"The judges have yet to deliver us the scores so until then, here's a recap of what's gone on so far since the reapings." Says Julius. Hearing this information everyone returns to their side conversations, however everyone on the couch I was sitting on had their eyes still glued to the TV.

It's Caesars turn to speak now. "One of my favourite, and for some reason, wildly uncovered story of this week is the apparent sightings of Finnick Odair." Everyone in the room pauses, just like before, except now you could hear a pin drop. Finnick's face immediately falls once he hears his name, but still leans in closer to the television.

"We have a photograph here of Finnick Odiar in a rather, shall we say compromising position with none other than the Capitol's own sweethearts Octavia Jones." On the screen shows a picture of when Finnick had me pinned up against the wall at the train station when I had first arrived in the Capitol. We turn to one another with a concerned look on both of our faces. But our attention is quickly turned back to the TV. "That's not where this ends folks oh no, because not even a week later we have a picture of Finnick Odair with another girl who seems to be his fiery red headed tribute." This time a picture of Annie and Finnick with him leaning down towards her, their faces nearly touching. This makes me angry for some reason. I mean I'm sure Finnick didn't kiss her but boy did it look like they were going to in that picture. Annie had a horrified expression on her face. She looks like she's about to burst into tears, and even Finnick is getting a little misty eyed because of the attempt made at his reputation, that was already under constant scrutiny.

"Wow, this guy is a player. No wonder he seems to be so popular with the Capitol ladies." Says Julius.

Caesar laughs in response. "If he can get two beauties like this in a week, I'd say we'd gotta give this guy some credit here, but to be honest I'm rather sad that Octavia and Finnick aren't together, because how cute would it be to see their kid, who would look stunning by the way, up here in about 18 years or so?" I quickly glance over to Finnick to see how he's handling this situation, and he looks absolutely horrified, his face is paled as if he had seen a ghost and he looked like he was on the brink of tears.

"That'd be a deadly kid too." Adds Julius.

"In other news-" Caesar's hand flies up to his ear. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to inform you that the results are in." Finnick who was just about to stand up, sits back down on the couch.

Both the broadcasters turned into a more serious tone as they received the papers. And began to read out scores. Both my tributes receive a decent careers score. Once we get to Finn's tributes, Derrick gets a score of 9, which is not bad at all. Annie however is not as lucky and gets a score of only 3.

After Mags and Finnick debrief their tributes on their scores, Finnick makes his way towards the balcony, probably hoping no one would follow him. Unluckily for him, I decided to follow him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked Finn as he gazed onto the city below.

"Yeah I'm-" He goes to tell me that he's fine, but once I look him in the eyes he seems to change his mind. "No, I'm not Vee."

"I'm not going to ask what's wrong, because I think we both already know, but I want to know how you feel Finn."

He sighs. "Well first of all, I don't like how they brought you into my reputation's mess. It's not good for girls like you to be spotted alone with me Vee, I'm sorry but it's not. Next thing you know they're going to be selling you to the highest bidder like me, and I don't want that for you."

"Finn, whatever happens, happens. If they do that to me, it won't be your fault."

He seems to consider my answer but doesn't seem to believe the words I'm saying.

"Second, I don't like how they dragged Annie into it either. Especially since she still has to compete and this will affect her sponsors."

"But were you really, you know..." I trail off.

Finnick seems to know exactly where I'm going with this and speaks up. "No, Vee. She was crying and I was giving her a hug. I do consider her to be a friend after all."

I look to him not really believing the answer he gave me.

"What you don't believe me?" He pauses looking at my face to see if I truly did not believe him. "See this is another reason I hate this because then people I care about get the wrong impression, and I want you of all people to not think what everyone else thinks of me right now."

We're both quiet for a minute. He still seems to be thinking about something.

"Finn what else is bothering you?" I ask.

He turns to me with a look of sincerity on his face that I had never seen before. "The thing that upset me the most was when they mentioned my child, my hypothetical child, going into the games. Knowing how messed up these people are they would find a way for my own family to suffer even more. Say for instance like they said, if you and I had a kid, do you not think that Snow wouldn't make sure that that kid is in the Games? How much publicity would they get from that?"

"I guess I never thought of that," I say. "Both my parents were Victors, but seeing where I ended up, neither of them really cared about the fact that I might die. I always assumed that I would just live on my own for the rest of my life and just not have any children to force into an academy."

Finn looks at me. "But have you ever thought about having children ever?"

"I have but we both know that no child is safe in this world. I couldn't live myself if I knowingly put someone I cared about into the same situation as me. Plus I don't really know what a properly functioning family looks like."

"So no kids for Vee then." Says Finn.

"No kids Finn, not unless everything changes."

He ponders what I've said for a moment before turning back to me. "We'll that's kind of disappointing." I look to him questioningly. "I really wanted to see mini Vee's walking around."

I laugh at his comment.

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