IX. Up, Up And Above

Start from the beginning

I shift to the bar and ask for wine. Mid-drink, the ravenette returns, horrified.
"Sakura! Mortals are lunatics!"

I laugh and pull him down to sit beside me. He takes my glass of wine and gulps it in one go. "This is madness."

"Welcome to our world, god Sasuke Uchiha," I joke.

He holds my hand and squeezes it. "Can we leave, Sakura?" I can hear the plea.

"Not yet. You'll get used to it soon. Want to dance?"

He frowns seeing the dancefloor. "Yes. But, this is not dancing. This reeks of scandal."

I laugh, shrug and walk myself to the floor. A song I like comes on and I find myself swaying to the beats. I am joined by Lee, Kiba and a few others. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Karin laying her hands on Sasuke. I break through the crowd and pull on the ravenette's arm.

Karin glares at me. "Don't interrupt us, pinkie."

"Actually, you're interrupting us," I tell her and pull him to his feet and toward the floor.

Sasuke smirks and I feel his arm go around my shoulder, making me blush. I begin helping him move to the beat but he crosses his arms and refuses to dance quite blatantly. I can see Karin smirking at the counter. I hate her.

"Lets get out of here," he leans in super close and says.

I nod and lead him away from the music, out into the balcony.

"I noticed you didn't come with dog-boy," he says after some extended silence.

"Yeah. It'd be a hassle if I gave him the wrong idea. We work together."

"Sorry for taking you away from the gala."

"That's okay," I laugh. "I am not a fan of parties either."

Sasuke turns to face me. "May I say something?"

"Mortal music is dreadful?" I guess.

He stares at me. "You read my mind."

I laugh. "No. Just getting to know you, I guess."

"I guess," he shrugs.

He looks at me with his charcoal eyes and I look back. I can't breathe anymore. Slightly lowering my head, I look left and right, anywhere but into his eyes. I am afraid of what I might see in them. Or maybe I'm afraid of what he'll see in mine.

Soft, warm fingers gently brush against tinted cheek and my eyes snap back up to him, holding confusion.

"Sakura, I don't-"

"Hey, Sak! Whatcha doin' out 'ere!? Lets daaance!!" Breaking the moment, Kiba drags me inside and instinctively my hand reaches out for Sasuke's, towing him along.

The floor is still full of moving bodies. Kiba holds my wrists and begins dancing to the song. He is definitely drunk. He pulls me close to himself on the floor. I move awkwardly. I am not enjoying this. I try to look for Sasuke behind me but, Kiba isn't having it.

"Come ooon, Sak! Don' be li'e thaat. 'M 'ere!"

He is inebriated. Sasuke, where have you gone? I spot a flash of red and I just know, Karin is at it again.

"Hey, Sakuura?"

"Yes, Kiba?"

"You are .. like.. super pretty," he rolls the words out with wide eyes.

"Th-thanks man."

"Hey Sakura? I.. I really like you," vocalizes the man. "In fact, I like ya so much that I.. imma pro-prove it to ya."

Oh, no. This is not good. Kiba's a nice guy but, apparently, drunk Kiba? Not so decent. Next thing I know, there's a pair of wet lips on mine and I'm struggling against his grip. I don't want to punch him, but, even if I had to, this guy is really strong. At least for me.

I feel myself being yanked away from Kiba's wet kiss. Oh, thank heavens!
I crash back first into a hard chest. I know who it belongs to. An arm clad in blue wraps itself around me and another pushes Kiba away, who falls backwards and passes out. He is going to regret this later.

"Thanks, Sasuke," I say without turning.

"How did you know it was me?"

I shrug and turn. "I just do."

He looks at me strangely for a second. Then pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes my mouth of Kiba's saliva himself. I am part disgusted, part mystified.

I don't understand how and when it began - maybe just a day ago - regardless, I have begun looking to Sasuke for having my back.

Karin wants to interrupt us again but someone else pulls her with them. I am glad she didn't ruin this.

"Are you alright? Do you want to return home?" Sasuke asks me. This guy is so sweet sometimes.

I shake my head in refusal and grab his hand. "Lets fix my mood," I tell him over the music.

He gives me a look. "You will make me dance to -"

"Horrid mortal music. Yes," I interrupt with a laugh.

"Sakura," he complains. "I can't-"

"Shut up and take my hand."

He does so and I guide him - with some difficulty. But, he seems to get the hang of it soon and we sway around lightly.



He hesitates before speaking. "About what you said earlier today, I don't know."

My brows furrow. "What do you mean?

"I mean, I don't know if there's nothing between us."

I stop. My heart thumps loudly against my chest.

"We are still good friends, right?"

Oh, that's what he means. I am almost disappointed but, pushing it aside, "Of course, we are," I tell him.

"Good, then let me show you something," he smiles and encloses an arm around my waist.

I can see nothing but the small stretch of his lips, magnifying his beauty by dozens.

"Show me what?" I manage to voice.

He smirks. "Look down. Carefully."

And when I do, I see nothing different. Something's odd but, I can't pinpoint it - till we begin moving again.

My eyes fall out of their sockets at the discovery. I hang on to his shoulder tightly. "Wh-what the hell!?"

"I haven't lost all my powers," Sasuke explains triumphantly.

I re-check the dancefloor, lying under my feet, below two inches of air.

"Sasuke, we're floating!"

"Lets keep this between us," he says.

A wide smile involuntarily garnishes my lips.

"Deal," I tell him.


Hey guys! I apologize for the super delayed and un-edited upload.
I have been really busy.

Please bear with me. I am working on the next chapter. But, uploads will slow down now. Sorry guys.

Leave me comments guys. I hope I didn't disappoint you.

See you next time!

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