gets written up*

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