Marine base

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Harmony sat on a small boat stocked with food and water sailing towards her destination. She is sharpening her sword that she got from the training room in means of protection after Sabo insisted. It is not like she will need it. This is a collect information mission not a battle mission. Thought she would like the second one more. But you gotta start from somewhere. Over the horizon did she see the island with the marine base on it. "Bingo." She smirked tying her long red hair into a ponytail so it won't get in the way. Or worser... get cut. she wants to grow it long and beautiful to honor Jaden. She smiled a bitter smile at his name before she sighed at looked down at herself. she should had thought her outfit out more. Sneaking around in metal armor will be hard. She took it off only leaving on her shirt and shirt underneath. "Show time." She muttered jumping into the sea and leading the boat to shore by tugging on a rope attached to it. She swam all the way to the shore where she tied it next to the other boats near to not make it look suspicious. Rinsing her hair of the water did she sprint towards the cliffs on that the base stands. Spitting in both her hands and rubbing it in did she start climbing the high rocky terrain with a set glare. She climbed up fast and precise. Every move thought out perfectly. She can't risk failure. One slip up and the mission will be a failure, or she will fall to her death... So both chances are horrible. The sun is going down when she climbs the final rocks and crawls her way up the grassy ground around the base. Sneaking past the unknowing marines returning into the building does she climb in through the cellar window. Her small body fit though with ease. Landing in a crouch did she hide behind a few barrels filled with sake. Crunching her nose at the smell did she peek around the barrels to see marines passing by behind the open door. As soon as the coast was clear did she walk down the corridor. Tip Toeing her way towards the nearest corner did she tug out a map of her shirt pocket. Unfolding it did she memorize the way she has to go in order to find the marine captains office in which the file containing information about the revolutionary army is at. She run through the corridors, getting unnoticed till she found the door she was looking for. Entering it did she walk towards the cabinets lining the walls and searching for the file in there. "All nice and good but they could have told me where the file is." Harmony cursed under her breath moving to the next cabinet. Footsteps were heard outside of the dark room till the doorknob jingled. Harmony totally shocked slid towards the desk by the window and hid under it. "So we are gonna deliver those news to the HQ and get a reward?" asked a marine walking behind the captain. "Yes. As simple as it sounds it is a hard task to do. We have to be ready in case the revolutionaries attack. They won't let us come away with it that easily." The captain answered walking to his desk before sitting down on his office chair. "So that is why I wear the key to the safe around my neck. It is safer that way. He then pulled his chair nearer to the table and stuck his legs under it. "Huh?" he said pulling the tablecloth up and looking under the desk to see nothing. "I thought I felt something. Must have been the desk leg or something." he said looking better once more before pulling himself up. Harmony let out a silent breath of relief. She managed to hide ninja style before the marine saw her.

 She managed to hide ninja style before the marine saw her

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She gripped the table cloth tighter. She did it. She got the key. When the captain looked down did the key on the chain dangle near her. She gripped it into the tablecloth and as soon as he sat back up did it rip from his neck getting unnoticed by him or his subordinate. "So what is for dinner?" the captain looking up from his paperwork. "I have no idea sir. But I do smell ribs." he said sniffing the air. "Let's go. I can finish this afterwards." the captain answered standing up and walking out of the door with the other marine following behind. Little did they know that it played right into Harmony's cards. She carefully crawled her way out of the table and opened the only cabinet with a lock to see the file labelled top secret. "Idiots." She muttered running to the window. She opened it before pulling her shirt off leaving her only in her skirt and bandages around her chest. She tied one end of the top around the window handle before jumping out of the window. She tugged on the fabric. The window closed giving a satisfying click of locking itself back into place. Harmony held the shirt in one hand while holding the file in her other hand. She run down the cliff to the docks where she climbed onto her boat and sailed towards her home once again. She grinned in victory looking down at the file in her hand. "Like I said. Silent like a cat." she mussed proudly before rowing faster to get back to the revolutionaries as soon as possible. The cook did promise her to bake her a cake if her mission is a success. Pulling her shirt back on and untying her hair did she store the file safely away before looking at the now dark see following the enteral logpose direction home. She leaned back against the back of the boat and steadily steered her way over the calm sea. 

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