The Story

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"You need to let it out sometime y/n" your 'therapist' said. You sat silently on the chair.

"Sh-sherlock...." you whispered. Tears were falling from you eyes now, but silently.

She wrote something on her clipboard, "yes and what about him?"

"He-....he's dead..."


"No! Star right were you are!" Sherlock yelled through the phone. He took a step back. Tears threatening to fall.

"Sh-sherlock?" Your voice cracked. He reached his hand out for you. You did the same.

"Sherlock, what are you doing?" You managed to say.

"I'm a fake." He said. You couldn't believe a word he said.

"No-Sherlock. You are not a fake. You knew about me and john when you saw us. You took care of me and john. Please Sherlock."

"I researched you and john before you got there."

"Shut up." You sobbed.


"Shut up." You said more angrily. He just stood there. A tear fell off his face. THE Sherlock Holmes's face.

"Why did you call me." You said, calming Down.

"Th-this phone call is a note. That's what people do don't they....leave notes." Sherlock said, his voice cracking on every word.

You didn't want to believe what you thought he was gonna do, "f-for what?"

He just sighed, "goodbye y/n."

You couldn't even handle the words he had spoken, "no. Don't." You shook your head, sobbing.

He threw his phone to the right side of the roof. He then....jumped.

"Sher-SHERLOCK!!!" You weeped.

His arms and legs flailing in the air. His overly large coat getting the breeze. He then hit the ground with a thud.

You stood in shock. You couldn't handle that you just saw
The man you love, commit suicide.

You fastly walked over to were he fell. Pushing people out the way. A biker hit you, and you fell. You couldn't focus. You got off the ground, limping.

As you approached, people surrounded his body. You ran over to him, "Sherlock..." you whispered

You grabbed his hand. Doctors came out and tried to make you let go. You wouldn't.

"He-he's my friend. Please he's my fr-friend. Let me please." You said to them.

They finally got you to let go. 5 other nurses came to assist you. You could feel your anxiety rising. 'This is your fault!'
Your mind yelled at you, 'why wasn't it you instead of him!'

I don't know why, but I just wanted to write this for a long time, but I didn't want to

I know.

I'm a lazy ass.

Well...goodbye my mishians! And remember...may the odds be ever in your favor.

Human error -Sherlock x readerWhere stories live. Discover now