Part 7 ●Scott's Point of View●

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Scott was driving towards the pizzeria. That night, he had a personal matter that kept him from going to work. So he had to work the day shift. He had already talked to Skyler to guarantee her that he would be in the pizzeria in time to make sure Vincent was already gone and greet Kate. If Vincent was still in the pizzeria, as his superior, Scott just had to send him home.

Scott was still remorseful about that night. He should had never allowed Vincent to go so far. He should had stop him even before anything happened! But Vincent knew how to use words... He was manipulative and charming. No one, man or woman, could say no to him when he actually tried. To get himself away from those thoughts, Scott shook his head, looking at the road.

It was going to be OK. Soon enough, Vincent would give up on Kate. Or so hoped Scott. But, for now, she was save. All of the most trusting employees in the pizzeria had sight of her 24/7, she wouldn't go anywhere without they knowing. Everything was going to be alright.

Suddenly, Scott stopped the car. His head was driven towards the wheel and the sound of the car's horn filled the silent night. He had seen someone running, crossing the road right in front of him. Scott was so close to hit them with his car.

He took a deep breath, calming himself, and got out of the car to make sure nothing had actually happen. He went to the front of the car and crouched down. Nothing. He sighed of relief and smiled slightly, standing up.

Has he does so, another figure runs pass him. This time, Scott is able to see them more clearly, with the car light pointing right at them. There's absolutely no doubt. That tall gentleman running at the speed of light after the other figure had dark pointy hair and purple skin. It didn't took a lot of time for Scott to understand who he was chasing.

He got in the car and pressed the pedal, driving to follow Vincent. With only one hand, he grabbed his phone, keeping the other on the wheel. He quickly dialed a number.

"Hey Scottie, what's t-" a female voice answered.

"There's no time, Skyler! Vincent's after her, get ot- Fuck!" He shouted, driving over a mailbox while putting the sit belt on. On the other side of the line, Skyler was pale white.

"Where are you right now?"

"They are going to the woods. Get the others! And remember..."

"Yes I know!"

Don't call the police

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