Prays for light

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Somebody is shaking me. I opened my eyes slowly and gasped. I was in a cave. The one that was holding me is a boy with spiky blue hair. Some weight is around my wrist. "Oh you are up." said his sweet calming voice. He helped he sit up. My right eye isn't covered anymore. I frowned. "Where is my eyepatch?" I asked silently. "When I found you  it wasn't there. I am Jaden anyway." he spoke. 'They must took it off.' Harmony thought. Her eyes were fixed on Jadens body. He wears a white tank top and dark green pant. His feet are bare and on his wrist is a strange ring with a red ball on it. The red heads eyes travel over herself too. She wears a white dress and the bandage are off too. On one of her writs is the same metal ring. "What is your name?" asked the boy smiling a small fake smile. "Harmony." the young girl spoke. She griped her hair and frowned. "Where are we?" she asked looking at the young boy. He is as old as she is. "In the slave cave." he spoke disappointing. "How can we get out?" Harmony spoke standing up by the word Slave. "We won't little girl." spoke a old guy. All over the place there are people in white and with the chains on them. "What do you mean we won't? There is always a way out!" Harmony said stubbornly. The eyes of the slaves widened. "If we say there isn't then it is true. The most of us are here for more than 15 years." spoke some fat boy. "I won't give up. I did not did what I did to get slaved again." Harmony said looking over the cold stone walls. "What did you do exactly?" asked Jaden. "I won't talk about it. I just wish to forget what happened." The black eyed girl said stopping her searching for an opening. "Where are you from girly?" asked the bulky masculine voice again. Harmony looked up and saw a ugly man in armor. A whip in one hand and a sword in the other. "My sword!" Harmony yelled running for it. The man kicked her away and the slaves gasped. The red head stood up like she only tripped and run for it again. "Stupid brat!" roared the man pointing the tip of the sword at Harmony. She stopped and looked the man death in the eye. A glare that let him freeze. "Who are you brat?!" he asked. "A girl." Harmony spoke calmly. Never did she thought that the Satan pirates training worked. 'Keep giving blunt answers that never bring them somewhere.' "That I see. Now say me your name!" ordered the bulky man. "I don't have a reason to do so." the red head said disobeying an order. "Talk or die!" he roared kicking Harmony against a wall. "Now! Name!" yelled the man pissed already. "I don't want too. My name is my name and a man like you isn't worth even hear it leave my mouth." Harmony said glaring at the man. The room grew silent. "That phrase..." spoke a man. "It is like..."said the old geezer from before. "So the boss is right. You are that little girl from the Satan pirates." the slave trader said. "Shut up. The Satan pirates doesn't exist anymore. Even if I could be that girl it doesn't change a thing." Harmony said standing up. She regretted saying that words. "Now I will enjoy punishing you." he laughed swinging his whip. When it was about to hit her Jaden jumped next to her side. The whip threw both away. "I volunteer!" yelled Jaden standing up and glaring at the man. "Stop it." the young red head said standing up again. "I did had worse. I won't let someone I hardly know sacrifice their life." Harmony said looking at the bulky man again. "You want answers? I will give you some. Just hide that whip of yours away and ask what you want to know." the black eyed girl with a hard glare. The man shook. He knows that glare from somewhere. "What is your full name." He said glaring at his own. "I could ask you the same. My name is Harmony my surname is unknown even to me."   "Where are you from?" he asked again. "A small death island from North blue that is now for a year only history. The home of the deathly illness." Harmony said avoiding the name. "Who are your parents, red head?" asked the man fearing the answer. "My family never told me. They left me behind with my grandmother to grow up." Harmony said glaring even more. "Are you a Satan pirate?" he asked. "No." was her blunt answer. "Of course you are!" he snarled angrily. "Like I said the Satan pirates doesn't exist anymore. How can I be a part of something that doesn't exist? And when you know the answer why do you even ask?" Harmony said. "Why did you join them?" he asked sending her a glare on his own. "I didn't join. I was pressed to do so. Because of my blind faith in a stupid protector of our island. Not even his name is worth a shit anymore. I said some words that pissed them off and as a kind of torture they took me with them. The way they treat their personal prisoners is well known to every living being." Harmony said closing her eyes.  

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