Chapter 1

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A/N: Some people really wanted a sequel and wasn't quite sure but going to attempt to write it anyways :)

Jak's POV

The world seems to just implode at that very second our eyes meet across the counter.
Blue meets brown in this big empty room. My hands are shaky and my mind is spinning with everything that I could've, should've, done but didn't throughout the past 9 months. I can't believe it's actually him. I never thought I'd see him again. I thought that I had wasted my senior year chasing after him even though I'd never end up with him in the end. I thought that it would've been just a high school fling that i'd reminisce about when I'd be married years later. I thought that I'd never be able to lose myself in his perfect mocha brown eyes that I fell in love with. I thought that he'd move on while in that hospital and he'd forget about me and leave me behind when in reality I think I was so terrified of that happening that I ended up leaving him behind.

He looks a lot different from the last time I saw him but a good different.
His shoulders are more broad, he's taller but still not taller than me, his arms look almost defined, he's still really skinny like he was all throughout senior year but not as bad luckily. His eyes are drooping and there are dark bags under them. His tanned skin looks really nice underneath the coffee shop lighting but it unfortunately brings out how bloodshot his eyes are. There are light worry lines on his forehead that brings out the freckles that pepper his skin.

His eyes fill with tears that he furiously tries to wipe away when I open my mouth to speak to him.
He turns away from me and runs his hand through his shaggy hair.
"Rocco?" I breathe breaking the terrible silence between us.
"Fuck off." He spits.
"What? What happened?"
"I am not doing this right now, okay? If you're not going to order then get out of here." He mutters.
"Please. I want to talk to you." I say my voice sounding desperate even to me.
"I don't ever want to talk to you. Just get out of here."
"Rocco, please. I'm not asking for a relationship or even a friendship, I just want to talk to you... please." I beg.
"I'm busy." He says shortly still refusing to even look at me.
"I don't care. Please, Rocco. I want to know what's happened throughout the months. I need to talk to you." I say.
He suddenly spins around and glares at me through his watery eyes.
"You need to talk to me? Really? It's almost been a whole year! And now you want to talk to me? What about 6 months ago when I got out of the hospital? What about 4 months ago when school started? What about last year when you promised you'd be right there when I got out? What happened to that? But of course I'll just drop everything to go talk to a liar and a jerk, totally." He says sarcastically rolling his dark eyes.
"I know and I'm so sorry. I never meant to do that to you. First I was just terrified of everything but then the longer I waited the more I pushed it away and when school started I figured you didn't want to talk to me anymore so I tried to push you out of my head. But trust me, every single night I would spend hours staring at my phone wanting to talk to you but I never got the guts to actually do it and I'm so sorry." I struggle to explain.
"Please just do me a favour and leave me alone." He pleads.
"I'll leave you alone if you just come talk to me later and catch up. After that you can decide if you want me to just disappear out of your life but I need one talk." I offer.
He hesitantly nods with a sigh.
"My shift ends in 15 minutes and then I have an hour long break before I have to get to class on campus so we'll talk then." He says.
"I'll just wait here then." I mumble taking a step away from the counter before turning and walking to the front of the room and sliding into a booth.
I pull out my phone hurriedly needing to tell Trinity about this.

Jak: SOS
Trin: what's up
Trin: omg rly talk to him!
Jak: I did! He gets off work in 15 and we're talking then
Jak: he's rly mad at me though...
Trin: I wonder why *rolls eyes*
Jak: i know I know I just hope he can forgive me...
Trin: Yeah... I mean it's almost been a year surely he's gotten over it by now
Jak: yeah we'll see what happens...
Jak: I'll come by your apartment in around an hour to tell you what happened but I gtg Rocco's coming over
Trin: k I don't have classes today so come by whenever
Jak: okay bye

Trinity's POV

I hear somebody knock repeatedly and anxiously on the door so I automatically know it's Jak so I open it up. He walks straight into my apartment and starts pacing my kitchen.
"Jak. Calm down. What happened?" I ask.
"Rocco hates me!" He cries.
"I'm sure he doesn't hate you... he's probably just upset that you're finally here after so much time. Just give it a little while and maybe it'll go back to normal." I say as comfortingly as I can.
"I doubt it! He's been through so much without me and I don't think he'll ever want me back in his life.." He sighs dropping onto my couch.
"Do you really want him back in yours?" I ask.
"Yes!" He gasps.
"But just as friends right?" I say.
He tilts his head at me confused.
"But don't forget... you're in a relationship."


Does Love Really Exist? {Sequel to Love Exists?}Where stories live. Discover now