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I stand infront of a girl with pigtails, and a boy with white hair, both looking at me. "Hello I'm Tenshi, may I ask your names?" I ask in a nice voice, looking at the two.

"I'm Maka, and this is Soul. Your Professor Stein's daughter, right?" The girl asks looking at me.

"Yeah, if I may ask, what is your weapon form?" I ask looking at the boy.

"How did you know that I'm the weapon?" He asks astonished.

"Your soul. Your's is more free, as for her's is more grounded." I pause and look at the both of them, examining their wavelengths. "The more free one, is ten to one the weapon."

"You can see souls?!" The girl yells.

"Yeah, can you?" I ask her back, she nods. "That's cool, not many can." I say with a smile.

"I have a idea." Kid says beside me, we all look at him. "Why don't you both turn into your forms, at the same time." He says, gesturing to Soul, and I.

"I'm down." I say.

"That's cool." Soul says normally.

We both jump into the air, and land in the meister's hand. "Wow, your double!" Maka screams looking at me.

"I'm originally just a big mallet, but I heard Kid has a symmetry problem, so I adjusted." I say my head appearing in the head of the mallet.

"Soul, your an actual scythe, that's awesome!" I say looking at his form.

"Yours is cooler." He says in a admiring tone.

"Where's your meister? Isn't it hard to match with Kid's wavelength?" She asks looking at Kid and I.

"No, my wavelength, adjusts, to whoever I'm with." I say, in a sweet tone.

"Wow. That's amazing." She says, with admiration across her face.

"Ready?" Kid asks. 

We all said yes, and the battle commenced.

~Kid POV~

I get into a fighting stance, my left leg behind, my right my hands holding each of the weapons. Maka does the same, spins Soul around, then stand with Soul's blade behind her. We both take a deep breath, and she charges.

Soul's blade flyes at my feet, I jump to not get injured. Maka quickly recovers, and turns around swinging again, only at my head. I bend backwards, my back barely touches the ground, then I jump back up.

"Kid, let's do this!" Tenshi encourages me.

"Got it!" I run to Maka, swinging both my arms, to her head. She dodges each and every attack. I quickly drop to the ground, swinging my leg underneath her, tripping her. As she falls she brings Soul's blade, to my feet.

"Kid, underneath you!" Tenshi yells, catching my attention just in time. I back flipped, out of the situation. I look up to see Maka, back to normal. I charge at her,

"Tenshi, change into your original form!" I yell as I charge. The two mallets, become one, that's taller than myself.

It catches Maka off gaurd, long enough for, me to swing at her side, sending her flying to the side of the school.

"Ugh!" She grunts as her side hits the wall. I walk over, and Soul, stands infront of her.

"We're done, she can't take any more." He says his arms, stretching his hands out to his meister.

"I understand. I don't want to hurt my friends anymore." I say, letting Tenshi, out of her, form.

~Tenshi POV~

I change out of my scythe form, and land beside Soul. "Do you need help, with Maka?" I ask, pointing to the girl in the wall.

"That would be cool." He says as he takes her waist, as I take her hand. Together we start pulling her out of the Maka size dent. 

"Hey you!" Someone screams behind us.

"What do you want, Black Star?" Kid says in a harsh tone, as we still pull the meister out of the wall.

"Not you Kid." After he says that, I'm pulled backwards facing a boy with blue hair. Behind him, a girl with long black hair.

"Black Star!" The girl yells behind him, in a scolding manner.

"It's fine." I give her a kind smile, then look at the boy.

"I wanna fight you!" He screams in my face.

"Ummm, may I ask why?" I question the boy.

"I'm the almighty Blach Star, and I'll surpass god!" He proclaims, pointing to himself.

I nod as I awkwardly say, "Good for you." He pulls my head down, for me to look him in the eyes. I groan as I'm being pulled.

"Your right, I wanna show you what's it like facing a big star, like myself!" He once again proclaims.

"Okay, but can you let go of me first?" I ask in a kind tone, looking at the kid, with pleading eyes.

"Yes." He says as he lets my head face the position it was before.

"I'll humor you. If it's okay with the teachers." I look over to my dad, and Spirt, they nod in approval. "Okay, come on." I say and I walk to tbe middle of the open area, students still watching.

"You coming?" I ask in the center, looking at Black Star. I look to my left, to see my dad walking to me. He stops by ear and whispers.

"He's cocky, knock him down a few pegs." I look to him, and he nods, then walks to the sidelines.

Black Star walks infront of me, and has a confused face on. "Where's your meister?" He asks looking at me.

"Oh, she's already here." I turn my left and right hand into mallets. I raise each above the other, infront of my face.

"You don't need a meister?!" He yells astonished, as the rest of the students gasp.

I smirk and look to him, "This is gonna be fun. I love seeing people's look of fear." I say.

"I'm not scared, your just one person, not a team!" He yells, as the girl turns into nunchucks.

Cocking my head to the side and said "Good, it's not fun, if you admit it." I pause looking at the cocky boy, "Oh, also I'm a Death Scythe. Make this fight, worth my time." I say in a threatening tone, my eyes changing to slits.

"AHH!" He yells charging at me.

'Let the death match begin.'

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