"Why do you do this to yourself Gummy boy? Every other day you're coming to me torn up..."

"I love Marshall. I love the naughty things we do and I like it when things get rough. I don't enjoy the after effects but that is a small price to pay. Marshall is my lover. If he needs me, I'm there for him. If I need him, he's there for me. Love is tireless. It never ceases."

"Aw... Bubba, you're such a charmer."

"I speak the truth." He chuckled, and once refueled, Marshall guided him to the bedroom. They stopped off at the restroom for Gumball, then made it to lie down. Marshall covered his eyes.

"Hey. I'm gonna go do some last minute Christmas shopping. Is that alright?"

"Of course it is. Stay safe. Wake me up when you get back, alright?"

"Not a chance. You sleep as long as you need. Your health and well being is important, especially with the party coming up. You can't be sick the day of our announcement."

"You- You're-" Bubba fumbled before admitting, "You're right. I'll be up in a few hours."

"See you then." He grabbed his umbrella now that the sun was out and headed straight for the tailor and other village shops. He did some major asking around, getting nosy, pulling some strings to make this Bubba's best Christmas. It took hours of pleading, asking, and thinking to come up with the solution. He got Bubba many more gifts right under his nose, even though sometime in the past they had argued for hours until settling on a one gift deal. He put them all under the tree and piled them high, wrapping them in light blue wrapping paper. They were all so beautiful. When Bubba had discovered though that Marshall got more gifts than agreed, he countered with the exact same amount. Each of his were wrapped in red.

Finally the day of the Royal Christmas Ball came. It was stunningly beautiful. The walls were decorated with wreathes and popcorn and cranberry garlands, the Christmas tree was so beautiful lit up and covered in ornaments. The warm smells of the feast wafted throughout the palace. At exactly six p.m. on December 24th, the couples attending the party began to walk down the staircase, arm in arm, one by one. Each were announced and had their picture taken by B-mo. Fionna walked with the Flame Prince, the Doctor with the Ice Queen, Monochromicorn with Cake, and so on. Bubba would be last, and it was expected that he would be alone, considering the marriage catastrophe.

Right before they stepped out, Bubba felt a twinge of fear in his gut. He was very scared, expecting the worst possible outcome. He fidgeted in his white suit, nervous. Marshall, in a simple black tux with a red and green bow tie, kissed him smoothly on the lips and pulled him in by his waist. He embraced him happily, and reminded him of their love. He had a strip of pink in his hair, and Bubba had black gloves and undershirt. He studied himself in the mirror and Marshall took his arm slowly.

"Are you ready to go, dear?" He guided him to the door, a slightly troubled look on his face. "Just remember I love you. Whatever happens, I love you. Always have always will."

"Thank you my love." He returned a shaky smile, gripped Marshall's strong arm, and approached the top of the stairs. All the couples were standing in the main floor, watching, waiting for their host. He started the party with the toast. As they approached the staircase with Marshall, slight gasps of confusion sounded out among the crowd. What on earth was going on? Was this a joke? A game? A trick? As soon as they walked down the stairs though, it quickly became obvious that this was no joke. In fact, it was serious and quite frankly shocking.

"Oh... my... glob!" Lumpy Space Prince whispered as the boys walked down. Once down Gumball shakily made his toast, and all watched in utter shock as Marshall held his hand and raised his glass. Champagne glasses, some filled with alcohol and some with sparkling grape juice, rose across the room, but no one seemed to understand what was going on. After the toast, Bubba admitted everything to a room of bewildered guests. He hid into Marshall fearfully after his last word was spoken, then blushed due to awkward silence. The Ice Queen and the Doctor were first to clap, happy and proud of the boys. Fionna clapped gently, then nudged Flame Prince. Cake clapped as well, and it was quickly contagious. Soon everyone was clapping. Marshall grinned and blushed, and Bubba kissed his chest.

"I think we did it..." He whispered happily. He was right. They had somehow managed to weasel their way into being accepted by the Kingdom. The party went wonderfully after that. The Ice Queen behaved herself, the Flame Prince only caught two things on fire, none of which were people, and no one gave the couple any heat or trouble. Everyone was happy. At ten p.m., the partiers began to trickle out. One by one, or two by two, each walked home tiredly. Gumball retired just minutes earlier than Marshall, and began dressing for bed. Once the last guest was bid farewell, Marshall floated up the stairs, undressed, lied in the bed, and held open his arms. Bubba crawled into the vampire's arms in only boxers, and grinned. "I love you Marshie. I love you so much."

"I love you too bud. Good night... Merry almost Christmas." With that, he dozed off. Bubba fell asleep minutes later, after thanking glob for the love of his life, and for the best outcome of the scary situation.

Bubba groaned gently as soon as he heard Marshall's gorgeous yet loud voice at about six in the morning. "Merry Christmas, Bubba Gumball!"

"Merry Christmas, Marshall Lee Abadeer." He chuckled warmly, a sleepy yet content tone in his voice.

OMG im sorry its short and all but I've got writers block and ugh... But I got you guys another chapter ill try to post one more but until then... ^~^🌸🌸

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