First mission

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3 years went by since Makos death and the revolutionary army is back in track. Planning in their new base, doing missions and training. The clashing of two weapons is heard in the middle of the woods around the new hideout. The soft peddling of feet, the clashing of metal with metal, panting and loud heartbeats are heart there. The battlefield is surrounded by broken and cut down trees with a few boulders slit in half too. "How did you even cut the rock?" asked a male voice while he blocked a blow with his pipe. "Training... You-you should try it too." his female opponent panted deflecting his in haki coated pole with all her strength. They were both exhausted as hell. No wonder thought. They have been at this since 3 hours. Like always did it started as separate training till they started showing off and ended up in a fight. "Just give up Sabo! We both know I am better." the red haired female said pushing his pipe back and cutting diagonally at his chest. The said male jumped back and stuck her into her ribcage when he saw an opening. "I am not even close to giving up! I am going to be the winner today!" he said smirking and lifting his pipe over his head and striking down onto her right shoulder in a quick manner. Harmony blocked the blow with her katana and jumped back before trying to cut her opponent's head off. "Idiot! You are at your limit!" she panted and pushed against his weapon of choice in order to overpower him. "So are you." the blonde boy panted and pushed back. The two pushed against each other's weapons with all might. Sabo frowned and coated his pipe in haki while Harmony's eyes narrowed and the back armor shielded her katan from the blows. "I will end up as the winner!" they yelled together pushing harder. The two yelled out in rage trying to push the other person back. This ended up in both of them flying backwards and crashing into trees. Silence overwhelmed the battlefield. Each of the teens only heard their wild heartbeat and heavy panting. Harmony then cracked one dark eye open and watched the clouds pass by. She then chuckled and closed them again. "Are you still alive?" she asked playfully earning a grunt from Sabo who walked to her frame laying on the ground. "It is a tie." he breathed out helping the redhead up. The two teens wobbled to a fire near their battlefield and started making lunch for themselves. "You haki got better. We will have to train hand to hand soon so I can punch you in the face again." she said smiling. "Like you aren't doing it anyway." he commented before getting hit over the head by a pale hand. "Idiot." Harmony said annoyed. Sabo took out a bag filled with bandages and after taking some himself did he pass them to his red haired friend. Harmony took out the remaining bandages and took out her armor and top to started wrapping up her wounds with them. She treated her right foot, left arm and some minor cuts before she aimed her attention at her left forearm. Sabo looked up to meet a topless Harmony tying her bandages with her teeth while sitting on a log. "You call me an idiot but you are the one sitting here half naked!" he said red in the face. "My chest is bandaged, baka." she said with the bandages between her white teeth. The blonde boy sighed and walked over to the 13 year old swordswoman and helped her wrap her arm up. She slapped her hand over his cheek making him wince. "Why did you..." Sabo trailed off when his hand hit a band aid on the hurt place. "You had a cut there." she replied stirring the food in the pot over the burning fire. Sabo blushed and looked to the side.

They ate their lunches when they felt somebody coming. They both sat abruptly up making their sore muscles scream in process. They pointed their weapons and the incomer to realise it is just Bunny. "Dragon-san is calling you two." he said before snickering when he saw the pained expressions on their faces. "This is why we always keep you two seperate when you train. It ends up with you both sore and hurt." he said making the two teens pout. "What does he want anyway?" asked Sabo before his eyes met Harmony's frame eating the rest of their food all alone in a rush. He sweatdropped and shook his head. It is a normal thing with her. "How am I supposed to know, I am just here to pick you two up." he said and threw the two bruised teens over his shoulder like sacks of potatoes. Sabo frowned while Harmony puffed out her cheeks but other than that was there no other sign of protest. Bunny set the two kids down and walked away when they reached Dragons new office. Sabo raised his fist ready to knock till Harmony walked in with a bother in the world. Sabo looked frightened and run after her only to see Dragon sitting there like he was expecting her move all along. "So what do you need, old man?" she asked without any kind of respect. "Show respect, Harmony." scoded Sabo. "I only respect the cook here. And that only because he makes the cake." she said nonchalantly making Sabo sweatdropp again. "I wanted to inform you two about a new member arriving soon." Dragon said making the two look at him questionably. "New member?" they asked together. "She will be around you age. An ex slave that wants to change the world like we do." he explained making the two nod. "Wait she?!" Sabo yelled surprised. "I am girl enough here. We don't need her." argued Harmony annoyed. "Actually you are more a guy than girl." Sabo said which earned him a punch into the jaw that send him flying into the wall. "YOU SAY THAT ONE MORE TIME AND YOU WILL THE NEXT GIRL HERE!!" she yelled with fire in her eyes. "I am sowwy." Sabo muttered defeated. "The other news are the Harmony is going on her first mission in three days." Dragon said unfazed by the commotion. "Mission?" the two teens asked together again. "Yes. You are strong enough to go alone. You will have to grab some documents from the Marine base in the east from us. They have some information about us in there and it is better if they stay secret." he explained earning a nod from the red haired female. "Got it!" she said exited and left with Sabo in tow. "You sure you wanna go alone?" he asked worried for his friend. "Of course. I am strong, clever and silent like a cat. I am made for this job." she said happily before bumping into a table making the lamp on it fall down and shatter to pieces. "Silent like a cat you say?" Sabo asked sweatdropping. "Shut it." Harmony said embarrassed and walked to her room happily. "I will go there steal the files and return fast like lightning. You will see." she said proudly. "Just be carefull, Harmony." Sabo warned. "Don't worry. I have many goals to do before I die anyway." she said smiling a honest smile and plopped down onto her bad with Sabo. "You will have to show the girl around. Make a friend, you idiot. I can't play with a kid like you all the time." she said in a stuck up way. "We are the same age!" he yelled annoyed by her act. "You wish." she scoffed before giggling. The two teens soon broke out in a fit of laughter together.

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