Chapter 4: Suspension (OSS) and Me and Cody are now officially bf & gf

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  • Dedicated to Courtlyn Richter

Rosie: *all the police's are gone and me and Cody started partying in jail next day someone sets a bomb in the station and we get moved to a new station and get checked over and once we done extra work for throwing a party me and Cody are set free and I call my parents*

Cody: *Calls Everyone*

Rosie: *answers* Hey :)

Cody: Heyy so when do we tell them

Rosie: when they get on baby <3 I love u so much

Cody: I love you more sweetheart <3

Rosie: awawa ur so sweet babe which is one reason I love u <3 babe come over to my house im throwing a party

Cody: Hey Hun wanna go see a movie after ur party

Rosie: I wish but I cant leave the house sadly cause of being on house arrest cause of Brittany

Cody: Well then ill just bring the movie to you

Rosie: awaw sweet :) I love the idea

Cody: which movie do u wanna watch?

Rosie: Titanic

Cody: Kk ill be right over ima go rent it and ill bring the popcorn :). *rents Titanic*

Rosie: cant wait babe

Cody: Me either *arrives at Rosie's whith popcorn and movie*

Rosie: *watches the movie and falls asleep on Austin's lap*

Cody: *holds her tight as she sleeps and then movie ends and wakes Rosie*

Rosie: *wakes up for a little bit*

Cody: Hun Are you tired?

Rosie: Yes

Cody: *carries Rosie to her room*

Rosie: *is holding on to Cody*

Cody: *sets her down in her bed and kisses her goodnight* *whispers* goodnight love you

Rosie: *whispers back* goodnight l love u more and thanks sweetie for bringing me to my room *falls back to sleep*

Cody: *Goes home and falls asleep on the couch*

Rosie: *wakes up and see my baby is not with me*

Justin M: So u guys what to go on a double date

Jaki: Yea

Justin M: K

Jaki: kk

Cody: *wakes up on the couch and realizes I'm late for Rosie's party*

Rosie: *sees something is wrong* babe I haven't grown any form being pregnant im worried something is wrong

Cody: I think we should get you a cat scan to see if there is anything wrong

Rosie: *asked my officer to take me to the hospital and I go in for a x-ray and come back crying since I found out what happened and then a few seconds I go back in for the surgery and Cody had to stay home sadly cause I didn't want to bring the kids* 

Cody: *walks around the house waiting on Rosie to return*

Rosie: *gets done but has to stay overnight and txt Cody* bad news one have to stay overnight

Cody: *txt back* Omg what is the news so far is it good or bad

Rosie: *txt back* :'( very bad lost all 8 babies

Cody: *Nearly faints* no no no :'(

Rosie: *txt back* now im going to be craving for more sex later :'( not my first time....loosing babies and I hate that feeling *Falls asleep crying my heart out*

Cody: *Falls asleep on couch crying my heart out*

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