Part 8 ●You better run, better run●

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Even when a car almost ran over me, I kept running, non-stop, not looking back. I have no idea where I'm heading or if he's still behind me after I kicked his nose. I left him at the pizzeria door, holding his nose with a dark angry expression, and ran away. Before I can realize, I'm leaving the city bonders, the asphalt being replaced by earth and leafs, the buildings by huge trees, that make it hard to distinguish day from night. My logic tells me it's almost morning, the memory of the dawn still fresh in my mind, but all of these logic thoughts are blocked by panic and the need to keep running.

I know. I know I can't run faster nor for more time that him. So I stop. All the sudden, I look around. This part if the forest is unknown to me, which scares me. But I'm used to the woods, to running over roots and sticks. If I'm lucky, Vincent isn't a good runner, or at least he will trip more than I did, slowing him down. That will save me time to find an hiding spot...

I keep walking, searching for a place to crawl into. There's always the option of climbing a tree. I'm pretty good at doing so, and get out is easier than to climb up. All I have to do is fall. But if I can find somewhere else that doesn't involve me getting hurt, it will be great.

"Kitty Cat, where are you?" I hear echoing through the woods. The blood freeze on my veins. He's getting close... I can't be sure where he's and that's what frightens me the most. I speed up and finally find a fallen tree, where some animal dug an hole big enough for me to fit inside. I hide inside quivering as much as possible while the hunter comes closer.

"I know you are here... Why are you running from me?~" he has his usual flirty voice but I can feel in the pause between words that he is putting an huge effort into remaining calm. I can picture him in my mind: the clinched fists around that knife he hug over me back at the pizzeria. His eyes would be dark, narrowed in fury, with all muscles of his body contracted.

Suddenly I hear a music. My eyes widen in panic as I look in my pockets for my phone, while the sound clearly reveals my hiding. Finally I find it and mean to press ignore, but before I can realize it, Mike's voice is coming out of the phone, increasing my panic. I turn off the speaker and hold the phone close to my hear.

"Kate, we are coming, don't worry!" He says. "Well, you made the opportunity window for you to save me way smaller!" I growl, whispering. After talking with someone on the other side of the line, giving me time to check if Vincent was around. I can hear his steps, but it seem like he is still looking for me. He ks in area though...

I hear Mike screaming, between other nonsenses "She'll never make it!" I gulp. Finally he pick up the phone again.

"This might sound crazy but follow me on this..." Mike says, sounding nervous "We are already in the forest, but we will never find you, we don't know this very well. Have you ever been in scouts?"

"No... Get to the point"

"Well, at least do you know how to build a fireplace?"

I open my eyes widen "I-I can't get out of my hiding! I'll n-never have time to do that... Besides if I light it up, you'll know where I am, so will he! And he's closer than you"

"So you can. Good. Do that. Trust us"

I hesitate but sigh "Fuck it..."

"Good girl! Stay safe" he says, hanging out.

"It's going to be a bit difficult, Mikey!" I grunt, getting out of the hiding spot.


AN: Pfft, sorry for the chapter with lack of interesting content. Keep voting, plz~

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