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What he  just said to me babe ! Do not be serious.

Next to me I heard someone taking sharp air.

'  se ya soon guys  ,' I said and waved at them .

' Bye ' they cried.

' Norah ' I held in mine hand and smiled .

' Harry ,' he said and shook it easy and grinned at me .

' So where are you from ? '

' Holmes Chapter '

' Mh cool. The Director gave you a code for your Locker? '

' Jap '

' And where is he? '

' In my pocket '

Do not be serious. Where is he lure head itself .

' Then get it  out and I 'll bring you your books there. When we are done , we can go to class . '

He nodded and pulled him out.

' Oh .. oke who is in the same region as Louis. I ask him if he makes you go '

He nodded .

I took out my cell phone and called Louis.

'SUP ! ' he shouted into the receiver.

' Hi can you please come to the library and show Harry his locker Im getting  his books  otherwise we come late to . '

' Yes, I have to get my books anyways  '

' Oke thank you '

'no problemo ' and then he was gone.

' Why watch us or you at all you are the popular or what? ' He looked around and many people were standing around us.

' Yes, f ita bit, but just that you get it Im not proud. and never be o '

' Aha . So a real high school girl '

' False . '

' Hmm . I like your backpack '

' oh cool. '

' So who are the very cool here and how does it work here? '

' Mh So there's the football players like Louis, he is crazy . Then there are the Talent as Zayn , the Type has really something on it. Liam and I are satisfied as the  Cunning of our group. Mara is a really good  skater . Then there's  Sophia. She is one of the prettiest school but she is with Liam together  and one of the funnierst Girls if ever meet ecxept Mara . Oh and Liam plays rugby. It's like High school Musical. ' He starts chuggling.' No I am totally serouily' I laugh

He nodded, as if he just wanted to say what came Louis already .

' Hey . I am Louis ' he said, holding his hand and grinned.

' Harry '

' Norah We then go sometimes just come to our meeting point in 10 minutes '

' Oke  bye  ' I said and gave him a high five and I just smiled at Harry .

Harry is really strange but nice anyway . It's really hard to predict. Every time I meet new people I have it velangen study. Yes I know it's a little creepy but this I can think of a view or a view gain by the person. A good example was Harry. He was wearing a really tight jeans around his legs to emphasize. Obviously, he knows that he has for a man really beautiful legs. He carries out rings to assign the rock it stands on. His T-shirt is down again he try to be a normal boy by section. His tattoos the ih have gestehlt fixed at first glance to conceal secrets. 

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