The Woods

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They've been walking two miles away from the bridge. It was 3 pm now. The thunder starts rumble loudly a few times and they could feel the raindrops over them. They were still walking until it begins to pour.

"It's raining. Let's go find the shade." Sally said. They went into the forest. Her jacket was wet that she had to take it off. "Keep going," she told Jenny, which was in front of her. They walked deep into the forest, hoping that they find a big tree or something for them to shelter. The rain became heavy. They were cold and tired.

After a while, they stopped under an old pine tree and sat down below it. The tree was quite big and shady enough for them sheltered from the rain. The raindrops barely dropped over them. But they were still cold as the air was getting colder. Jenny was shaking badly. "Take off your jacket!" Sally said when she noticed her jacket was all wet. Jenny took off it and Sally covered her with the blanket and then hugged her so she felt warm.

"Dad must be looking for us right now," Jenny said. Her voice's shaking with cold. There was a silence for a few minutes.

"I don't know about that. I'm not sure he is."

"What do you mean?" Jenny has stunned and looked at her.

"Well, it's just the fact. If he's looking for us now or maybe found out that we're not in the cabin anymore, he would have told the police to look for is right now, don't you think?"

"But what if he doesn't want to? What if he wants to find us himself?" Sally shrugged, "No way." she said, giggle and struggled.

The rain finally stopped but the air still cold. It's almost night. The forest becomes dark and creepy. The crickets began to be heard and sometimes an owl's hooting from distances. They sound as if talking to each other. Sally got up, cleaning her jeans when Jenny said, "We're moving again?"

"No, stay here. It's getting dark. I'm just going to find some woods or branches so we can make a fire. I'm freezing here," Jenny was a little bit afraid, and said, "Don't leave me alone,"

"I'm not. Just stay right you are and I'll be right back, alright?" Sally took out the flashlight, put the batteries into it, and then walked deep to the woods to find some wood or branches, perhaps. As she found them, she picked up as much as she could carry with on hand and try to find the way back to where Jenny was. As she walked, she heard a wolf howling around somewhere. She was in the wild and she didn't seem to surprise. She stopped and listened carefully, then looked at the sky. The moon started to appear behind the cloud. It was bright, yet the wood was still pitch black.

She keeps walking and walking. When she stopped and looked around her, she thought she was lost. But she's walking again and finally found Jenny and sighed. "Why do you taking so long?" Jenny snapped her when she came back. "What? Are you scared?" "No, I'm not. I'm just worried that you might be lost in this forest or something." Which was she almost did.

Sally giggled as she piled up the branches until they became a stack. "Can you give me the lighter, please?" she said. Jenny shoved the lighter to Sally's hand. Sally checked the oil in the lighter before she started to light it on. It only had half oil. She had to have it for later if they've to make another camp.

She sat down near to the bond fire, watched the raging from the fire, and warmed her hands. Then, she took a small knife from her bag and took a thick and long woods. She's sharping it. "What're you doing?"

"We need a weapon. And I'm making one."

"For what?"

"Our safety. We're in the middle of the woods now, don't you see?" Sally said. "Maybe there's a wolf or bears?"

"Bears? There's a bear here?" Jenny's afraid of the bear. She's even crying when Sally gave her a teddy bear doll on her birthday when she was 3 or 4 years.

Jenny scared and looked around her to make sure there's no bear near them. Sally glanced at her and giggled while she's sharping the stick. "Hey, can you check what snacks do we have in my bag? I'm hungry."

Jenny checked the bag behind Sally. There were a chocolate bar and some candies. "There's only a chocolate bar and some candies."

"That's it? There's nothing else?"

"No, we already ate them, remember?"

"Well, I think that's our dinner tonight." She said as she finished sharply the stick. She sat down and took a chocolate bar. They shared it and ate it.


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