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  The whole place is silent. It is 6:00 in the morning and everyone is just starting to wake up. Dragon woke up Sabo just a few minute ago. "Your first task is survival. Go wake up Harmony." said Dragon. The others behind him snickered. "I will train with her?" Sabo asked with a raised eyebrow not understanding why they are laughing. "Believe me, boy. You will have a hard survival task." said Ivankov. Sabo shrugged and walked towards Harmony's door. He knocked three times. "Harmony?" he asked knocking again. He shrugged and peeked through the door and looked amazed. The girls room one bed with black white striped sheets. The room itself is stony like his but hers does not have a carpet only the wooden floor. A single bookshelf is covering half of one wall. The other half is occupied by a wooden wardrobe with a slide door. A picture is hanging over Harmony's bed. It is a picture of her, Dragon, Ivankov, Kuma and Inazuma. Ivankov has his hands on both of the girl's shoulders keeping her in place. Dragon has an poker face on and Kuma is simply standing there. Inazuma is grinning into the camera. "They look so happy." Sab said. He then looked around a bit more. Swords are hanging on the wall only a meter away from the bed and picture. He then walked towards the bookshelf and read a few titles. " The first, second and third book of swords. It looks like she really likes swordsmanship. Improve you social skills." the blond boy sweatdropped. "She really needs this book." he sighed and walked towards Harmony's bed. "Harmony-chan." he whispered. The girl only groaned and rolled over. "Harmony-cha..." He was cut of with a pillow in the face. "Harmony-chan wake up." Sabo said setting the pillow down. Sabo then shook the girl awake. Harmony opened one of her eyes and send the blond boy a sleepy glare. "It is already 6:20, Harmony-chan." Sabo said trying to reason with the girl.

The whole revolutionary army is eating breakfast now. If you don't count Harmony and Sabo. The door then was kicked open by a small brown booted foot. Harmony walked in with a glare on her face. The whole room sweatdropped. Then red haired swordswoman is dressed in her armour and is dragging a certain blond boy behind her with her right hand. She is holding him by his blond locks. The poor boy is laying on the floor with a look of horror. His eyes are as big as plates and his mouth is wide open with pointy teeth inside. A cloud of dust is rising behind the two kids. "Who of you gave Sabo the idea that we are doing something like survival training together?" she asked with a ice cold voice. The cook walked towards her with a plate with two pieces of chocolate cake on it. "Calm it girl. Dragon-san did." the cook said holding the coake in front of her face. The red haired girl smiled and let go of the blonds locks and run towards the table to eat her cake. Sabo stood up and the whole dining hall clapped. "If you don't count the look on your face did you held yourself really good. Or was she going easy on you?" Sabo ignored his question and looked at Harmony who is sitting next to Terry Gilteo. "You call that survival training?!" he yelled angrily. "Yeah." said Ivankov simply.  

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