"You named them without him?" Stefan asked, raising his eyebrow. 

"Yes..." I lied, "James helped me," I said looking at him. "He picked out Mackenna's name." 

"And you were fine with that?" Vladimir asked. 

"Yes..." I said through my teeth. I was losing my patience. 

"Let me hold her," Stefan commanded. 

"No!" I said harshly.

"Well.. If you say so. No more food. No more blood. No more nothing," Stefan smirked. 

"Fine," I gasped scared for how my children would live. "Please don't hurt her," I said walking to Stefan, handing him Olivia.

He immediately took her, "Olivia huh?"

Olivia began to whine trying to get away. Oh what one smart baby. 

Vladimir started towards James to take Mackenna. Hesitantly James let him take her away from him. 

I felt like both of them were up to no good. I watched them carefully. 

Both Stefan and Vladimir gave each other a glance and then nodded. "You will get them back in a few days," Stefan said with a smirk. 

My eyes widened and so did James. 

"NO!!!" I screamed about to lunge. My whole body was shaking. 

"Izzy... don't," James said 

"GIVE... ME... MY... BABIES...BACK!!!" I screamed. 

"Come after us and we will hurt you AND your children," Vladimir said. 

A loud growl ripped through mu chest. I couldn't hold back anymore. I started after them full force, but as soon as I could tell James had me pinned to the ground. "GET OFF OF ME!!!" I screamed. 

"Izzy breathe," he said. 

"GET OFF!!!" I continued to scream, thrashing around with all my mighty. 

"Izzy look at me. They wouldn't dare hurt them," he said. 

"James!!" I cried looking into his eyes. "They took them. They took everyone away from me. I've lost everyone," I cried frighting against him as he pinned my arms and body down. 

"Izzy breathe.... You're okay... They wont hurt them. They are just trying to break you down. DON'T give in," he said looking into my eyes. 

I still fought hard. 

I screamed high pitched. Just screaming. 

"Please Izzy!" he groaned. 

Then a guard came in and with all I had I kicked James across the room and he came crashing into the wall. There was pure hatred in my eyes. I attacked the guard pinning him to the wall tearing out a chunk of his neck. 

He tried to push me off but with my newborn senses I was way to strong, but James pulled me off. "Izzy, stop I know it hurts... stop," he plead. 

I kicked him from behind but he had hid grip. 

The guard looked at me with some fear in his eyes. Good. He should fear me. Anyone who takes away my children should fear me. Fear me. 

"Sedate her," he growled throwing a syringe at James, which he caught barely. 

The guard was holding onto his neck as he slammed the door leaving. 

My whole body was still trembling. I felt a pinch in my upper arm. "James why are you on their side?" I cried out. 

Volturi PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now