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You walked into the bathroom and took off the filthy collar. This guy was mad for getting demons to kidnap you. What did he do to get them to agree? Sell his soul? Be Lucifer? Whatever it was, you knew it wasn't good. Hesitantly putting on the collar, you walked out of the bathroom and back to the room where jim was waiting.

"That was only 1 minute and 38 seconds, what did you do?" He asked, pulling you to him.

"Thinking of a way to kill you." You spat back. Jim popped your mouth as if you were a child.

"Don't speak back like that." He seethed. You mumbled a sorry, and looked away from the man.

"Dinner will be made in an hour, please go to your room and rest while you wait." He ordered. You got up and ran in the direction of your "room" and locked the door when you entered.  You had to think of an escape plan quick. Sherlock probably is worried sick about you. You sighed, laying on the floor.
'Sherlock please help...'


"WHERE'S THE GIRL!" Sherlock screamed at the demon. Pouring holy water onto him making the demon's skin crawl in pain.

"LIKE I'M GONNA TELL YOU WHERE THE WHORE IS!" He screamed back. Sherlock wasn't pleased with this response, stabbing the demon's hand with a knife covered in holy water.

"Woah there princess don't kill him!" Dean said, pulling sherlock away from the demon. Sherlock hasn't stopped looking for you. It's been a week and they still have no idea where you are. He won't accept the idea that you could be dead, but he knew you weren't. Moriarty wouldn't do that to him yet. Yet. He went to the living room, and sat down beside castiel. Cas was currently reading some random book he found on sherlock's desk. It was a novel you were reading but never finished because of your fear of endings.

"Why is the last page missing from this book?" The angel asked, running his finger down the spine of the book.

"She wasn't fond of endings." He replied unemotionally. Cas looked at him questionably, but decided not to push the man further.

"Have you slept?" Cas asked after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence. Sherlock replied with a small 'no' and paced around the room.

"Then I'm very sorry for this." Castiel said, putting his index fingers on sherlock's temple making him pass out.


"Dear, come here." Moriarty said, pulling you to him. It's been weeks and sherlock still hasn't found you. You were metally and physically abused durring this time. Just last week moriarty took a part of you that broke you completely. Now you felt like nothing but trash.

"What is it master?" You said as if it was second nature. He smiled and played with your hair.

"Why have i been told you tried to escape earlier today? Am i not good enough for you? Am i nothing? No one is waiting for you outside of these walls silly girl!" At this point he was pulling your hair hard enough to make your head bleed.

"No, please. You're everything to me. I love you." You cried. He wasn't pleased.

"Then why would you try and leave me? Were you going to see HIM."

"No sir, please! I don't want to leave you! I don't want to see sherlock! I only want to see you." You cried, putting your face in his lap so he wouldn't see your tears. He stopped pulling, and stroked your hair.

"Sherlock doesn't care about you anymore dear. But I care. You have me and only me." He said. You nodded in response, sniffing and wiping your tears away.

"I didn't mean to hurt you kitten. Emotions got the best of me. Forgive me?"

"I forgive you." You lied. All your hope to leave was drained away. Your hope for sherlock was starting to fade everyday, and moriarty knew it. That was the plan. He finally had you to himself and not to sherlock.


"We got a location." Sam said, grabbing his coat. It's been 3 months now. Sherlock was ruined from the inside out. Sam and dean found out about his heroine addiction a month ago, so they kept an eye on him at all times. He would have random mental breakdowns to the point where greg had to lock him up so he wouldn't hurt anyone. As soon as he heard they knew your location, he got his coat and jumped into the car.


"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NO! STOP ASKING ME!" Jim screamed at you as you fiddled with your collar. All you asked was if you could go gather some flowers outside. He slammed his hand on his desk and signed you to come here. You did as asked, and he slammed you onto the desk.

"You want me dead, don't you?" He asked. You shook your head no silently.

"You don't love me anymore. You just want me to die." You started crying.

"No, i love you. Stop." You begged him. He grabbed your wrist and traced his finger on the symbol burned into your flesh.

"I'm gonna say this again. I own you. You don't have any say in this house. You're my property. Now go to your room and think about what you did. No dinner tonight." He said.

"Yes, master." You walked to your room in complete silence.

(I'm really tired so i can't write how they got in and all, but if you're curious then just message me later)

"Hello boys~" moriaty said in his sing song voice. Sherlock glared at him, then pointed a gun at his heart.

"Where is Y/N?" He asked calmly. Moriarty smiled.

"You mean my pet. She's in her room. How about I bring her out. Oh kitten~" he sang. You came from the other direction of the hallway. You looked like hell, dark circles under your eyes, skinny, bruises and scars covering your skin. When sherlock saw you he stopped breathing. You were like this because of him.

"Yes, master?" You replied, standing infront of him.

"We have guests. Please give them a quick hello." He asked.

"Hello." You said blankly. You pulled a fake smile, but it didn't fool anyone.

"Y/N. It's me." Sherlock said, grabbing your palm. You flinched and pulled away in reponce. Moriarty smiled.

"Don't touch the merchandise." He whistled. You walked over to him, and leaned onto his shoulder.

"What have you done with her?" Sherlock said angrily. Jim caressed your neck silently.

"Ohhh nothing. She didn't respect me at first, so i nudged her and now she listens to everything i say." He winked. This just made sherlock rage more. He shot jim in the shoulder but was held back by Sam and dean so he wouldn't shoot anymore.

"MASTER!" You screamed, rushing to his side. His arm was bleeding but it wasn't enough to make him bleed out. Jim laughed.

"I'll be fine, dear. Eliminate him. Don't go against me or you'll regret it." He said, caressing your skin. You nodded, and pulled out the dagger you had hidden in the lace of your dress. This is where the real fun begins.

I'm sorry..
I'm not really feeling like myself anymore because I'm just. Depressed.  But, i will try to update a little more. I didn't for a few because personal reasons so I'll try to do it a little more now.
I hope you all had a lovely day.
I love you all...💞

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